- Vinegar handling rules
- Features of skin damage with acetic acid
- How to neutralize vinegar?
- Useful advice in everyday life
Since ancient times to this day, acetic acid is an indispensable assistant of man in cooking, medicine and at home. It is difficult to imagine the kitchen of the modern housewife without a bottle of vinegar or the essence of this product. However, improper handling of such a dangerous product can lead to unpleasant consequences, and the spoiled taste of the prepared dish is just "flowers", so you should always know what to neutralize vinegar.
to the contents ↑Vinegar treatment rules
Acetic acid was obtained long before our era. Some researchers claim that to preserve beauty and maintain a tonus, Cleopatra, known to all, drank a drink in which apple cider vinegar was diluted.
But today's vinegar is quite dangerous for health, it's not for nothing that they write on the bottles with the product "Dangerous for life".Get a vinegar burn very easily, shedding it on an open skin area, even more dangerous - getting the product inside.
To avoid such problems, you should not forget about the elementary rules for handling this product, and you should start executing them even during the purchase:
- Buy only a high-quality product. Do not forget that vinegars are natural and synthetic. The natural product produces acetic acid bacteria in alcohol-containing liquids, for example, in unclosed wine or in fermented apple juice. A synthetic product was obtained in 1898, and today acetic acid is produced from by-products of chemical fertilizer production or from dry distillation of wood. In our country, 90% of the product is derived from wood residues, so it is better to use this vinegar for household and household purposes: to remove scale, rust, glue, etc.
- If you open a bottle of acetic acid, never smell the productat the neck, do not hold the bottle close to the nose, so as not to get a burn of the airways. If you want to smell the product, then wave the palm next to the bottle neck at arm's length so that the smell reaches you.
- When using acetic acid, be sure to follow the recommendations and proportions indicated on the package.
- When preparing dishes, strictly follow the recipe and do not neglect the neutralization of vinegar, so as not to spoil the taste of food and not to increase the acidity of the stomach.
- If you use acetic acid for household purposes, make sure to ventilate the room after use. And to neutralize vinegar, more precisely its aroma, use the scent absorber, which is often used as a means for caring for pets, or use, for this purpose, salt or soda.
Features of skin damage with acetic acid
Vinegar belongs to the category of organic acids, and the burn resulting from the ingress of the product onto human skin or mucous membranes is classified as a chemical.
All acetic acid burns are divided into two main types:
- External. As a result of this kind of burn, the skin areas or mucous membranes of the eyes, nose, mouth of the victim are affected.
- Internal burn. As a result of getting acetic acid inside, the internal organs of a person are affected.
First aid for external burn
To avoid many unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to know how to act when an aggressive chemical enters the skin. To help yourself and other victims and safely neutralize vinegar, use the following recommendations:
- If a chemical has got on your clothing, immediately remove it.
- Strongly rinse affected area with running cold water.
Important! Flushing should be abundant and prolonged, not less than 20 minutes. In addition, enough cold water will reduce pain.
If you are helping the victim, while he is washing the affected area of the skin, prepare a weak soda solution or a normal soap solution. These are the means by which you can solve the problem than to neutralize vinegar. Rinse the burn with a mortar.
- If the vinegar has got into your eyes, then proceed in the same way, in the intervals between washing your eyes with cold running water, use a carefully stirred weak soda solution.
- After thorough washing on the affected area of the skin, apply a moist compress to neutralize the residues of the corrosive chemical.
- Burn the burned area with an antiseptic, and apply a special preparation against burns, for example "Ricinol" or "Panthenol".
- Apply a loose bandage to the affected area so that it does not squeeze the skin and does not cause discomfort and pain.
Important! If the burn is severe enough, then immediately go to the hospital or call an ambulance. The specialists will provide all the necessary effective assistance and give the necessary recommendations to the victim.
First aid for internal burn
Internal burn is much more dangerous than the external burn, and can have quite deplorable consequences for the victim. If poisoning with 9% vinegar, as a rule, is manifested by a chemical burn of the mucous membrane of the stomach, esophagus and oropharynx, then poisoning with 70% acetic essence can result in death.
If an aggressive chemical enters the human digestive tract, it is necessary:
- immediately rinse the stomach and intestines with plain water;
- without interrupting rinsing, it is necessary to immediately call an ambulance.
Important! The ingress of acid into the stomach of the victim can lead to burning of his inner walls, since the acid effect will be intensified by the hydrochloric acid present in the stomach.
Internal burn can lead to necrosis of the tissues of the oral cavity, larynx, stomach, esophagus. Especially dangerous is the ingress of acetic acid in an empty stomach.
Important! Ignore the internal burn in any case impossible, and calling the doctor home - it is required.
Internal acid burns take place in several stages, namely:
- Toxic shock and the manifestation of intoxication.
- Toxemia with hyperthermia, with manifestations of acute intoxication psychosis.
- Complications of an infectious nature that manifest themselves in the form of gastritis, pancreatitis, as well as pneumonia and peritonitis.
