How to fix a wall panel for the kitchen?

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  • Features of
  • wall panels. Choose
  • material. Preparation for
  • procedure. Go to assembly.
  • . Professional finishing of

. In addition to roll and tile materials, wood and PVC panels are also popular. They are used for finishing various rooms. And often the owners of apartments and private houses try to spend repair work with their own hands to save a solid share of the family budget. This is considered the main reason why users ask the question: "How to mount a wall panel for the kitchen?" - You will learn about this from this article.

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Features of

wall panels The wall panel has many advantages when compared to a tile or wallpaper. The main ones are:

  • Easy installation. During the decoration of the wall, they do not need to be leveled and cleaned from paint or wallpaper. In addition, for such work, you do not need to purchase special tools. It is not even necessary that the qualification of the master be at the highest level, since the work is very simple.
  • Versatile installation. Such panels can be put not only in the kitchen, but also in other rooms, and even in the office.
  • Between the panel and the wall itself can hide wires from cables that always spoil the aesthetics of the interior.
  • It's easy to look after the panel. It is enough to wipe it with a damp cloth once a month. The cleaning agent can also be any, with the exception of abrasive compounds.
  • Save time and money. Such a finish will cost several times cheaper wallpaper and paint, and it is installed faster than the old options.
  • High thermal insulation and sound insulation of the room.
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Choose the material

Before installing the wall panel in the kitchen, you need to think about the choice of material. When choosing it, be guided by the following points:

  • Room humidity.
  • How often does the temperature "skip"?
  • Effect of fat on the walls of the room.
  • Effect of chemical compounds.
  • Influence of other external factors.

The kind of furniture and how its walls are decorated is called the interior design of the kitchen. Modern technologies allow us to put the finishing we are deconstructing, even in the field of a gas cooker. There are many colors and ornaments - the final choice is made based on the preferences of the owner of the room.

This finish can consist of the following materials:

  • Natural wood.
  • Fanery.
  • chipboard, MDF, fiberboard.
  • Plastic.

Important! The coating on the material selected by you should repel moisture and fire well - this factor is simply necessary for the kitchen.

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Preparing for the

procedure Before fixing the wall panel in the kitchen, you need to do some minor preparatory work. The size of wall panels should be chosen, based on the area of ​​finishing the room, style of decoration and mounting features. Also, the parameters can influence the size and shape of the installation:

  • Rectangular bars are called rectangular bars. Their length can be 2.5-3.5 m, and width 12.5-30 cm.
  • Tiled( they are type-setting) - have a square shape. The width of the side is 30 or 98 cm.
  • The leaves are called large rectangles, the dimensions of which are 1.22 * 1.44 m. With the help of sheet form, the lining can be carried out very quickly. Also worth noting that they are very convenient in their use, despite their size.

Important! In the Khrushchev it is better not to use sheet panels.

Before fixing the wall panel in the kitchen, you need to fully prepare the room. This is due to the fact that this stage is directly dependent on the final form of the walls. The preparatory work consists in marking out the material. Pull out the apron panels with a pencil.

Important! The most convenient way of adjusting the elements is sawing with an electric jigsaw - so you can easily get a panel of suitable shape.

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Proceed to mounting

You can install the panel covering by following several basic steps. As a rule, they include:

  1. Plastering of walls, if they are uneven. A good alternative is the use of an aluminum profile.
  2. Then it is necessary to saw off a plate of a suitable size.
  3. Spread a smooth part of the wall with adhesive. The layer should be 3-4 mm. The wall panel must be spread with a spatula.
  4. Stick the panel and measure the level of its position with a level.
  5. For evenness, it is necessary to trim the structure with a cue or a hammer made of rubber.

Important! Very often, all described stages are similar to each other, regardless of the method of work. First determine the size of the room being treated, calculate the amount of material, wooden beams, and fasteners.

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Professional finish

In order to fix the wall panel in the kitchen qualitatively, you need to contact a master specializing in this procedure. This solution not only increases the quality of work, but also saves you time.

The order of the work of the master is as follows:

  1. Procurement of the material, its delivery.
  2. Wood trim installation.
  3. Mounting material on the wall surface.
  4. Cleaning of construction waste.
  5. Delivery of work to the customer.

So, as you have noticed, the paneling of the kitchen wall surfaces with panels is not so difficult as it seems at first. Having read this article, you have detailed how to attach a wall panel in the kitchen, having performed the work as high as possible. And then it's up to you to decide whether to do it yourself or with the help of specialists of the appropriate profile.