Upholstered furniture - armchairs, sofas

  • Upholstered furniture - sofas and armchairs
  • Types of sofas by type of transformation
  • Types of sofas by design
  • Types of sofas by design
  • Types of furniture by the number of seats and dimensions
  • Types of materials for upholstered furniture
  • Types of chairs

A cozy house is hard to imaginewithout upholstered furniture, which gives us warmth, a sense of dimensionality and comfort. Upholstered furniture - armchairs, sofas, are intended for rest of owners of the house, and also their guests. Upholstered furniture allows us to relax, talk with relatives and friends, play with the kids, watch TV, read and of course, sleep.

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Upholstered furniture - sofas and armchairs

The sofa is one of the main places in every family. Usually it is located in the living room, and small sofas are also placed in the children's rooms.

Sofa can be bought as a complete set with armchairs or poufs, and separately - it all depends on the availability of space in the apartment and your desire. Modern furniture stores offer an unlimited range of upholstered furniture - armchairs and sofas for rest. To choose the furniture model that suits you, you need to familiarize yourself with the types of interior items that are available for sale in the modern market.

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Types of sofas by the type of transformation

There are a lot of variations of sofas today, but among them you can distinguish soft furniture - sofas of more or less familiar, literally classic models. Each of them is in constant demand.


This is the most common furniture design, as it can not only sit, but also sleep, even if the sofa is folded. To decompose the furniture, it is necessary to raise the seat, and after hearing the characteristic click of the mechanism - lower it. You can fold the furniture in the same way by raising the seat until it clicks and bringing it back to its lower position.

Important! The disadvantages of this design can be attributed to the following:

After collecting the design, the sofa should be pushed to the wall so that there is no space between the back and the wall, and when unfolding, the sofa should also be moved away from the wall, otherwise it will not decompose.

Sofa "Click-clack"

Such upholstered furniture( sofa) is a more refined model of the previous type. The name she received by the type of sound that occurs when the couch is unfolded.

Important! Advantages of this model:

  • In contrast to the sofa-book, it has three positions: sitting, lying and half-sitting.
  • Some model designs have lateral parts that can easily be transformed into armrests or headrests.
  • Even in the unfolded form occupy a little space, so it is ideal for small apartments.

Sofa "accordion"

This model is very popular and in demand on the market, due to the compactness and simplicity of the transformation mechanism. The sleeping place of this type of model has three parts. One of them is the seat, and the rest are folded in the back.

To expand the furniture with this type of mechanism, it is necessary to push forward the seat and lay the double back in one plane with the seat.

Important! The advantages of this type include the fact that the piece of upholstered furniture - the sofa does not need to be moved away when unfolding, and thanks to its compactness, it is suitable for any small rooms.

Sofa "dolphin"

This model of upholstered furniture consists of two parts, and the design of the mechanism is very simple. To expand it, it is necessary to push the special unit up to the end, which is under the seat, and then upwards and to yourself. Already from it, push the second part of the berth.

Important! This model fits perfectly in small rooms( even in the kitchen) and looks great in large rooms.

Euroweek sofa

The model of upholstered furniture of the "eurobook" sofa has a very simple transformation system, so that it can be decomposed by both children and elderly people. To decompose the eurobook, the seat must be pulled on itself and, into the vacant space, lower the backrest. This model of furniture can be placed both in the middle of the room and at the wall.

Important! In addition to the simplicity of the transformation system, the model also has a number of advantages:

  • There are large boxes for laundry in the couch.
  • The sleeper has a wide and perfectly flat surface.
  • This model, due to its simplicity and ease of use, will last much longer than other types of folding sofas.

Draw-out sofa

The mechanism of transformation of this model has three parts: the far part in the folded state is in the back, and when unfolding it becomes in place of the head.

To decompose the furniture, you need to pull the seat to yourself and push out all the parts of the sofa. With the help of the reclining backrest or cushions, align the resulting plane.

Important! This model is also called a sofa with a "telescope" mechanism. He, just like the telescope, unfolds due to the fact that all parts are pushed from the inside.

Sofa "cougar"

The design of upholstered furniture of the sofa of this type favorably differs from other types of folding sofas by a simple, convenient and original principle of unfolding. To decompose the furniture, you need to lift the front of the sofa and gradually take it forward, and then put it on the support. On the vacant space it is necessary to raise the second half of the bed.

Important! The "puma" transformation model has the following advantages:

  • High reliability.
  • Due to the special synchronization of the system, furniture is convenient to use daily.
  • The model is compact enough, so it fits easily into any, even the smallest areas of the room.

Sofa pantograph

The design of the sofa has not only all the advantages of the eurobook model, but also has its own way of transformation. The construction of this model does not use rollers, and the seat with the pantograph mechanism, when unfolding, does not touch the floor. Thanks to such a device, this type of sofa is also called "stepping".The sleeping place is easily moved away from the backrest, which is then lowered to a horizontal position.

Important! The design of the sofa differs in its simplicity, convenience and resistance to wear.

