- Causes of the appearance of an unpleasant odor
- Ways to combat the
- problem Folk remedies
Scent of the scalp is a rather unpleasant condition that can cause a person discomfort when dealing with people. In addition, it is not only a cosmetic and aesthetic problem - often after revealing its cause, a person has very serious illnesses in the body. How to remove the smell from the scalp? Learn about the causes of the appearance, help trichologists - doctors who are engaged in the treatment of hair and scalp. They believe that in normal health a person should not have such a smell. Let us consider what problems may arise in such a phenomenon.
to content ↑Reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor
The causes of an unpleasant smell of scalp may be different. Often this is evidence of health problems, improper hair care or inappropriate nutrition. Let's understand more in detail.
Cause 1
The most common disease that causes the head to begin to smell bad is seborrhea. With this disease, glands secrete much more fat, with the content of fatty acids.
Important! Hair very quickly become soiled, the person suffers constant dandruff, the skin thickens, and also gets a grayish shade.
Cause 2
If the internal organs are not working properly, this can also lead to problems with hair and scalp. Often this is a sign of a diseased liver, kidneys, intestines, because how they remove toxins from the body.
If their functions are lost, then other channels of purification are actively connected, and first of all it is skin. That's why the metabolic disorders, improper nutrition, slagging of the intestines cause the skin of the person's head to start to smell unpleasant.
Reason 3
Taking certain medications is also capable of causing an unpleasant odor from the scalp.
Reason 4
Improper hair care causes increased sebaceous gland secretion. This happens if a person very often shampoos his head or constantly dries it with a hot air blower. A rare washing can lead to the accumulation of fat on the skin, because of what they get an unpleasant smell.
Cause 5
Bacterial or fungal infections that are present in the body can spread to the scalp and promote odor. In addition, because of the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms, hormonal failures can occur.
Other reasons:
- Too hot caps made of moisture resistant materials.
- Frequent use of cosmetics for styling hair.
Important! And there are also more commonplace reasons that the smell of the scalp has become unpleasant: it's not about the skin, it's about the hair that can perfectly absorb all the surrounding scents. So, the work of a farmer, a doctor, a person associated with the processing of fish or meat, causes a corresponding smell.
to the contents ↑Ways to combat the
problem It is not the smell itself that needs to be eliminated, but its cause. It is better to do this by consulting with a doctor. He will help to choose the right shampoo and appoint special masks for the head.
In seborrhea it is desirable:
- To consume foods that are rich in vitamin A, B, and C.
- The general strengthening of immunity so that the body struggles with bacteria and fungi.
- Drugs that normalize the functioning of the nervous system.
Important! As a rule, a diet is prescribed to a person, where sweets, bakery products and yeast products are excluded.
To eliminate the unpleasant smell of the scalp, which is caused by a violation of the internal organs, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and, if possible, to treat.
The best way to get rid of slags is a diet based on the consumption of water and fiber in large quantities, refusal to bake, meat, fried foods, sweets, sauces, fatty foods, mayonnaise, fast food, smoked products. In doing so, you can carry out massages, cleansing enemas, visit the bathhouse and practice gymnastics.
Important! It is necessary to identify foci of infection, and if any, correct them. It can be a dysbacteriosis of the genitourinary system and intestines, bacterial diseases of the throat.
It is possible to try:
- To carry out a washing of a head more often, if necessary - daily.
- Correctly choose a shampoo.
- Discard hair styling products and blow dry with hot air.
- Eliminate the freezing of the scalp.
- If the odor of the skin from the head is affected by some external factors, you should get rid of them or avoid them.
- During work wear a shawl made of natural fabric.
Important! The headgear should be matched to the season, so that the skin does not overheat, and vice versa - it does not freeze. The fabric must be breathable.
to the contents ↑Folk remedies
To remove the smell from the scalp, you can try using folk tips:
- Apple vinegar as masks or for rinsing.
- Head massage with the help of large sea salt.
- Adding a few drops of tea tree oil to shampoos or hair masks.
- Milk whey, which remains after the straining of cottage cheese, is not bad. She should wash her head once a day for a week, then take a break for a few days.
There are many ways to eliminate the unpleasant smell of the scalp. But the main thing is to remember that if after performing the above procedures the situation does not get better, you need to see a doctor, because cleanliness and beauty are evidence of a healthy body.