- Causes of increased oiliness of the scalp
- Choose a suitable shampoo
- Correctly my head
- Folk methods
Beautiful and healthy hair is the best decoration of a woman. A frequent problem in women, and men is the oily scalp. This causes a lot of problems, since the hair quickly becomes dirty, and has a not very pleasant appearance. This is due to the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Before proceeding to the solution of the problem, if the oily scalp is what to do, it is necessary to understand the causes leading to such a violation in the body.
to content ↑Causes of increased head skin fat
The production of sebum is a necessary process that helps protect the skin from negative external influences. But if the work of the sebaceous glands is exacerbated excessively, the scalp becomes fat.
The reasons for this phenomenon can be several:
- Hormonal alteration of the body. It can occur in adolescents during puberty. In women, hormonal imbalance occurs during pregnancy, after it, or as a result of taking hormonal drugs.
- The cause may be frequent stress, chronic lack of sleep, nervous overexertion. They affect not only the work of the sebaceous glands, but also have a negative impact on the entire body as a whole.
- Another reason is seborrheic dermatitis, which is dangerous because the composition of sebum changes, it is oversaturated with free fatty acids. This can lead to active multiplication of bacteria, and even to blockage of the sebaceous glands.
- Incorrect food - eating a large amount of fatty, floury, sweet.
- Wash the head with very hot water. This increases the work of the sebaceous glands.
- Excessive care with moisturizing and nourishing masks.
Important! The fat content of the skin is also affected by factors such as ecology, climate, and even bad habits.
Oily scalp care
What if very oily scalp? Many believe that it is useless to struggle with this, but it is not so. Let's see what experts recommend to us in such cases:
- Wash your head only as it gets dirty, preferably with a special shampoo for oily hair.
- During the day, hair should be combed as little as possible. When combing, we distribute sebum through the hair.
Important! If the hair is a normal type, then this procedure will only benefit, since sebum protects our hair from damage. But if the work of the sebaceous glands is elevated, then the hair will quickly get dirty.
- After shampooing, it is advisable to rinse the hair with a decoction of herbs, for example chamomile, oak bark or calendula. This will reduce the work of the sebaceous glands. Instead of decoction of herbs, you can use lemon juice diluted in water.
- Do not dry your hair with a hairdryer, it's best to let them dry naturally. But if you need to use a hair dryer, it is better to dry it with cold air.
- Rinse hair after washing with cool water, it will narrow the pores and the probability of rapid contamination will be less.
- Use caution when using balms and hair conditioners. When using, apply them to the ends of the hair, not to the scalp.
- Do not rub your head too hard - it stimulates the production of fat.
- To quickly remove excess fat, use baby powder. Apply it to the roots of the head, leave it for 5 minutes, then carefully comb the hair.
- Eat well and drink plenty of water.
Choosing the right shampoo
Today in the cosmetics market there is a wide selection of shampoos for every taste and for any type of hair. However, not every shampoo can solve your problem. In our case, a shampoo is required that will softly clean the scalp and hair without damaging them.
Important! Do not buy shampoo for all hair types or 2 in 1 with conditioner. It is best if it is a shampoo for oily hair. It is best to pay attention to the remedy from the treatment series.
For oily hair shampoos, which include:
- sulenium sulphide and zinc - they save hair from greasy shine;
- pumpkin oil;
- clay;
- essential oils of peppermint, grapefruit, orange;
- extracts of bark of an oak, calendula, a rosemary.
Important! But the presence of silicone and lanolin is undesirable.
to the contents ↑Correctly my head
It seems that in this complex, the child will cope. But it turns out that even here there can be pitfalls. A person with oily scalp should know the following:
- Do not wash your hair more often 2 times a week. The more often we wash my head, the more active the sebaceous glands.
- Try to wash your hair in the morning, as the sebaceous glands are most active in the evening and at night.
- Water for washing your head should be at room temperature.
- Apply the shampoo to the scalp and leave it for a couple of minutes.
Important! Balms should be selected for dry hair and applied to the ends of the hair, avoiding the roots of the hair.
to content ↑Folk methods
The use of cosmetics alone is not enough, it is also necessary to use folk methods. There are a lot of them, let's consider the most effective ones.
Clay is considered very useful for the skin, especially blue. There are many micronutrients. In addition, the clay has astringent action, narrowing the pores, as well as anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, so it is ideal even for the treatment of fungal diseases.
To prepare the mask, you need to take clay, dilute it with water to a creamy state. Apply to the scalp for half an hour and rinse with warm water.
Serum based on pomegranate peel
If you have a problem how to make the scalp less greasy, then the serum based on pomegranate peel will help you. You will need a peel of pomegranate and boiling water:
- Peel should be infused in boiling water for an hour.
- Then get out and get the resulting solution to the scalp for half an hour before washing.
Soap Soap
This is a very effective remedy for combating high fatness of the head. But use it correctly:
- Before use, put the bar in a small amount of water and leave for 20 minutes.
- Then the soap needs to be got, and the soap solution is foamed, and this foam is applied to the hair.
Important! With tar soap you can wash your hair every day, it does not dry much hair. During the treatment, you can not use cleansing shampoos and conditioners.
Alcohol tinctures of herbs
Alcohol is a true friend for those with fatty hair.
Important! Its application results in cleansing the scalp from excess fat and narrows the pores on the skin. Its most effective combination with herbs, such as chamomile, calendula, St. John's wort.
How to use:
- For 10 parts of alcohol is 1 part of medicinal herbs.
- You can even use a collection consisting of several herbs.
- The mixture is poured into a container with a tight lid, infused in a dark cool place for two weeks.
- Then filtered.
Important! Ready mix should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 3 months.
An excellent remedy for oily hair is infusion from the root of burdock. To do this:
- 2 tablespoons of crushed roots burdock pour 1 cup boiling water.
- Next - boil 10-15 minutes, drain, allow it to cool.
- Infusion is rubbed into the roots of the hair for 2 weeks.
Important! Such a decoction can also be used for rinsing after washing the head.
Make a medicine from the nettle is very simple:
- 100 g of crushed leaves brew in 1 liter of boiling water.
- Wait until the broth cools and drain.
Important! The broth of nettle strengthens the hair and normalizes the production of fat. This broth should be rinsed after washing your hair.
Onions improve blood supply, strengthen hair, eliminate dandruff. The most popular ways of treatment with onions:
- Onion juice is mixed with vodka in a proportion of 1 to 1. Half an hour before washing the head, this mixture is rubbed into the scalp.
- 50 g of onion husks brew in 1 liter of boiling water. Obtain the broth and cool it. Use for rinsing.
Important! Neutralize the smell from this treatment with vinegar diluted in water.
Home Ointments
Combat the problem of fatness of the head with home remedies:
- Mix the juice of half a lemon, 2 chicken yolks and a few drops of burdock oil or castor oil. Apply the ointment before washing your head.
- Combine liquid honey and sour cream. Add the same juice of aloe, lemon and castor oil, you can add a pair of cloves of garlic. The resulting mixture is applied to the hair an hour before washing the head.
If all the measures taken have not produced the desired result, then it is necessary to consult a dermatologist, because the problem may lie in the malfunctioning of the endocrine glands and other vital organs.
In this article we gave you a lot of useful tips, which you can choose for yourself when you need to decide what to do if the oily scalp. We hope that if you use one of these tools, you finally got the expected result, and now always look well-groomed and beautiful.