- Floy lady system: history
- Flight lady system: house cleaning without problems
- Flight Lady cleaning system: basic principles of
- Useful tips:
For sure, millions of women are familiar with such a terrible concept as general cleaning. Of course, every housewife hopes that after she spends all her free time on general cleaning in the house, such cleanliness will please the eyes always. But by the evening, thanks to children, pets and all household members, everything returns to normal. It seems that there is no way out of this vicious circle, but it turns out that if you correctly approach the cleaning process, applying the principles of the fly lady system, then order will always be in the house, and you can forget about the general cleaning as a terrible dream.
to the table of contents ↑Floy lady system: the history of the
creation The author of the flight lady system is the American housewife Marla Scilly. Tired of the domestic routine and the eternal chaos, she decided to create such a system of maintaining order that the house was clean, and the woman at the same time always remained a woman, and not a vacuum cleaner with a variety of functions, including a washing machine, dishwasher and other household appliances.
Important! Marla shared her thoughts with her friends "in misfortune", creating an electronic newsletter in 1999.Within six years, the number of subscribers to Marla exceeded 400 thousand. In 2001, the website of the lady's system was created, which today is considered the most popular in the world. Marla Scilly herself does not stop there - recently she has written several books in which the author with humor, very entertaining and interesting writes about how easy it is to save not only your home, but life from chaos and finally - love yourself.
The basic idea of
Initially, it was assumed that the FLY system( the abbreviation for English "Finally Love Yourself"), that is, "Love yourself, at last!" Will become an instruction for housekeeping. But later the author of the development realized that it was necessary to systematize not only homework, but also all life.
Important! To date, this system is a kind of philosophy of the way of life of a modern woman who is not only successful in all areas, but also does not forget about caring for herself and her relatives, about rest, and is improving every day.
Where is the fly lady system applicable?
The uniqueness of the lady's flag is that every housewife can apply the principles and basic postulates of the system in relation to her situation and herself, her beloved. The rules are very flexible and fit absolutely for all women, regardless of the degree of employment, lifestyle or the characteristics of the family way of life. The lady's flight system is a system for acquiring good habits. Thanks to them, you will become a "Flying Woman".
to the table of contents ↑Floy lady system: house cleaning without problems
This system, of course, has its own terms, principles, postulates and rules. Consider everything in order to understand how to use all the rules for a particular situation.
So, to the basic terms of the ladies' flag can be attributed the following concepts.
Hot spot
This term, you can call any place or corner in the apartment, where constantly accumulate some little things interspersed with unnecessary trash. For example, where from one tiny piece of paper can grow a mountain of garbage.
This term refers to the premises in the house, which need order. For example, kitchen - zone 1, bathroom - zone 2 and so on, in order.
Important! Each zone needs its own time for cleaning.
This is one of the main terms of the system. It means a list of small, minor cases, but mandatory. For example:
- in the morning - you need to make a bed, bring yourself, your beloved, into a divine appearance, prepare breakfast;
- during the day - the main business and small deeds;
- in the evening - the return of things to their rightful place, preparing for bed and drawing up a to-do list for the next day.
Boogie in 27 shots
This is a daily search for absolutely unnecessary things and their elimination. Even if the thing is almost new, but morally obsolete, it can always be put in good hands or sold under an ad.
A real lady can not do without a timer, because she must always control time. For example, cleaning of one zone takes 15 minutes and no more.
Express cleaning
It implies the establishment of cleanliness and order after the completion of any work or occupation.
Important! Express cleaning will save you from the urgent and tedious laundering of old surfaces.
Audit log
This term implies a certain notebook, which lists all the work( routine) in the house, as well as:
- shopping lists;
- menu for the week;
- interesting ideas;
- required phone numbers.
This term means, first of all, the right appearance, which will help keep yourself toned and will not let you relax.
Important! No traditional dressing gowns and slippers, because at any moment guests can come.
