- Preparation of mushrooms for drying
- Drying methods
- Storage of dried mushrooms
If you have gained a large harvest of champignons in a quiet hunting, and you do not want to cook them, the ideal storage method will be drying. Absolutely all useful elements, a wonderful aroma and taste will be preserved, and places take up quite a bit( with 10 kg of raw material, 1 kg of dried mushrooms is obtained).But it is very important to dry the mushrooms properly so that they do not deteriorate. Will be slightly moist - covered with mold, overdry - lose their flavor and aroma. So, how to dry mushrooms at home? This is the question that we are going to cover today.
to the contents ↑Preparation of mushrooms for drying
Of course, before drying it is necessary to prepare mushrooms:
- Carefully remove the soil, leaves, needles from the mushrooms. But in any case, do not wash mushrooms - they will darken, lose their wonderful aroma and will dry longer.
- After the mushrooms are already cleaned, cut the bottom of the mushrooms and chop them. For convenience, it is recommended to cut them in thin slices of 10-15 mm. Quite small mushrooms, of course, you can just leave, they will completely dry out.
- You can also chop mushrooms very finely, make so-called "noodles".It is very convenient to dry in the oven, and after - add to soups and salads. But then you are likely to lose the unique structure of the fungus, so decide for yourself, which is more convenient.
Methods of drying
And now we have already come to the question of how to dry mushrooms. There are a lot of ways, we will describe the most common. Choose what is convenient for you.
Drying in the sun
Already cut mushrooms string on a tight thread or a special skewer for drying mushrooms.
Important! Do not forget to cover the mushrooms with gauze, so that they do not settle with dust and various small insects.
It remains only to hang their garlands on the balcony of the apartment, the veranda of a private house or in any other well-ventilated room. It is very important that the weather is hot and dry. And if everything goes well, in a couple of days the mushrooms will be ready for wintering.
Important! A distinctive feature of well-dried mushrooms is a peculiar springiness in the bend. But if you feel that the mushrooms are wet, leave them for a few more hours so that they do not deteriorate in a week.
Drying in a Russian oven
This attribute already exists far from in all private houses, not to mention apartments. But what nostalgia, feel the aroma of mushrooms from a real Russian oven. Previously, only one method was known, how to dry mushrooms at home - it was with the help of such a miracle device.
Processing rules for obtaining a good result:
- To prevent fungi from getting ashes from ash and ash, it is necessary to first spread them on a baking tray or stick them on knitting needles. Only after this you can go directly to drying.
- Remove all ash from the oven, and only then place your baking tray with mushrooms there, substituting bricks for it.
- It is very important to comply with the temperature conditions inside the oven. It is necessary to constantly maintain the temperature at a level of 60-70 degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher, the mushrooms will burn, and if lower - they will dry very long.
- To ensure that the mushrooms dry well, the air must be continuously circulated. To do this, just open the stove. At the very beginning of drying, it should be open for about ⅔, and by the end you can close it slowly, because the main moisture is already gone.
- Do not forget to check your mushrooms from time to time and clean up already prepared ones, because the drying will go unevenly because of different sizes.
Drying in the oven
The easiest and most convenient way to dry the mushrooms at home. It looks like drying in a Russian oven, only slightly light:
- It is also necessary to lay out the mushrooms on a baking sheet and put them in a preheated grill to 60-70 degrees Celsius.
- Do not completely close the door.
- Moisture will actively evaporate from the mushrooms, and it needs to be given an outlet for effective drying.
Drying in Electric Dryer
This wonderful device is designed for drying not only mushrooms, but also various fruits and vegetables. That's why he gained such popularity. If you have this kitchen assistant, the question of how to dry mushrooms is never going to arise.
Just follow the instructions in the passport for household appliances, and everything will turn out.
Important! It is usually necessary to hang mushrooms on special hooks and just wait, after all, an electric dryer is needed to do everything for you.
to the contents ↑Storage of dried mushrooms
After you dry the mushrooms, it is very important to store them correctly so that time is not wasted:
- It is recommended to store dried mushrooms in a gauze pouch in suspended condition.
- It should be remembered that if the air humidity in the room is more than 70%, the mushrooms will absorb moisture, and after - mold, which is highly undesirable.
- Also it is not necessary to store mushrooms near fruit and vegetables with a bright aroma, because champignons have the ability to absorb odors.
Important! If you have dried the mushrooms, do not despair. You can make them a powder, which is convenient to add to sauces and condiments. A characteristic mushroom flavor will be a wonderful addition to any dish.
Now you know that the process of drying and storing such a product is very simple. It was only necessary to clarify the correct modes of use of different household appliances and the duration, especially processing in natural conditions of natural heat. We hope your workpieces will be appreciated by all the households and guests of your house, and you will get the reputation of a very good mistress!