Top 10 largest snakes in the world

Snakes are one of the most amazing creatures of nature. They both admire and terrify their appearance. The wealth of the color of the snake skin can be envied by any fashionista, but the strength and dexterity of some representatives of the serpent family are legendary. Since ancient times, the serpents worshiped and feared, considered symbols of wisdom and demonic creatures. The largest snakes in the world - we learn what sizes can reach some species of reptiles.


Black mamba 3 meters

The most dangerous of snakes, the black mamba , takes 10 place in the list of the largest and long reptiles. It reaches a length of 3 meters. It is claimed that in nature there are individuals up to 4 meters in length, but there is no documentary evidence for this. Black mouth, dyed in ink, and gave the name snake.
The habitat of the black mamba is Africa. He likes semi-arid places and leads a terrestrial way of life. In addition to being one of the largest venomous snakes, the black mamba is notable for its rapidity. In the throw, she can reach speeds of up to 20 km / h.
Before the antidote appeared, the meeting with a black mamba for a man ended in a sad - lethal outcome. Venom of the snake causes a halt in breathing and paralysis.
An interesting fact - when bitten into the head or neck area, death from the poison of the black mamba occurs within 15-20 minutes.


Bushmaster 3-4 meters

Bushmaster , the representative of a large family of viper, takes 9th place in the list of the largest snakes on the planet. In South America, this is the largest of the poisonous snakes. It is good that this species of reptiles prefers living in hard-to-reach and uninhabited places. The length of the average reaches 3 meters, but there are four-meter individuals. Despite the great length, the snake weighs only 3-5 kg, because it has a slender body. He prefers wet places, so he settles down next to the ponds. The snake is extremely shy and avoids the territories populated by people.
An interesting fact - in the world recorded only 25 cases of a snake bite of this species of man. Of the victims, five died.


Amethyst python 3.5 meters

Amethyst python is Australia's largest snake. The average length of the specimen is 3, 5 meters, but there are specimens up to 8 meters long. It hunts small kangaroos, rabbits, birds. Eighth place in our rating.


The Royal Cobra 5 meters

The Royal Cobra , ranked 7th in the list of the largest snakes in the world, can be called a queen among the poisonous reptiles. Some individuals can reach more than 5 meters in length. Given the huge danger of a snake, it looks particularly impressive. On average, the length of the snake is 3-4 meters. The habitat is South-East and South Asia, it lives mainly in tropical forests.
The royal cobra is one of the most recognizable snakes. To confuse it with another kind is impossible because of the characteristic feature - the hood in the region of the upper part of the neck.
The snake leads a terrestrial way of life, although it can climb trees. He prefers nooks and caves.
Royal cobra is extremely dangerous for humans. Portions of poison is enough to die after 15 minutes from stopping breathing.
An interesting fact - the royal cobra can dose the amount of poison when bitten. When meeting a person, she usually makes a "bachelor" bite, because she needs poison for hunting. Therefore, the number of deaths caused by the attack of this snake as a whole is small.


Boa constrictor 5.5 meters

Boa constrictor - in 6th place in the ranking of the largest snakes in the world. Refers to the family of falcons. In total there are 10 subspecies of boas. It's a pretty big snake. In nature, specimens reaching 5.5 meters in length are not uncommon. The average weight of the snake is 22-25 kg. In captivity, boa constrictors rarely grow more than three meters. This kind of reptiles easily tolerates bondage and is a frequent visitor to terrariums. In nature, the habitat range is Central and South America. You can meet boas in the Lesser Maltese Islands and in Florida.
The color of each subspecies is different and depends on the habitat. Boas are loners and prefer not to be in sight, so their color allows them to disguise themselves well. The snake's bite for a man is not dangerous.
An interesting fact is that the boa constricts its prey, using a certain technique of squeezing the thorax of the prey during its exhalation.


Indian, or light tiger python 6 meters

Indian, or light tiger python , ranks 5th among the biggest snakes on the planet. Individual specimens reach a decent size - 6 meters in length. It lives in Nepal, Pakistan, India. Active at night, and during the day hiding in shelters: caves, forest obstructions and other nooks. The main prey is small animals the size of a cat.


Dark tiger( Burmese) python 6-7 meters

On the 4th place among the largest snakes on Earth - dark tiger( Burmese) python .The average body length is 3.7 meters. But in nature there are individuals reaching 6-7 meters. The largest dark python contained in captivity reached 5.7 meters in length. His name was "Baby".Distributed in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, India, Indochina. Accidentally brought to Florida, he perfectly got on well there. Like all pythons, it is active in the dark. Hunts rodents, birds, lizards.


Hieroglyph python 5 meters

Hieroglyphic python - in the third place in the ranking of the largest snakes in the world. In another way it is also called an African rock python. The maximum length of the body can reach 6 meters. The average individual is slightly smaller - about 5 meters in length. Weight - from 55 to 100 kg. Occurs in Africa. A rocky python can be found both in the savannah and in the rainforests. Excellent swimmer, beautifully climbs trees. Particularly active at night. The huge size of the snake allows it to hunt large prey - antelopes, goats.
For a person is dangerous, because it is very aggressive behavior. Meeting with a hieroglyphic python can end in death. In Canada, a rock python, who escaped from a zoological store, climbed into the house and strangled two small boys, 7 and 5 years old. This is not the first sad incident associated with a snake. In Africa, a ten-year-old boy was swallowed by an African rock( hieroglyph) python.


Anaconda up to 7 meters

Anaconda is one of the largest snakes in the world, leading a water lifestyle. She often became the heroine of horror films, in which she reached monstrous proportions. In fact, the maximum recorded length of the anaconda is 5.2 meters, but individuals up to 7 meters long may well be found. Theoretically, the existence of larger snakes is also possible, but due to the inaccessible habitat of the anaconda it is difficult to confirm this assumption. Occurs in South America. Hunts a snake on reptiles( caimans, turtles), mammals and birds. Smaller snakes also become an anaconda. The second place in our rating.


Mesh python 7.5 meters

In the first place among the largest snakes in the world is a mesh python. On average, the size of this species reaches an impressive six meters. It is documented that one of the individuals living in captivity, the python "Samantha", was 7.5 meters long. Lives in South and South-East Asia. Hunts reptiles, monkeys, small ungulates, birds. Python often becomes domestic animals.
For humans, the mesh python is dangerous because it is quite aggressive and strong.