- Basics of raising kittens
- How to choose and prepare the tray correctly?
- Which fillers to choose?
- The cat refuses to go into the tray - what's the problem?
- How to accustom an adult street cat to the tray?
- Useful advices:
As soon as a kitten appears in the house, a large number of questions immediately arise: how to accustom the cat to the tray, how to feed it, how to take care of it, whether it needs to prune claws, etc. How noble, thoroughbred and thoroughbredwould not be your kitten, but since birth he is not an "honors pupil" and you will have to stay in the role of a cat mom, and teach your pet what and how to do. Most importantly - be armed with patience, perseverance and, of course, with love.
to the contents ↑Basics of raising kittens
The unofficial rule says: "It is necessary to teach the kitten to the tray from the first days of existence".In order to accustom the pet to the toilet, follow simple rules.
Choosing the Right Habitat
At first, while the kitten did not have time to settle in the new environment, limit some space to find it. Try to keep it where you are most of the time. This will give you the opportunity not only to observe the behavior of the baby, but also to react in time if necessary. Close access to those rooms where there are no doors and there are no obstructions for the kitten. In the room where your pet will be, put a bowl of food and a tray.
Important! With this approach, the question of how to teach kittens to the tray is solved much faster - you will always have all the necessary devices at your fingertips, and the pet will not be able to choose a secluded and hard-to-reach place for your need.
Regularity of procedure
To quickly accustom the cat to the tray, act clearly, strictly adhering to such rules:
- From time to time, plant the kitty in the tray, giving it time and the opportunity to sniff everything around, get acquainted.
- Immediately after sleeping and after another meal, take the cat to the pot.
Important! In no case do not use brute force.
Favorable conditions
In the trays, fill in a small bioconductor, created from treated clay. Baleen kids like to try all the surrounding objects to taste, so this material does not hurt, but on the contrary, when the clay is taken, stomach problems will disappear.
Training courses
In the process of how you will accustom your kittens to the tray, it is important to ensure that they themselves come to the right place, as well as to themselves "cleaned".To do this:
- In order for kittens to learn to rake up the filler, make the characteristic movement by hand and pobosherishite with clay balls.
- If the kitten does not do the raking movements with the paws, then gently help him in this. Take his paws and bury yourself in the tray, and then the instinct, instilled by the mother-nature, will work: if he began to dig himself a hole, then one must go to the toilet.
Important! Pay as much attention to your kitten, watch him. As soon as you see that the mustachioed child sits down to go to the toilet or starts scratching and raking, runs into a secluded place, then without any fuss, calmly, without making sudden movements, transfer it and put it in the tray. As soon as the cat does "its job", be sure to praise it and stroke it.
If you have not looked closely and your pet "did the deal" next to the tray, take a piece of paper, blot the place of bowel movement and put it in the trays. Cats are well-guided by the smell, so the next time they come to the appointed place.
Important! Even if the cat shits anywhere, do not get angry and do not scold her, as the kitten will get scared and you will forever beat the urge to go to the toilet in the proper place. The very place of the "crime" is treated with a remedy for the cat's smell of urine and start training first.
Regularly update the contents of the tray, removing contaminated areas of the bio-filler. Cats are very clean animals and do not want to see dirt in their toilet tray. If he is untidy and not well-groomed, your pet will find another place to cope with the need, and all your efforts to accustom the cat to the tray will be in vain.
Important! Cats do not tolerate any violence, they can only be persuaded.
to the contents ↑How to choose and prepare the tray correctly?
Buying a kitten, you have to buy immediately a tray, and convenient for the pet. For the choice to be correct and you managed to quickly accustom the cat to the tray, consider these recommendations:
- The cuvette should be low enough for the animal to easily get into it.
- Depth also depends on which filler you will fill the tray with. If you decide to fill the cuvette with granules, then the "pot" should be quite deep, so that the filler does not spill onto the floor.
- Take a closer look at the trays with additional sides. Some newly made co-owners make a mistake - they buy a small tray, which corresponds to the current size of the pet. On forget that cats grow very quickly and soon the cuvette will not hold the whole animal. As a result, sitting in a small trough, the priest will leave his pet behind the border and the puddle is inevitable.
Important! Preferably when buying choose large copies.