Couch sofa

The design of this model works on the principle of unfolding scroll. The mattress of the sofa( thin foam), as well as the clamshell are removed inside the sofa. To expand the furniture, it is enough to pull a special loop. There are several types of this model:

  • "French" folding sofa. To decompose such furniture, you need to remove the seat cushions, and the mattress is decomposed in three stages.
  • "Italian" folding sofa. The most reliable, but also more expensive option, since it does not require a preliminary removal of the pillows.
  • "American" clamshell. To turn a sofa into a bed it is necessary to lay out a clamshell in two stages.

Sofa with "LIT" mechanism

This model of upholstered furniture is very compact and simply transforms into a comfortable single bed. Armrests of furniture can be decomposed at any angle. The seats of the sofa are a sleeping place, and the backrest does not move.

Important! If you expand one of the armrests, you can get a small bed for the child, and if you decompose the furniture completely, you get a single bed.

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Types of sofas according to the

design The following furniture shapes are distinguished:

  • Corner sofas. This model is installed in the corners of rooms and leaned against the wall. Sofas occupy a minimum of useful area, and are suitable for small apartments.
  • Island sofas. The models differ in rounded form. They can not be leaning against a wall or put in a corner. This type of sofa should occupy a central place in very spacious rooms.
  • Classic straight sofas.
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Types of sofas for the purpose of

All soft furniture items can be conditionally classified according to their intended use:

  • Office sofas.
  • Furniture for kitchen.
  • For the living room.
  • For the children's room.
  • Sofa in the hallway.

Important! Types of sofas, as well as their mechanisms may differ depending on the particular model, location, and purpose of use.

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Types of furniture by the number of seats and sizes

All soft furniture - armchairs and sofas, can be divided into compact models designed for 2-3 people, and large structures for 5 or more seats. You can also choose an item of the interior, which is a huge structure, consisting of a dozen autonomous elements. In this case, there is no single standard for the size of sofas. One manufacturer produces a double sofa 1.6 m long and the other 1.9 m.

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Types of materials for upholstered furniture

The life of upholstered furniture - armchairs and sofas, depends not only on the quality, the price of the product, the manufacturer,but also from upholstery, as well as materials used in the production of sofas. Materials used in the production of upholstered furniture can be conditionally attributed to the following groups:

  • Materials for skeletons.
  • For packing.
  • For surface coating.

Frame materials

Furniture frames are made from natural wood( expensive models) or combinations of metal elements, wood boards( chipboard, fiberboard, MDF), plywood, in various combinations.

Important! Tips:

  • If the frame of furniture is made from natural lumber, it is very important that the tree is well dried, otherwise, during operation, the structure will quickly crack or begin to creak.
  • If the frame is made of chipboard or other types of boards, then a layer of protective paint or a special coating must be present from above. This will protect you from the release of harmful formaldehyde resins.

Packing materials

Types of packing are very different:

  • Foam.
  • Synthepone.
  • Polyurethane foam( PPU).
  • Durafil.
  • Synthesis.
  • Spandbond.

The last 3 varieties of synthetic materials are produced on the basis of ecologically clean, elastic fiber - holofayber.

Important! The most expensive and best "stuffing" of the sofa consists of batting, felt and a spring block( such sofas had our ancestors).The best types of upholstered furniture - sofas and armchairs, are stuffed in the form of natural fluff or feather.

Upholstery types

Furniture upholstery should be selected based on the following characteristics:

  • Abrasion resistance.
  • Strength.
  • Resistance to fading.
  • Environmentally friendly.
  • Refractoriness.
  • The content of natural( artificial) fibers.

Important! Criteria for choosing upholstery for upholstered furniture - sofas and armchairs, can also become operating conditions. For example:

  • if the house is inhabited by animals that can damage the furniture material, then try to pick up the most dense fabric for upholstery;
  • if the sofa serves as a bed and is located in the children's room, then give preference to natural, breathable materials that do not contain bright dyes.

Consider the most common materials for upholstery:

  • Flock. This is the most popular synthetic coating. To the touch resembling velvet, but unlike the noble antique material, more durable and durable in use. In the composition of fabrics, synthetic threads is up to 65%, and natural cotton up to 35%.Flock is easy to clean, brush brushed, cleaned with neutral agents and can even be subjected to gentle washing. Advantages of the material:
    1. Not prone to fading and burning out in the sun.
    2. Not sensitive to temperature changes.
    3. Not sensitive to moisture.
    4. Good for use in a house where there are animals.
    5. Treated with mud and moisture repellent impregnations, as well as hypoallergenic compounds.
    6. Silicone coating gives the fabric softness and softness.

Important! The only restriction for this material is that it is not recommended to use a flock for upholstered furniture - armchairs, sofa beds, since it can gradually become stuck and lose its original appearance.

  • Tapestry - a natural material consisting of cotton. When making tapestry, silk and woolen threads can also be used. The popularity of this material is determined by the sophistication of the appearance, thanks to the special technology of thread interlacing. Tapestry - it's quite dense, from thick threads, strong and wear-resistant, non-pile fabric. For the material just take care of: you can clean, vacuum and even wash. The fabric has a stable color and antistatic property, which allows not to attract dust.

