Border for a bed from falling by own hands

  • Do I need a bumper?
  • What should be the edge?
  • Buy or stitch?
  • Barrier for a child's bed - how is it better?
  • Getting ready to sew
  • Sewing the side

Baby cot is the first personal space in a person's life. From what it is, this space, the attitude of its inhabitant to the world and to people largely depends. And this means that the baby, even if it seems to you that he does not understand anything yet, should feel comfortable and in complete safety. You and he will be helped by bumpers. Border for a bed from falling by own hands - what is needed for this? Let's talk about this.

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Do I need a bumper?

Not all young mothers believe that in a baby cot, if it's with a grate, you need to put something in there. When they themselves grew up, there were no special bumpers, of course. Yes, but there were extra pillows and folded blankets, which were placed in the crib to protect the baby from possible unpleasant surprises. So why not buy or make an object that will replace improvised funds?

The side for the bed is needed because:

  • the kid does not fall off the bed;
  • arm, leg or even the head is not stuck between the rods;
  • the child will fall asleep more quickly, if nothing distracts him;
  • if you make a removable picture - the owner of the crib will find what to do, and in moments of wakefulness.

Important! For a newborn, additional protection is not very necessary, but for a child who has already started to sit down, crawl or get up, it is simply necessary. In addition, you can make bumpers, which will become a real decoration for children. As for the need to approach the child, this addition does not hinder this.

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What should be the edge?

Everything a small child has to deal with must be safe. Not least, this applies to bedding. The bumper for the bed from falls must be:

  • hygienic;
  • is hypoallergenic;
  • eco-friendly;
  • beautiful;
  • painted in a calm tone.

Base material

As with any children's item, the side must be periodically washed. That is, it should be made of such materials that are washed easily, do not lose their appearance and water from detergents and quickly dry.

Important! For a cover, cotton fabric is usually used - for example, coarse calico, teak or satin.

Environmentally friendly filler

As a filler for the side for the bed from falling by your own hands the most suitable sintepon. As for other materials:

  • Sometimes use foam rubber, but this is not the best option, because it after a while begins to disintegrate and release harmful substances.
  • Wadding or batting is not suitable, because they dry badly, they are practically not disinfected, and in such a filler a fungus is very often started.

The sintepon also has a drawback. It has the property of falling down and forming lumps. But with this misfortune it is not difficult to cope - it is enough simply to quilter the product. Advantages it is much more:

  • sintepon is absolutely neutral in relation to the environment;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • is easily erased;
  • is easily disinfected;
  • is odorless.

So, deciding to make a barrier for the bed from falling by yourself, use it. Buy sintepon is easy - it can be done in any fabric store.

Important! An old blanket or a sleeping bag is not worth ripping - most likely, the filler in them has already fallen, and there will be a lot of fuss with it.

Aesthetics of the nursery

From the very first days the child must learn to appreciate beauty. What he sees around him will leave an indelible mark on his memory, even if he does not realize it himself. Ideally clean side for the bed, which is fastened with bright pictures, for the education of aesthetic sense is just perfect. Well, you should like this thing - like everything that surrounds your baby.

As for color, it is preferable to calm pastel colors of the warm spectral segment:

  • cream;
  • pink;
  • beige.

Important! A few more words about the design:

  • Bright colors excite, the baby will stay longer.
  • Cold colors give the impression that the temperature in the room is slightly lower than there is, so you can only use them in very warm rooms.
  • As for the picture, it is better to take a monophonic fabric or with a small, soft pattern. Large pictures, which the baby will look at while awake, can be done separately.
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Buy or Stitch?

In the stores of children's products you will find many additional devices for beds. For example, for a three-year-old baby, you will easily find modular furniture on sale, when additional protective devices, like the same skirting boards or soft supports, are simply included.

Buy a better new thing from a good manufacturer. True, it can cost a little more than a commission store, from a casual seller or from a hand. But you can check all the certificates.

If you buy a bumper in a commission or with a hand, carefully inspect it:

  • it should be clean;
  • do not have visible mechanical damage;
  • filler should be free of lumps;
  • bumper should not emit any foreign smells.

Important! By the way, all these requirements apply to children's products bought in a regular store. In any case, the object should be without visible flaws and smell like a new childish thing. If there are any doubts as to the quality of the offered goods or you are limited in means, it is better to sew the rim yourself.

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Barrier for a child's bed with your hands - the better?

You, of course, will have to work a little and spend some time on making the side for the bed from falling by yourself. But as a result you will receive a product about which you will literally know everything:

  • from what material is made the top;
  • that is used as a filler;
  • how reliable fasteners.

Caring mother probably will make every effort to make the bed of her baby the most safe, comfortable and beautiful. And, of course, creativity will bring you considerable pleasure, and therefore - and to the product you will treat carefully.

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Getting ready to sew

Any business is controversial if it is properly prepared. Of course, the side for the bed from the falls with your own hands can be sewn by hand, but it will be long. So in any case you will need a sewing machine, even the simplest one.


You also need:

  • large sharp scissors;
  • Tailoring Meter;
  • tail pins;
  • centimeter tape;
  • iron;
  • chalk or soap.

Important! To work it was more convenient and the process passed faster:

  • Scissors are better to take tailors - with long blades, but in principle they will fit and medium-sized, if only they were well sharpened.
  • The tailor's meter is a long wooden or metal ruler. You can use a flat bar without chipping.
  • T-shirts are sold at the sewing store. They represent a needle with a head in the form of a loop or a ball.
  • In the same department you can buy a centimeter, it does not matter whether it is one-sided or two-sided.
  • Chalk needs a color so that the trail is clearly visible on the fabric. The same applies to soap.


The fence for the bed with your own hands can be of several types.

