- Causes of clogs
- How to clean the toilet bowl?
- Than to clean?
- Simple blockage
- If the pipes
- are hammered Clean the blockage with the
- plumbing cable If you live in a private house
- Prevention of blockages
The litter of a toilet, wash or bath is a nuisance phenomenon, but normal. The bath suffers from blockages less often, but with washes and toilets it happens regularly, if the hostess and family members are not attentive enough. How to clean the toilet in the home from clogging, not attracting plumbing? There are several ways, which we will discuss in detail in this article.
to content ↑Causes of clogging
The reason for any clogging is, in fact, one. In the toilet, something is horrible, water does not go away, respectively - it can not be used. What can be in the toilet? Most often it is:
- Rags;
- Sponges;
- Children's toys;
- Plastic bottles;
- Personal hygiene items that are not intended for draining into drains;
- Too large food waste.
Important! It also happens that in the toilet, like, nothing happened, but the water still does not go away. This can happen if the pipes are overgrown with rust, lime deposits, or there is a global backwater over the entire riser. With overgrown pipes you can sort out and with your own resources, but to eliminate the backwater you will have to turn to the utility services.
to the contents ↑How to clean the toilet?
Before you start cleaning the toilet, you need to determine the extent of the problem. Clogs are:
- Local - water still leaves, but very slowly;
- General - water is not only in the toilet, but in the sink of the bathroom;
- Headrest over the whole staircase of the entrance.
To begin with, you need to determine where exactly the blockage occurred:
- Check the bath and the sink - turn on the water and see how the water goes - as always or more slowly.
- If the water leaves badly from the toilet, you need to determine the place where the object that fenced the pipe was hit. This can greatly facilitate the process.
- In case of serious blockage, it is desirable to interview the neighbors from above and below. If they also formed clogs for no apparent reason - without the help of plumbing can not do.
What to clean?
There are several effective ways to clean the toilet from a blockage at home:
- Mechanical - is used if you know for sure that there was an object in the toilet that is not very deep or if the pipes are heavily overgrown.
- Chemical - applies in all other cases.
Simple blockage of
If a foreign object has appeared in the toilet inadvertently, then it is possible to get rid of the problem very simply - just get it out of the toilet, it can be done in one of the following ways.
Option number 1
It is often possible to empty the toilet from objects that have fallen into it simply with your hands. For this you will need:
- Rubber prints;
- Gauze dressing or respirator.
Important! Why gloves are needed is understandable: you should not climb into the toilet with your bare hands. But the gauze bandage is desirable to wear, because the smell from the toilet can be very unpleasant, especially if the object was lying in the toilet for a long time.
Variant number 2
With ordinary clogs, an ordinary plunger will perfectly handle. On sale you can find these products of two types:
- Suction cup with a long handle;
- Plastic corrugated cylinder without handle.
For the toilet is more suitable first option, the order of its use is very simple:
- Bleed all the water from the toilet.
- Place the suction cup on the hole in which the water runs off.
- Press the knob a few times, pull it firmly toward you.
- Lower the water - if it goes slower than necessary, repeat the procedure.
- Wash the toilet using a plumbing fixture.
If the pipes of the
are clogged up Sometimes it happens so that no foreign objects get in the toilet, and the water suddenly ceases to leave. How to clean the blockage in the toilet at home in this case? Try one of the chemical methods, for this you will need:
- Baking soda;
- Means for cleaning sewer pipes.
Option number 1
Soda remarkably dissolves fat deposits. This is the most budgetary way of cleaning pipes, but with serious blockages, this tool may not be effective enough.
You will need:
- Bucket or basin;
- 1 packet of soda;
- Detergent for plumbing;
- Ladle.
- Bleed all the water from the toilet.
- Put soda in the hole and push it as far as possible.
- Wait an hour.
- Release the water.
Option number 2
We clean the toilet bowl with chemicals. In the hardware stores you can find a lot of tools for cleaning the sewer pipes( Turbo, Sano Drain, Tortillo, Tiret, "Mole").The cheapest and most popular is the "Mole".
Apply it this way:
- Completely clear the toilet from water.
- Pour into the hole "Mole".
- Wait 2 hours.
- Release the water.
- If the water starts to go away normally, wash the toilet.
Important!"Mole", like many other chemicals for sewage - a very corrosive substance. Working with it, you need to protect your hands with gloves, and also to ensure that the chemistry does not get into the eyes or the skin.
to the contents ↑Clean the clog with a plumbing cable
A plumbing cable is a useful thing in any farm. You can buy such a tool in any economic or construction shop. It is a fairly long wire with a handle-collar.
Before starting work with this device, you should completely empty the toilet from water, however, in emergency situations, you can do without it. In order to eliminate blockage from the pipe using a cable, you will still need the following:
- Rag;
- Large cloth;
- Rubber gloves.
Important! Spread a rag on the floor - you put a cable on it, because after work it will not be the cleanest thing in the house.
Action plan:
- Insert the cable into the toilet hole.
- Scrolling the gate, push the wire as far as possible.
- Turn the driver in the opposite direction to exit.
- Put a cable on the rag, and then clean it of dirt with a rag.
- Lower the water - if it does not go off as quickly as you would like, you should repeat the manipulation.
- After completion of the procedure, clean the cable well.
Important! If your arsenal does not have a plumbing cable, then you can just use a stiff long steel wire - of course, it's less convenient, but feasible.
to the contents ↑If you live in a private house
Unfortunately, toilets can become clogged not only in urban apartments, but also in private homes. Variants of blockages can be such.
Option number 1
The house is connected to a common sewer system - the same rules apply here as in an apartment building. That is, simple blockages can be eliminated by chemical or mechanical means, except for the use of a plumbing cable.
Important! To clean the toilet at home from clogging, when it was formed in the pipes, it is better to call plumbing, otherwise - there may be trouble with neighbors and with the service company.
Option No.2
If there is a local sewer system in the house, any means, both mechanical and chemical, can be used. However, it may happen that neither "Mole", nor the cable, nor the plunger will help. Then you need to deal with the system itself, and this is unlikely you will be able to. You'll have to call the plumbing - best of all the one that already served your house.
Option No.3
If there is no sewer in the house( the toilet feces are sent to a cesspool located near the house) is the simplest case. To eliminate the backwater, you should clean the cesspool, and then thoroughly wash the toilet with specially designed detergents for plumbing.
to content ↑Prevention of blockages
Like any of the disasters, the litter of the toilet is easier to prevent than to mess with dirty wire or caustic substances. There are several rules that will help to avoid trouble:
- Do not let go of large items in the toilet bowl.
- You can put the toilet paper in the toilet, but the newspaper can not.
- Keep an eye on the children - very often in the toilet bowl are toys.
- On personal hygiene packaging, as a rule, it is indicated whether they can be lowered into the toilet bowl or not, so do not forget to look in the instruction.
- Refuse the habit of lowering into the toilet solid food waste, such as cartilage, bones.
- For cleaning the toilet bowl, a brush with a long handle will fit much more than a sponge or a rag - it surely will not fail anywhere.
- Do not tighten until blockage becomes global - if the water starts to go slower, clean the pipes.
Now you know not only how to clean the toilet from clogging, but also how it can be prevented, and how to properly care for plumbing so that it will last long and trouble-free. Adhering to these simple tips and rules, the clogging will appear at you much less often, which means that the house will be comfortable.