Flowers in the apartment or the house creates a special atmosphere. They are pleasing to the eye, cheer up, cleanse and refresh the atmosphere. In fact, it pets in need of care and communication. And if you want to be proud of the greenhouse, it is necessary to correctly position plants and use them worthy setting. The theme of this material from - support for flowers on the windowsill. We will discuss what it might be, and what kind of structure can be used even for your home flower garden.

Read article
- 1 Basic requirements for support for flowers
- 2 How to choose window flower stands
- 3 How to choose material for construction
- 3.1 Supports for flowers on the window of wood or MDF
- 3.2 Metal and plastic stand for flowers on the windowsill
- 3.3 Copyright Wrought iron stands for flowers on the windowsill
- 4 If you need to put a lot of flowers, but do not have enough space
- 5 Design ideas for placing a flower bed on the window sill
- 6 Floor and wall supports for indoor plants
- 7 Photo made with his own hands floor stands for flowers
- 8 Production of wall, floor and drip stands for flowers with his own hands
- 8.1 Master class: support for flowers on the windowsill with his own hands
- 8.2 Outdoor wood support for flowers with his own hands: video
- 8.3 How to make a stand for flowers on the wall
Basic requirements for support for flowers
Before considering the types and materials for stands, let's understand what is important in their designs. There are only a few simple requirements:
- support must be stable and durable to withstand the weight of the pot with soil and a flower;
- construction should not interfere with the plant to grow;
- layout should not interfere with the care of green pet;
- Stand should organically fit into the interior room.
That's all. The rest - a complete work.

How to choose window flower stands
In addition to these requirements, there are no other features. The only thing that is essential for the window designs - they should not obstruct the light and stop control window.

Important! On the northern windows is better not to put the flowers - they are unlikely to please you flowering. If the room is just such windows - take care of additional lighting for your greenhouse.
How to choose material for construction
The choice of material - the task of the designer soon. The material must naturally look in your interior, and this is important. What are the options is worth considering?
Supports for flowers on the window of wood or MDF
Tree and flowers together look very natural, because they are relatives. It is possible to use the original branch or snags and strict geometric shelves MDF. These wooden floor stands for the colors will look good in any interior with the exception that high tech.

Metal and plastic stand for flowers on the windowsill
Plastic and lightweight plastic - available material for resettlement home green compositions. It is characterized by bright colors and variability, but often fragile. To impart strength it is combined with another material, often - the metal.
There are also purely metallic structures. Chromed or painted metal floor stand for the color looks good in modern design style.

Copyright Wrought iron stands for flowers on the windowsill
It is not easy to find two identical products made by forging master. They are always exclusive and extremely attractive, especially if you are using patina or bronze paint. Such spacers flower stands on window sills They are sturdy and durable, and the price of their corresponding.

Buy a strut-stand for flowers on the windowsill is a 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles.
If you need to put a lot of flowers, but do not have enough space
If the room is small, but you can not bear to part with any of the plant, help out stacked flower stands. In this case it is better to choose from metal, they just survive 3 - 10 pots.
Note! For lovers of all sorts of technical innovations will be interested to know that the sale is a stand-tables, which can automatically take care of the plants. You just have to admire them.
Another option to save the space of a small room - a corner stand for flowers.

Design ideas for placing a flower bed on the window sill
The chaotic jumble of assorted pots on the window - the worst possible option. He did not decorate your room from the inside and will not look attractive from the outside. It is for this reason that the first advice - in all should be the measure. Sometimes one spectacular plant looks better than three is not particularly attractive.
For registration of flowers windowsill pots, choose the same color at least. The shape may be different.

An interesting composition from several plants can fit in one broad flowerpot.

Use a green plant decor items. Heart on a stick, multi-colored beads or other ornaments will add a floral original compositions.
Plant a mini-garden. Now it is very fashionable trend. Mini garden suited succulents and other small varieties of plants.

For conceptual compositions using the unexpected decision. Plant flowers in boots, tea or a glass sugar bowl.

Supports for flowers on the windowsill for violets can be just like that.
Break the flower bed on the window sill. To do this, take a stand with a lot of small pots.

Symmetrical compositions always look good. Therefore, place the flowers so that they, like soldiers lined up in formation. For example, on the sides - high, in the center - low.

The main thing - to Vertical Stand for flowers transmits light into the room.
Floor and wall supports for indoor plants
The height of floor constructions racks - usually 10 to 80 cm, but there are also higher if they are stacked. Such supports may contain one or more houseplant. They look good with plants, whose foliage hanging down.

Another interesting variant of floor structure - slide. It houses several pots vertically.

You can use flower stand room zoning - it is rack-screen. In it are set pots with plants - and here, ready green wall.
Hanging wall structures very much. It can be a variety of pots with original artwork and wrought-iron stand for several vases. Can be mounted on the wall a lot of pots, or use constructs that allow you to create beautiful green wall.

Photo made with his own hands floor stands for flowers
We offer you an interesting gallery with examples of original floor stands, which are made by craftsmen.
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Production of wall, floor and drip stands for flowers with his own hands
Design for placement of flower pots is easy to do with their hands. To do this, even available materials can be used. Especially popular in this respect felled tree branches and stumps. We have written a few simple workshops for the manufacture of similar products.
Master class: support for flowers on the windowsill with his own hands
Outdoor wood support for flowers with his own hands: video
Supports for flowers made of wood with their hands - one of the most popular. For their production, you can use the remnants of lumber:
How to make a stand for flowers on the wall
Maybe you have original ideas on how to make a stand for flowers? Share them in the comments, this is very interesting!