The best nootropic preparations according to the buyers' reviews

Constant stress and unfavorable environmental conditions negatively affect the state of the nervous system, which leads to fatigue, irritation, insomnia and reduced efficiency. Nootropics occupy one of the leading positions among drugs that stimulate the work of the brain, improving memory and mental activity. Drugs not only stimulate intellectual abilities, but also increase the stability of the nervous system to various unfavorable factors. Consider what drugs this group have a mild sedative effect, and which, on the contrary, is an activating one.


  1. Nootropic preparation of which firm to choose
  2. Best nootropic preparations of
  3. What nootropic preparation to buy

Nootropic preparation of which company to choose

When choosing a medicine, it is necessary to pay attention to the pharmaceutical company that issued it. The rating of the best manufacturers, producing effective and safe medicines of the nootropic group, will help to choose the right drug.

The leaders in the presented segment are:

1. UCB Pharma SA

2. Temiz Medecar Limited

3. Mediobisor

4. MNPK Biotics

5. Valenta Pharmaceuticals

6. Peptogen

7. Pharmstandard-UfaVITA

Best nootropic drugs


Refers to pyrrolidine derivatives. The principle of action: increases the amount of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, enhances the action of acetylcholine. The active substance is piracetam. Assign for atherosclerosis, diseases of the nervous system, dizziness, for symptomatic treatment, etc. Issued in capsules, solutions and tablets. Advantages:

  • preparation effective, inexpensive and safe;
  • improves blood circulation in the brain;
  • improves the learning process, integrative brain activity;
  • improves brain resistance to such negative factors as excessive loads, hypoxia, ischemia, etc.;
  • strengthens neuromuscular communication;
  • does not dilate blood vessels;
  • promotes the utilization of glucose;
  • stimulates memory, attention;
  • affects the metabolic processes in the nerve cell;
  • has a cumulative effect from admission, so after the end of the course, the drug will last about a month.


  • is not recommended if there is a kidney disease;
  • the effect of reception is not immediately apparent. After 2 weeks after taking the drug, a person will feel better mental performance.


The active substance is phenotropil. The principle of action is aimed at increasing dopamine, norepinephrine, serotonin in the brain. Assign with neurotic, convulsive conditions, diseases of the central nervous system, depression, chronic alcoholism. Produced in tablets.


  • has an antiamnestic effect;
  • improves blood circulation in the brain;
  • improves mood, body resistance to stressful situations;
  • promotes brain resistance to toxins, lack of oxygen;
  • anticonvulsant action;
  • increases energy resources of the body;
  • low toxicity;
  • facilitates the learning process;
  • with course admission there is no drug dependence;
  • has no cumulative effect, it acts after a single dose;
  • increases physical activity;
  • improves eyesight.


  • may cause insomnia, psychomotor agitation, increased blood pressure;
  • with caution should be given to individuals with kidney and liver disease;
  • you need a prescription from a doctor;
  • high cost;
  • is not recommended for children, during pregnancy and lactation.


Refers to pyridoxine derivatives. The principle of action is aimed at improving energy supply of tissues and metabolism in nerve cells. Active substances - pyridoxine and threonine. Assign with reduced brain performance in adults, children, individuals with alcohol dependence. Produced in tablets.


  • improves memory, attention, concentration;
  • antidepressant effect, reduces nervous tension, emotional agitation, irritability;
  • improves the exchange of nucleic acids;
  • reduces the craving for alcoholic beverages;
  • virtually no side effects;
  • increases the stability of the central nervous system to toxic effects, hypoxia, etc.;
  • reduces headache;
  • increases mental performance, reveals the hidden potential of the brain;
  • increases clarity of consciousness, wakefulness, strength of the body.


  • is incompatible with antipsychotic medication;
  • can rarely occur side effects in the form of increased sweating, dizziness;
  • with increased sensitivity to vitamin B from taking is better to refuse.

Calcium Gopantenate

Active substance - gopantenic acid. Principle of action: direct effect on GABAA receptors. Assign with cognitive impairment, provoked by organic brain lesions, extrapyramidal disorders, psychoemotional stress, delay in development. Produced in tablets. Advantages:

  • improves memory, attention, thus there is no effect of excitation, and on the contrary, it has a moderate sedative effect;
  • is rapidly absorbed from the digestive tract;
  • has anticonvulsant, analgesic effects;
  • improves physical and mental activity;
  • accelerates cerebral blood flow;
  • reduces weakness, lethargy;
  • allows the body to adapt to adverse environmental factors;
  • does not cause a dependency;
  • is low in toxicity, good tolerability.


  • possible allergy: rash, itching, rhinitis;
  • you need a prescription from your doctor;
  • enhances the action of sedatives;
  • is contraindicated in pregnant women, children under 3 years old, during lactation, with hypersensitivity and severe kidney disease.


