- What do you want to get?
- Features of your machine
- What to consider?
- A bit about the
- grades A monosort or a mixture?
- How are they fried?
- Where did it grow?
- We rate the quality of
- Should I buy ground coffee?
- Let's talk about the brands
They say that morning coffee is not a luxury, but a means of awakening. For many, it is really so. A coffee machine in such a situation - the assistant is simply irreplaceable, because it is enough to put raw materials, set the desired regime and get a cup of a wonderful, invigorating, fragrant drink. But in order to make the unit happy for a long time, it needs to be taken care of, and first of all - to load what it really can process. What is the best coffee for a coffee machine? The choice depends on many factors, which we will now talk about.
to the contents ↑What do you want to get?
Before deciding what kind of coffee coffee is best for a coffee machine, think about what exactly you want to get. The present morning coffee should be:
- delicious;
- fragrant;
- is strong enough.
If everyone has a different opinion about the taste of this drink, then there are certain rules regarding the rest. Coffee should smell exactly like coffee, and nothing else.
Important! Many machines know how to brew a drink of different strengths, but in any case if you ordered your "helper" black and invigorating - the cup should not have a dubious transparent liquid of light brown color. And this can easily happen if the raw materials do not meet the most basic standards.
to the contents ↑Features of your machine
The choice can be affected by the coffee machine itself. It is necessary to consider several of its features:
- what kind of grinding is required;
- knife shape;
- the relative position of the infusion container and the boiler.
The best coffee for a coffee machine - the one from which you will get a drink that meets your requirements, and the machine does not break.
to the contents ↑What to consider?
In addition to the features of the machine, it is necessary to bear in mind a number of factors:
- grade of coffee;
- the country where it was grown;
- degree of roasting;
- expiration date,
- packing.
A bit about
varieties The coffee grade depends on the type of coffee tree. There are more than seven dozen of them. Delicious coffee coffee for a coffee machine can grow on a tree that belongs to one of five varieties:
- robusta;
- arabica;
- ekzelsa;
- liberal;
- Cameroonian.
Important! The most popular is arabica. It gives approximately 70% of raw materials for the coffee industry. In second place is robusta, its share is about 28%.The remaining three species belong to the category of exotic, these varieties are rare and, as a rule, in mixtures.
Arabica or Robusta?
Quite often, manufacturers mix Arabica and Robusta grains. The ratio depends on the strength of the drink and its taste:
- The drink from Robusta beans is not so tasty and aromatic, but it has excellent tonic qualities. Perhaps, according to this indicator Robusta is a champion. This is explained by the fact that the robusta has more caffeine in beans than in others.
- A drink made from "pure" arabica, mild taste, slightly acid.
Important! Robusta - bitter, not everyone likes it. But many prefer this particular variety because of the thick foam that is always formed during cooking.
The most "coffee" flavor - in the liberty. However, from the beans of this variety, very weak drinks are obtained, there is almost no caffeine. This is more of a surrogate than real coffee. In addition, his taste is bitter.
Strongly bitter and excretion.
Important! As for the Cameroonian tree, its fruits are not suitable either for coffee makers or for coffee machines - they contain too much oil. Any unit will very quickly fail, so these grains are used only for mixtures or for manual coffee making, and then not in any coffee house.
to content ↑Monosort or mixture?
On the package( or price tag, if the coffee is weighed) you can find the inscription that the content of Arabica is so many percent. For example, 100%.This means that there is little caffeine, but there are a lot of tastes of this sort. This, of course, is more important for a gourmet than for a person who needs coffee, first of all, in order to finally wake up. But it is possible that you - also one day become a true connoisseur, and will look for each grade a certain shade.
In this case, it is better to choose mono-coffee, that is, for grains that are collected in the same country, and even in a certain region of this country. The taste of such an amateur, Arabica, grown in Africa, differs from Brazilian or Hawaiian, like heaven and earth. Most often in the packaging are beans of one crop.