Islet of the order
For each housewife he is his own. It can be a dressing table and, of course, a sink. The main thing is that there must always be an ideal order on this island. For example, the shell must always shine and shine, so that in the morning you have a fine mood. And no dirty dishes, all utensils are washed immediately after meals.
to the table of contents ↑Flight Lady cleaning system: the basic principles of the
The following are the basic principles of the proper organization of apartment cleaning according to the flight lady system.
Principle 1 - Always shining shell
As the order in the house should start somewhere, take for a rule - the sink, whether in the kitchen or in the bathroom should always be clean and shining. From the morning you go to the bathroom to wash, and to the kitchen to make breakfast.
It's the shell that will be the starting point of your wonderful mood when it shines and shines. In the evening - before you go to rest, take 5 minutes to wash the dishes and rub the plumbers.
Let this become your good habit!
Principle 2 - Start the morning with yourself
In the morning after awakening, clean up yourselves: take a shower and put on comfortable, beautiful clothes and shoes with laces, because then to minimize the likelihood that you again do not want to go to bed to soak in the boxa bit more. The presence of lacing will keep you from such a rash step.
Principle 3 - Clean regularly
You do not have to clean up the house when it's very dirty, but constantly, regardless of the condition of the floor, sanitary ware, household appliances and things. If you follow this principle of the fly lady system, then you do not need a general cleaning.
Principle 4 - In time, "extinguish" all hot spots
If on the nightstand in the hallway in the evening, mountains of papers, keys and various small things gather, then disassemble all the items twice a day. Using the same timer, train yourself before you go to rest, disassemble all available hot spots in the house.
Principle 5 - Things always need to be returned to the place
Accustom yourself and your household to the fact that immediately after using the thing, clothes, tools must be put in place. In addition, each item should be assigned its own, well-known place to find it at the right time.
Principle 6 - Do not save unnecessary things in the house
Many women with difficulty and pain in the heart part with things. And what if something is useful? Marla Silly very clearly formulated this principle: "Trash can not be organized - you can only get rid of it."
So get yourself a garbage bag and go! Get rid of unnecessary scapes, no matter what, cure yourself of the accumulation and "futility."
Important! If the thing is almost new, but you do not fit, sell it online or give it to those in need.
Principle 7 - For cleaning in one area 15 minutes
Divide all rooms into zones and systematically clean them for 15 minutes a day. If the room is large, for example, a hallway or a hall, divide it into zones and guide each zone gradually, first in one room, then in the other.
According to the flight lady system, it is necessary to clean up within one week in one zone to bring it to perfection. For cleaning, spend 15 minutes no more, put the timer and go!
Important! If every day is systematically and orderly cleaned, then your house will gradually turn into a standard of cleanliness and order.
Principle 8 - One hour a week for the blessing of the house
Allocate one hour a week to bring the house in order, the flight lady system calls it a blessing at home. During this hour you can change bed linens, wash the floors without moving the cabinets and beds, wipe the dust.
Important! More thorough washing of the floors is carried out in 15-minute "zonal" cleaning of the premises.
Principle 9 - Do not acquire "new" as long as there is "old"
This principle applies not only to clothing and interior items, but also to products. Do not make stocks of groats and groceries "just in case" and "in reserve."And to make it easier to keep records, purchase containers for bulk products.
Important! Do not save in boxes boxes, caps and plastic boxes for all occasions. As soon as you buy a new towel in the kitchen, the old one immediately - in the garbage.
Principle 10 - Do not try to do everything at once
The main thing that the creator of the system calls for - do not try to do all the homework in one day:
- Firstly it is almost impossible.
- Secondly - you will hate yourself, that did not have time to carry out all the plans.
- Thirdly - by the night you will feel yourself a "driven horse," and there can be no question of any love for yourself and your loved ones.
Develop useful habits too, gradually, first accustom yourself to wash the washbasin daily, then the plate after use, etc.
Important! Remember that the road in a thousand steps begins with a small first step, so you need to learn the system of the lady's flight gradually, moving small steps to order and cleanliness in the house.
Principle 11 - Down with perfectionism!
Do not strive to do everything perfectly - remove the perfectionism from your life. Everything is perfect, it is simply impossible to be the most ideal, especially when small children appear in your home.