- Burning asthenia and decreased total body weight, due to a violation of the protein and electrolyte balance of the body.
- Recovery.
Methods for treatment of internal burns
Treatment of poisoning with acetic acid includes measures that are aimed at rapid removal of the corrosive substance from the digestive tract and correction of abnormalities arising in the case of burn disease in internal systems and organs. Namely:
- At the scene, immediately wash the stomach with cold water( 10-15 liters) with a thick probe, lubricated with vaseline oil.
Important! A non-probe gastric lavage( artificial vomiting) is dangerous, since the repeated passage of acid through the esophagus only increases the degree of burn.
- To stop painful shock, the patient is injected with a solution of atropine( 2-4 ml).
- To prevent exotoxic shock, it is advisable to use such drugs:
- Analgin;
- Promedol;
- Fentanyl;
- Omnupon;
- preparations from the category of antispasmodics( Halidor, Papaverin).
Important! All procedures will be most effective if they start to be conducted no later than 6 hours from the moment of receiving the burn.
With deep, severe internal burns:
- forms scars that do not overgrow and disappear with time;
- is a narrowing of the esophagus, which not only negatively affects the quality of life of the patient, but also often leads to disability.
Important! Treatment in this case is long and involves a whole complex of procedures, including antibiotic therapy and hormone therapy. Treatment of cicatricial narrowing of the esophagus is carried out with the help of bougie.
Tips & Tricks:
- If acetic acid gets inside, immediately drink plenty of water, milk or kefir - these are the means by which you can neutralize vinegar.
- Burning in the throat can be reduced by a solution of Romazulan. Buy it in a pharmacy is an extract of chamomile and azulene flowers.
- Neutralize vinegar with water and soda, and then wash the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. After washing, drink activated charcoal and strong black tea.
How to neutralize vinegar?
A chemical neutralization reaction is a reaction between an acid and an alkali, resulting in the formation of salt and water. To observe the neutralization reaction itself, it is possible only if an indicator is added to the acid solution, which will change the color of the solution. As soon as you add alkali to the color solution, the color will disappear immediately.
One of the options for neutralizing vinegar is a solution of sodium hydroxide( NaOH).To do this:
- Special chemical flasks are filled with a dilute solution of sodium hydroxide and acetic acid.
- Add a few drops of the indicator to the flask with sodium hydroxide, for example phenolphthalein( you can add a catalyst).
- Then add the acid to the alkali solution, gently one drop.
- Continue adding the acid solution until all of the sodium hydroxide is converted to salt.
Important! This transition you can observe, by changing the color of the indicator: the crimson color of the solution completely disappears, and the liquid becomes transparent.
Modern acid neutralization method
In the event of an accident and acetic acid spillage, a more modern method of neutralizing acetic acid is used in factories using an automatic filling machine. The entire surface, contaminated with acid, is treated with anhydrous powdered sodium carbonate.
This treatment of the contaminated surface is carried out until a thick paste is formed, and the paste itself is not removed. With subsequent acid spills on the pallet and in the event of a liquid phase, the spill site is again treated with sodium carbonate until a liquid-phase bonding paste appears. If the acid has got to the surface located outside the pallet, then the neutralization process is carried out with water, until a solution with a concentration of 25-30% is obtained.
Important! Neutralize acetic acid can only two alkalis: it can be either sodium carbonate or sodium hydroxide. Acetic acid is a rather aggressive chemical. Therefore, in order to avoid consequences, when using it, be sure to adhere to the safety practices and our recommendations. When working with acid, use gloves to protect the skin of your hands, and do not overdo it with concentration. Remember, it's always easier to prevent a problem than to fix it later.
to the table of contents ↑Useful tips in everyday life
The question of how and how to neutralize vinegar can arise not only when it gets on the skin, inside the body or when used in industries too acidically aggressive from the acid point of view. Such a problem can happen with any mistress who decided to please her family with a tasty red borsch or salad, which prescribes the addition of this ingredient. What to do in this situation? The outputs can be as follows:
If you are interested in neutralizing vinegar in a borsch, ordinary water or sugar will help here:
- first - add to the total volume to reduce the acid concentration;
- a second product is also added gradually to the total weight of the soup until the acid is reduced.
In the case of a salad, the following will help:
- washing ingredients, for example, as part of vegetables and subsequent re-filling, but in the right amount;
- addition of sugar - the amount can be different, depending on the total amount of the dish, focus on the taste.
When preparing a hot dish or ingredients that you do not want to wash, it is possible to neutralize vinegar:
- is one of the dairy products - add sour cream or cream;
- with sugar powder.
Important! There is information on the Internet about using soda and rice in this case, but:
- soda can only exacerbate the situation with the incorrect dosage of constituents in the dish;
- rice - absorbs only excess salt, but not acid.
Therefore, such advice is unlikely to be really effective.
We hope, from this article you have received a full amount of information on what and how to neutralize vinegar in different situations. Use this product neatly, then you will just have to enjoy the exquisite taste of dishes and cleanliness in the house, and not solve unusual tasks.