Decide which you will sew the edge - with a removable cover or without it. In the first case, two types of tissue are needed, in the second case, one. Well, the amount of material, respectively, will be different.

Important! Removable cover is more convenient, because it can be washed separately from the rest, and this, you see, is much faster and easier.

In addition, do not forget to buy:

  • sheet sintepon;
  • non-woven fabric;
  • ready-made slanting bake or material to make it;
  • long zipper( 45-50 cm), if the edge is with the cover;
  • cord;
  • decoration elements - bows, satin bake, cant and other decor on your own.

Important! Before you cut, a new cotton cloth, you need to wash or wet it and dry it with a hot iron, otherwise it will sit down after the first wash.

Fabric calculation

The amount of material directly depends on which side you are going to sew:

  • around the perimeter of the crib;
  • on one long wall and two short ones;
  • on one long wall and one short;
  • only on long;
  • separate bumpers for each wall.

Important! The edge, which will be applied to the long side, may also not be continuous, but consist of two or three sections.

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Sewing the edge

Let's try to make a long bumper - the rest can be sewn by the same principle.

Removing the measurements

Any cutting begins with the removal of measurements. You need to know:

  • the length of the product;
  • its approximate height.

Important! The factory-made bumpers have the following standards:

  • for the full height of the wall:
  • for ⅔ heights;
  • for ½ height.

Recommendations for cutting the material:

  • The bumper is stitched from two identical rectangles, the length of each is equal to the length of the product, and the width to the approximate height.
  • Add on each side allowances of 2.5 cm - that is, half the bumper will need a piece of fabric length MI( length of the product) + 5 cm, and Width( width of the product) + 5 cm.
  • With a width of 140 cm,equal to one length of the product, if 70 cm or 90 cm - 2 lengths.

Important! Similarly, calculate the amount of material for the remaining fragments, and then fold everything. The calculation of the amount of fabric for the cover is exactly the same.

Kant for a cover is an important part of the

As for the cover for the cover, it should be enough to cover all the segments 1 time, except lightning. Kant can be bought ready, but it's not worth it to make it yourself, cutting it by the scythe:

  1. Cut the strip at an angle of 45 ° to the transverse thread, the width is 2 times that desired, plus 0.5 cm of allowances on each side.
  2. Fold the strip in half facing outward.
  3. Press the fold.
  4. Fold the allowances inwards.
  5. Press the folds.
  6. If the edging consists of several parts - sew them into one ribbon.

When stapling, the ends of the workpieces must be folded with the faces at an angle of 90 ° to each other, combine the edges of the allowances and stitch. Then the allowances should be ironed. Inside the tape, attach the cord and detach it along the entire length( you can use a decorative stitch if your car can do it).

Important! The line should be laid near the cord, but it does not touch - it's very good if you have a special foot for lightning.

We make inner cases

The inner cover is the most simple part, which even a beginner needlewoman can handle:

  1. Carve out 2 rectangles according to the measurements taken.
  2. Fold them face-to-face.
  3. It is possible to reinforce the details with a sheet-type sintepon by cutting 2 of the same rectangles and attaching them to the main parts, but this is not necessary.
  4. Sweep the parts on three sides, leaving a gap of 10 cm on one of the short sides.
  5. Tear details.
  6. Cut the allowances close to the line( just leave 2 mm).
  7. In the corners cut the allowances obliquely.
  8. Remove the product.
  9. Angles straighten with scissors. Fill the bumper with a sintepon.
  10. Quilt it with long stitches diagonally, laying the stitch lines at a distance of 3-4 cm from each other.
  11. Quilt again with a different slope - the stitch lines should form rhombuses.
  12. Install the hole.

Preparing the fasteners

How will the side of the folds be fixed to the bed with their own hands? The most convenient option - ties. They can be made from a wide braid or the same material as the edge.

In the second case:

  1. Cut off the oblique strip 4 cm wide.
  2. Fold it in half along the length.
  3. Press the fold.
  4. Attach the allowances inwards.
  5. Press again and stitch.

Important! The length of the strip should be such that it would be possible to easily attach the rim to the grid bar, but there would not be too long ends.

As for the quantity, it is enough to cover a bumper covering the long side of the bed, three to two, about 2 cm from the corners, one in the middle. Each tie consists of two identical ribbons - so it will be more convenient to sew them.

Sewing the case

It is also made of two rectangles, but there is one subtlety. It is necessary to sew the edge and the zipper. For this:

  1. As in the first case, fold the details face-to-face with each other.
  2. Lay the edge between them so that the allowance coincides with the cuts of the details along the long side, and the line is on the line along which the rectangles will be sewn.
  3. Sweep all three parts together or grind them with safety pins.
  4. Fold the strings in pairs and also insert between the parts so that the ends coincide with the slices of the latter and sweep.
  5. Stitch it all, leaving the stitch area under the zipper.
  6. Remove the cover by cutting the allowances at the corners diagonally.

Sew the zipper

The zipper can be sewn and before stitching the cover around the perimeter. But usually young seamstresses forget about this and only remember when the rest is done. It's okay, you can.

So, we continue the work:

  1. Allow the lightning bolts to be inside the cover.
  2. Place the zipper on the inside, while folding the fabric should lie close to the teeth, but do not cover them.
  3. Lay the stitch on one side as close as possible to the edge.
  4. Do the same on the other side
  5. Fasten the zipper double stitching along the short sides.

Carrying case is ready!

It remains to put it on the edge and tie it to the crib. And decorative pictures can be made in the form of squares with applique and simply superimpose on bumpers when the child does not sleep. Make sure that the side for the bed from falling by your own hands is a feasible task for you? Go ahead, go for it! Let your crumbs have the safest, comfortable and cozy crib!