Principle 12 - Daily routines, between the
routine Routine is the most tedious part of the job, but daily performing these duties not only disciplines the woman, but also saves a lot of time:
- The morning routine consists of the simplest classes: washing, dressing, preparing breakfast and t
- Daily duties, which we tend to postpone for later. But you can perform some duties between tasks, for example, wipe the dust while preparing dinner or washing up dishes while listening to news and weather forecast.
- Evening routine matters, according to Marla, must be completed with a pleasant care of yourself. Before you go to bed, get out on top: put shoes in place, put things on the shelves, cabinets, polish the sink.
- End the day with pleasant procedures - soak in the bathroom and do what you most enjoys to charge for tomorrow.
Principle 13 - Get an audit trail
Assistant # 1 for a working woman is an audit trail. The notebook can have several sections:
- Plan for the week( month).
- Daily cleaning plan.
- A list of small cases for every day.
- Menu for the week.
- List of products, household chemicals.
- Recipes of dishes.
- Skin care plan.
- Interesting ideas, dreams.
- Personal department, in which you can write your favorite quotes, statements that help raise your spirits.
- List of necessary telephones( relatives, doctors, masters, services).
Important! The audit trail, it seems, has nothing to do with establishing order, but it motivates us to rational use of time.
Principle 14 - Weekends for rest
On weekends, pay attention to family and friends - this is also an important principle of the fly-lady system. Relax in nature, meet with friends and do your favorite things and hobbies. Weekends, spent with friends and family, will fill you with inspiration and strength for the next week. And most importantly - no cleaning on weekends!
to the table of contents ↑Useful advices:
- Do the morning and evening rituals always, despite the busyness, mood, well-being, day of the week. Daily duties can change, you can delete some points, add some, but work must be done.
- To facilitate the cleaning of the apartment on the fly lady system, attach household members to it. For each child, give 1-2 instructions that must be performed during the day. Diligence, discipline, responsibility, plant since childhood.
- All work should be done only in a good mood.
- It's not necessary to clean every day, most of the work, except for daily rituals, write down by day:
- Monday is the day of the main work. Do a change of bed linen, washing doors and mirrors, vacuum, wash the floors. It is important that all business does not take more than an hour. Make a list of necessary household chemicals, throw away the newspapers and magazines you read. Now, on other days you can do other things.
- Tuesday - dedicate care to indoor plants, pets. Begin cleaning the zone of the week. Make a plan for the weekend and find out what relatives and friends want to do these days.
- Wednesday - continue to clean the zone of the week, and at the same time - free the refrigerator from expired or spoiled products. Make a list of products for a week, buy them.
- Thursday - remove the main zone of the apartment. And you can set aside a day for shopping, shopping, and Thursday afternoon shopping for yourself.
- Friday is the day of the last cleaning of the area or the day of a large wash( large ironing).
- In addition to cabinets, boxes, regularly clean electronic storage media. Unnecessary advertising sms, letters litter our phones and electronic boxes no less than unnecessary things in drawers and cabinets. In addition, sometimes it is difficult to find the right SMS or letter, especially if it needs to be done quickly.
- Regularly introduce yourself as a realtor who estimates the apartment. This will help to determine which corner of the apartment needs repair or a simple change of "scenery", which will be able to radically change the face of the room. Thanks to this game, you can clearly plan for cleaning and repair.
- Going to work, take 5 minutes to the bathroom: arrange all the bubbles, jars, rinse the sink, wipe the mirror. Make sure that there is a guest hand towel in the bathroom. Only 5 minutes a day will help keep the bathroom in perfect order, and guests will not take you by surprise.
Cleaning an apartment on the fly lady system will allow you to create your own convenient schedule of putting in order at home for a week, and most importantly - do not feel stuck in eternal fixing the order. Cleaning the lady's flag helps not only to systematize and streamline the process, but not to fall by the night from fatigue. The reason for the popularity of such a method of maintaining order among housewives is in ease and affordability. In addition, the system teaches you to love not only your home, ordering with pleasure, but also yourself, because a woman who is able to order life, easily cope with any difficult tasks in life.