Types of trays
The assortment of pet stores is diverse:
- trays with bars;
- conventional cuvettes;
- toilet houses.
Important! All cuvettes have their pros and cons - the choice is yours. For example, a perforated tray is convenient when using industrial bulk fillers. Owners who prefer a specimen with lattices want the kitten's feet to remain dry and clean, but such cuvettes will have to be washed more often. But, it is quite possible, you will be able to quickly accustom the cat into a tray with a grating, since its paws will remain clean and it will be extremely pleased with it.
to the contents ↑Which fillers to choose?
For cat litter, pet stores offer a variety of fillers. All of them are designed to absorb not only urine, but also unpleasant smells from it.
Principle of the action of fillers
Fillers made of natural materials and zeolites are made. There are wood fillers and silicones. All fillers of the conditional can be divided into 2 groups:
- Cumulative.
- Absorbent.
Important! Using the first kind, remember that you have to clear the tray several times from lumps and feces during the day. Replacement of this filler is carried out once a week.
The second type of filler simply absorbs moisture and eliminates corrosive odor. In this case, the flowability of the filler is maintained.
Choice of filler by material type
Of course, in the process of how you decide how to accustom the cat to the tray, there will be another question - which filler is better, more economical, more convenient for the pet.
Modern fillers are made from different raw materials:
- Wood fillers. Inexpensive, do not cause allergies and are easy to use. Granules-fillers are made in different sizes for adults and for the youngest kittens. Such fillers are quite popular with condominers.
- Fillers from waste of grain crops, corn and paper. Absolutely safe for both animals and humans. They do not contain any chemical additives, are able to form a lump around the waste and absorb odors. The only drawback is very light granules that can stick to pants or tails of long-haired pets.
- Fillers based on natural clays and minerals. Some of them are the most popular. The only danger is the fine dust that the cheapest species can form.
- Silicogenic. Consist of synthetic crystals. They have a unique absorbing capacity, are very economical, convenient even with several cats in the house.
The cat refuses to go into the tray - what's the problem?
This question is often asked by someone who has long been trying to accustom the cat to the tray, but it does not work. There may be several reasons for this:
- Fragrance filler attracts a pet, but for other purposes. By choosing a filler for the cat's toilet, you may face the problem of using it not for its intended purpose.
- Personal preferences of the pet. Some cats prefer a cut or torn paper or oilcloth. Therefore, what suits your pet, you can learn with time through experimentation.
- Unsuitable aroma. If the kitten accustomed to the toilet flatly refuses to go into the tray, then the reason may be in the purchased filler, which has a repulsive smell.
Important! If you want to train a street cat to the tray, then a tray with a conventional grill without a filler will not work, since cats who grow up on the street like to dig and rummage.
to the contents ↑How to accustom an adult street cat to the tray?
If you picked up a cat or cat on the street, it's natural, they do not know about the existence of the tray and they are suitable for anyone. The main thing is that the cuvette is spacious and comfortable, then the cat will be easier to accustom it. Cats have an excellent intuition, so they will perfectly understand the purpose of the tray.
Important! There is an opinion that it is harder for a cat to be accustomed to a toilet, but the only difference is that cats tag their territory, and cats are more picky and capricious in choosing a place, and also the quality of the tray. Therefore, if the cat did not immediately recognize the ditch, then wait for where it begins to bridge, look for a secluded place and put there "potty".After that, do not change the filler, as your pet will look for a place for the toilet already by smell. Then the problem is how to accustom a cat to a new tray will gradually disappear.
If your pet did everything that was required of him, praise him, treat him with his favorite treat.
Important! The nature and characteristics of an individual animal are completely different. Therefore, there are different ways of how to accustom the cat to the tray.
to the contents ↑Useful advices:
- To prevent the kitten from writing under the couch, close access with empty plastic bottles, laying them around the perimeter of upholstered furniture.
- To repel the desire of cats to go to the toilet in a pot of flowers, put on the ground citrus peel.
- So that the pet does not defecate on the sofa, treat it with ammonia, a solution of vinegar, and preferably perfume.
It is important to remember that upbringing is an ongoing process that requires patience and effort on your part. Whatever difficulties you have in the process of establishing a relationship with a pet, you still love it, surround it with care and you will feel like your cat, sitting on your knees, will purr and give you its aura of coziness and warmth.