Important! The lack of a tapestry: since the material is made by the technology of weaving threads, it is very difficult to remove stains from the tapestry upholstery.

  • Jacquard. The composition of fabrics includes cotton and synthetic fiber in different proportions. The fabric is smooth, very dense, and even stiff. Jacquard is easy to clean: does not absorb stains, does not burn out and has water-repellent properties.
  • Velor. Qualitatively done velor is quite luxurious. On a sofa with such upholstery it is very cozy to rest. It has a pleasant structure and is not inferior in popularity and appearance to velvet. The fabric has a longer pile than velvet, consists of three types of threads: woolen, cotton and silk. Manufacturers add synthetic fibers to the fabric, which increase the stability of the fabric. The basis of velor in its structure is resistant to deformation. However, during the operation of this upholstery, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of a gentle velvet pile.

Important! When leaving, only gentle vacuuming with a soft brush and gentle washing at low temperature are allowed.

  • Microfiber - belongs to the group of flock fabrics. Pleasant to the touch, the material has a fine pile and has one of the highest strength categories. Quite often manufacturers apply a Teflon coating on the fabric, which has antistatic and moisture-repellent properties, which further increases the strength of the microfiber. The fabric is able to "breathe", well passes air. In the care of the material unpretentious. You can clean it with a soft brush or with a vacuum cleaner, and remove stains using cleaning agents. Even dry cleaning is allowed. To date, the most common type of upholstery. Widely used for living room sets, and children's furniture, and for other items of upholstered furniture - armchairs, sofa beds. The composition of the material includes natural and artificial fibers: cotton, viscose, polyester, acrylic. The material is strong enough and wear-resistant, but in the care it prefers dry cleaning( brush or vacuum cleaner), since it is sensitive enough to moisture.
  • Leather is the most noble and luxurious material. Leather looks great as an element of decoration of the representative furniture and very suitable for living rooms in a modern style. The material is not inferior in terms of comfort to other natural materials. Very well adapts to temperature changes and excels in breathing well. The skin is very durable, comfortable and simple enough in daily care material, but use chemicals when removing stains should be very carefully.
  • Cotton, linen is an eco-friendly, hypoallergenic natural material. Cotton and linen upholstery is an ideal option for a children's room. Disadvantages of fabrics from natural fiber: vulnerability, less strength, quick wear( lifetime is several years).For natural tissues, gentle care and protection from moisture are necessary, as well as an unacceptably rough mechanical action.
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Types of chairs

Typically, armchairs are included in a set of upholstered furniture, however, if desired, you can purchase a pair of armchairs separately, because in modern furniture stores, many vendors offer to dial the item-by-element. Armchairs can be comfortably placed in the living room near the fireplace or push to the table with cups of coffee. To make your vacation full, manufacturers and designers of upholstered furniture - armchairs, make maximum efforts, improving the model day by day. Let us dwell on several options that deserve your attention.

Classification of seats according to purpose

  1. Armchairs for living room. Traditional models are designed, first of all, for home rest. The most modern chairs are equipped with various kinds of appliances. For example, extra pillows or a footrest. All modern pieces of upholstered furniture - armchairs, which are equipped with additional devices, called transformers.
  2. Office chairs - designed to work at a computer or a desk. There are models for employees, for visitors or company executives.
  3. Children's armchairs. Models are designed specifically for children of different ages. Furniture promotes proper posture formation and is characterized by ergonomic design.

Armchairs by design type

  1. Traditional chairs. The design of such furniture consists of a backrest, a seat, armrests and legs. The model frame can be either hidden or open. In the furniture store, you can choose models with high armrests, as well as miniature models on the hinges.
  2. Armchair-beds. Models assume the possibility of unfolding an armchair, turning it into a full-fledged sleeper for one person.
  3. Rocking chair. In this model it is nice to relax, swinging to sleep, wrapped in a warm blanket. The design of models of rocking chairs differs by the presence of a pair of semicircular legs of the base. This is ideal for those who have problems with sleep, and just like to be alone with oneself. Popular rocking chairs are also among young mothers, because they do not need to walk around in the apartment with a child in their arms, rocking it, but it is only to sit in a rocking chair and enjoy a nice swing.
  4. Armchairs-transformers. The design of the models is not fixed. If desired, you can change the angle of the backrest, as well as the seat height and other parameters.
  5. Frameless chairs. The design of models does not assume the presence of a rigid traditional frame.
  6. Massage chairs. They have many functions: vibration, rubbing, tapping, heating, etc. The backrest can be adjusted by changing the inclination of the seat, which makes it convenient to sit in it and relax.

Reflecting on what kind of soft furniture - armchairs, sofas, to buy, be guided by your personal feelings, desires. When buying, try to sit down, lie down on different models of sofas and armchairs. Choose the model in which you feel most comfortable. Pleasant rest and good emotions!