But we take into account, what coffee is better for coffee machines - most often use mixtures, for example, 90/10, 80/20, 70/30, etc. The first number shows how much a mixture of Arabica, the second - robusta. If other varieties are added, this is written separately.
to the contents ↑How are they fried?
Green on sale, of course, is found. But most often it is sold to fried. If you have tried many varieties of coffee, you probably already noticed that the taste of drinks from the same kind of grains can be very different. It depends on a number of factors, and not least on the degree of roasting. It happens:
- is easy;
- average;
- is strong.
Scandinavian or American?
In this case, the process takes very little time. This option is used if you want to get a weak drink. Most often it is coffee with milk or cream. Light, it's light, roasting, is also not the same. It happens:
- Scandinavian;
- American.
Important! Scandinavian roasting is performed at a temperature of 200 ° C to 210 ° C., American - from 210 ° C to 220 ° C.This kind of treatment allows you to save different flavors - herbs, fruits, etc.
Average roasting, also Viennese, is conducted at a temperature of 225-230 ° C.It is most often used for making different versions of espresso. It turns out a strong drink, a bit bitter.
Actually, this is the same coffee, which was tried almost everything. The most popular degree of processing, and it is from such grains that the overwhelming majority of coffee blends are made for coffee machines, since it is possible to obtain an average grinding - optimal for household units. That is, such coffee is better for a coffee machine.
French, Italian, Spanish
Dark roasting is not suitable for all machines. Coffee turns out very strong, but also bitter. Substantially fried grains are used to prepare a powder with a coarse fraction, which is used for coffee makers and espresso machines, as well as for cooking in a Turkish.
Several varieties are known:
- French;
- is Italian;
- is Spanish, it's also Cuban.
The grains are fried at a temperature of 240 ° C, 245 ° C and 250 ° C.Kislinka is practically not felt, but the taste of caramel is felt. Spanish processing refers to the category of extreme, the grains turn out to be very black and the average coffee lover seem more like coals.
to the contents ↑Where did it grow?
A very important factor affecting the quality of the final product is the country where the tree has grown. More precisely, the climatic zone:
- Arabica - the plant is rather capricious, lives only on very fatty soils in places where there is a lot of moisture.
- Robusta - less fancy, it always gives rich harvests, so this coffee is cheaper.
Important! Changing proportions, producers of grain or ground coffee for coffee makers or coffee machines create new types of raw materials with a predominance of this or that factor. On sale, you can find the grains grown:
- on the islands of the Caribbean Sea;
- in Brazil;
- in Colombia;
- in Mexico;
- in Hawaii;
- in Yemen;
- in Kenya;
- in many other African and Latin American countries.
The coffee beans that were brought from the Caribbean islands are distinguished by their excellent taste and strong aroma. Bitterness in the drink will be almost nonexistent. These beans are not particularly expensive, so many manufacturers are happy to buy them.
Important! The exception is coffee from Puerto Rico, one of the most expensive elite species. & Lt;
Brazil is a world-famous supplier of coffee. Beans have a sweetish flavor and very strong coffee aroma, which is transferred to the drink. Most of the coffee beans entering the retail outlets are grown in Brazil.
Mexico is a popular supplier of inexpensive varieties. Coffee turns out to be moderately strong and with a rather weak bitter taste.
Colombia, although located in the same region of the Earth as Brazil and also actively exports raw materials for the coffee industry, grows weak varieties with little caffeine. These are cheap grains.
Important! Colombian beans are often confused with others.
Coffee grown in Hawaii is distinguished by excellent quality, great taste and wonderful aroma. He only has one drawback - the price. These are expensive varieties, so not particularly popular.
A unique drink is obtained from grains grown in Yemen and other Arab countries. A real Arabic coffee with a slight fruity taste, suggestive of the thoughts of Scheherazade's fairy tales. But the taste at first seems unusual.
to the contents ↑We evaluate the quality of
After learning a little about different types of trees and what the qualities of their fruits are, you can think about how to choose a coffee bean for a coffee machine. Grain can be bought:
- by weight;
- in the package.