Basic neurotransmitters: GABA, calcium salt. The principle of action is aimed at the normalization of CNS metabolic processes. Assign after strokes, cerebrovascular insufficiency, alcoholic encephalopathy, neurotic disorders, with sleep disorders. Produced in tablets. Advantages:

  • has nootropic, adaptogenic, analgesic, tranquilizing, soothing effects;
  • reduces neurotic disorders, reduces anxiety;
  • has a positive effect on brain function, increases intellectual activity;
  • stimulates metabolic processes in the tissues of the nerves;
  • improves microcirculation in the brain;
  • increases the resistance of the brain to a lack of oxygen, toxins.


  • after reception, the following reactions may appear: allergy, headache, agitation, nausea, a decrease in the duration of a night's sleep, an increase in sleepiness during the day;
  • has contraindications for use: pregnancy, liver disease, kidney, myasthenia gravis, hypersensitivity.


Refers to regulatory peptides. Active substances are levorotatory amino acids. The principle of action is aimed at improving the energy processes of the brain, increasing its resistance to hypoxia and stressful situations. Assign after anesthesia, surgery, craniocerebral trauma, to enhance adaptation in extreme situations, with neurotic disorders, atrophies of the optic nerve. It is released in the form of nasal drops.


  • is rapidly absorbed;
  • marked neurometabolic effect even at small doses;
  • does not have hormonal activity;
  • promotes adaptation of the body to conditions with a low oxygen content;
  • is non-toxic for long-term and single-dose administration;
  • enhances intellectual abilities, improves training.


  • you need a prescription;
  • regular reception can provoke irritation of the nasal mucosa;
  • is contraindicated during pregnancy, endocrine system diseases, lactation, children under 7 years old, with convulsions, hypersensitivity.


The active substance is meclofenoxate. The principle of action is aimed at stimulating the central nervous system and normalizing the activity of brain cells. Assign for violations of blood circulation in the brain, lag in mental development, chronic nerve damage, depressed and oppressed, weakness, neurotic disorders. Produced in the form of tablets and injections. Advantages:

  • improves the blood supply to the brain;
  • increases metabolic processes in nerve cells;
  • antihypoxic effect;
  • stimulates cognitive activity;
  • eliminates signs of asthenic syndrome;
  • helps to eliminate the depressive state;
  • has a calming effect;
  • develops the body's resistance to such negative factors as lack of oxygen, toxic effects.


  • is contraindicated in infectious diseases of the central nervous system, hypersensitivity;
  • is prohibited during pregnancy and lactation;
  • in rare cases, there may be side effects: anxiety, insomnia, increased appetite, heartburn, allergy;
  • is prescription-dispensed;
  • in schizophrenic patients hallucinations become more frequent.


Refers to non-essential amino acids. The active substance is glycine. The principle of action is aimed at improving metabolic processes in the brain tissues. It is prescribed for ischemic stroke, alcohol dependence, diminished mental capacity, stressful conditions, with organic and functional diseases of the nervous system. Produced in tablets.


  • accelerates cerebral blood flow, by stimulating metabolism in the brain tissues;
  • stimulates cognitive function;
  • improves mood;
  • calming effect on the central nervous system, reducing vegetative-vascular disorders, aggressiveness, conflict;
  • is allowed to admit children;
  • does not require a recipe;
  • improves thought processes, speed of memorization;
  • normalizes sleep;
  • no cumulative effect;
  • easily penetrates into tissues;
  • reduces brain disorders in head injury and stroke;
  • enhances social adaptation.


  • with hypersensitivity to the components of the medication, should be discarded, otherwise allergies may occur.

What is a nootropic drug to buy

1. A medicine that is suitable for astenodepressive, asthenic or asthenic-hypochondriacal states - Acefen.

2. If you need a drug that has a cumulative effect, the effect of which would not stop immediately after the end of the course, then you should pay attention to Nootropil. After 2 weeks of taking this medicine has a mild sedative effect, which will last another month.

3. If you need a drug with a pronounced sedative, tranquilizing effect that does not cause muscle relaxation, you need to buy Neurobutal.

4. Biotredin is a drug that regulates tissue metabolism in the brain, increases mental activity, and also has healing properties in alcohol dependence. Suitable for those who need to reduce the craving for alcohol, improve memory, mental performance.

5. If you need a safe drug with nootropic and anti-stress action, which is allowed even by children, then Glycine should be purchased. It reduces irritability and has a sedative effect.

6. A nootropic drug that has an anti-amnestic effect is Fenotropil. The drug is a powerful neutral metabolite, with pronounced psychostimulating activity.

7. Semax is a drug that combines such properties as nootropic, antioxidant, neuroprotective. Perfectly suitable for those to whom drops are a more convenient form of release.

8. Calcium Gopantenate increases mental and physical activity, but does not excite, but on the contrary, soothes.