Top 10 Worst Ways to Make Money

In response to the painful question "How to make money?" Millions of people come up and try all the new ways to attract income. However, as practice shows, many seemingly simple and attractive options turn into a complete collapse.

Today we propose to study Top-10 worst ways to earn money .Some of them will become just a waste of time, while others will entail serious risks for the financial situation or health.


  • 10. Resale of real estate.
  • 9. Daytime game on the stock exchange.
  • 8. Playing FOREX.
  • 7. Participation in online surveys.
  • 6. Financial pyramid.
  • 5. Advertising in your own blog.
  • 4. Sale of characters of online games.
  • 3. Help the billionaire from Nigeria.
  • 2. Gambling.
  • 1. Participation in paid medical experiments.

10. Resale of real estate.

Unfortunately, real estate is one of the most illiquid goods, i.e.quickly sell an apartment at a bargain price is not easy. Yes, and really make money on resale will only happen if you invest in the construction of housing at the stage of excavation. And such investments are associated with a high risk of getting involved in "long-term construction".

9. Daytime game on the stock exchange.

Earn a significant amount by playing on the stock exchange rates during the day, can only an experienced player who owns a significant deposit. The average investors, as a rule, earn more if they choose the right moment to buy shares, and then just patiently wait for the exchange rate to rise.

8. Playing FOREX.

Statistics are inexorable - only 15% of traders really have a real income. Moreover, the overwhelming majority of these lucky people are professionals with years of experience, lightning reaction and steel nerves. FOREX can be not the worst way to earn money for beginners, if your requests are small, and the amount of investment is negligible. Ask professionals about this from the rating of Forex traders.

7. Participation in online surveys.

If the company that organizes polls really pays for work, the cost of such labor does not exceed $ 1 per hour. If they offer large amounts, then such surveys are a waste of time. And practically one hundred percent sign of scammers is the request to make a deposit in pledge of willingness to cooperate.

6. Financial pyramid.

The principle of the MMM has no need to explain to anyone. It is clear that any of the pyramids ceases to exist, as soon as the volume of payments to investors equals the volume of new revenues. The number of people who lost money is hundreds of times higher than the number actually earned.

5. Advertising in your own blog.

The best affiliate programs of really bring a lot of money to blog makers. However, as a rule, these pages are conducted by real professionals, publish comments by famous people, share opinions of real experts or make really sensational news. The rest of the blogs allow you to earn an amount roughly equal to the cost of hosting.

4. Sale of characters of online games.

Deal for the sale of a character from World of Warcraft for $ 10 thousand in 2007 sparked interest in the seekers of additional earnings. However, competition in such a peculiar market is unusually great. Hundreds of thousands of users from China, Korea and other Asian countries do not deny that they earn on selling characters up to $ 100 per month, spending at least 10-14 hours a day at the computer!

3. Help the billionaire from Nigeria.

Millions of users around the world are receiving emails asking for help in withdrawing huge amounts of money from the country in return for a share of the transferred funds. All that is required is to send the applicant a small amount to cover the cost of the transfer. Experts say that for the entire period of the scam, $ 32 billion was collected in this way.

2. Gambling.

One of the worst ways to earn money, especially if you do not look at the online casino rating, but the right way to become dependent on a roulette or one-armed bandit. In addition, the suicidal tendencies of an inveterate player are 20 times higher than that of an average person.

1. Participation in paid medical experiments.

The worst and most dangerous way to earn , because the health problems that may arise after participating in such events can often not be corrected for any money.