Important! In the first case, you can look at what you are offered and sniff. In the second - it is necessary to be content with the information that the manufacturer deemed necessary to tell you.
Weigh coffee
We can not count on any expert assessments in this case. You will have to rely only on your own visual impressions and sense of smell:
- Consider the grains - they should have an oily shine. If they do not shine, besides, they have a gray color, it means - they were incorrectly transported or stored.
- Please note that the grain should be the same size - of course, do not go through the entire bag on the grain, but if you see a lot of fruit with chips or other damage - refuse to purchase.
- Smell what you are offered - the seeds you need should smell coffee( although the shades may be different), but not moldy or anything else of the same kind. The presence of extraneous smells indicates that the grains were treated inappropriately.
Important! Going to buy coffee, refrain from using perfume and deodorants. Smoking is also not recommended.
The product in the
package. In this case, the contents are hidden from your attentive look, however, you can still judge the quality by visual attributes. The main criteria to identify the best coffee for a coffee machine:
- the presence of a hole with a filter;
- quality of packaging material;
- expiration date;
- price.
Filters and packaging
A filter hole indicates that the manufacturer takes care of its products( and their own reputation).Of course, it is impossible to examine the grain, but it's possible to smell it, and the result already in itself is indicative of quality. The packaging itself should be whole and even.
Important! If it is swollen - you probably will not find quality grains inside. Raw materials for coffee machines are produced in vacuum packs.
Sometimes coffee beans are sold in stores in cardboard boxes. But this is not the best option. The firm raw material for coffee machines is better preserved in a tin or glass jar. If the manufacturer has taken care of this - there is a very good chance that he took care of everything else.
The cost depends on both the variety and the supplier country. Here it is necessary to look at the ratio:
- If you see expensive Puerto Rican coffee for a coffee machine - everything is in order, it should be expensive.
- But the high price of Mexican grains should alert you. Most likely, the intermediary decided to get a solid profit. But the high price in this case does not guarantee good quality.
Date of manufacture
When buying, be sure to check the expiration date. In principle, the coffee beans for the coffee machine are stored for a long time, but if the product is fresh, it is more likely that the coffee machine will be able to cook what you need from it.
Important! It also happens that the grain does not seem to be overdue, but it smells suspicious. Most likely, this means that they were transported or stored with violations of sanitary norms.
Compare the roasting date and the number when you buy grains:
- is the best option - no more than three weeks after roasting;
- very well - not more than a month;
- is tolerable - up to two months;
- is acceptable - up to 5 months;
- is bad, but without much harm - up to a year.
Should I buy ground coffee?
Grinding is best before cooking. For different drinks, this is done in different ways. For coffeemachines the best coffee is medium grind.
Important! Powder of fine grinding is great for cooking in a Turkish or coffee maker. Coarse grinding is suitable for coffee makers and some coffee machines, but it must be able to properly prepare.
to the contents ↑Let's talk about the brands
The store shelves literally break with coffee. The buyer's eyes scatter, even if he has already dealt with the variety, the country and the type of roasting. What coffee to choose for a coffee machine - more precisely, which brand to prefer? Especially popular are:
- Jardin;
- Paulig;
- Kimbo;
- Guttenberg;
- Malongo.
Brand Jardin offers customers a wide range of grain coffee for coffee machines - with varying degrees of roasting, the ratio of varieties, etc. At the same time, the price is quite reasonable, which is the reason for the popularity of this brand.
Paulig and Guttenberg
Paulig does not recognize mixtures, it only deals with arabica. But the firm Guttenberg - on the contrary, with "pure" arabica does not work, produces a mixture where robusta is present in different ratios.
Kimbo products are excellent coffee without bitterness, but with a pronounced coffee flavor.
The coffee from Malongo gives the clearest coffee taste without any foreign matter. The price, however, is quite high.
These are just some manufacturers whose products have won a good solid reputation. But tasty coffee for a coffee machine you will find in other companies. The main thing is to make sure of really proper quality, and how to do it - you now know.