In this age of high speeds and chronic haste, this situation has become quite typical: stubborn vegetation on the face again makes you look like a snowman, but there is simply no time for soap-machine procedures. It's here that you remember that for a long time were going to buy an electric shaver, which allows you to shave dry. Well, it's time to run for the purchase, but first you need to decide which razor is best for you: rotary or wire. We will briefly tell about those and others.
Razor shavers
Principle of operation
In a razor wire type crank mechanism or alternating magnetic field causes the cutting blade to perform reciprocating( oscillatory) movements with a frequency of up to 13,000 vibrations per minute. The blade is closed with a semi-cylindrical perforated mesh. Bristles are cut off when they get into the holes of the net, the skin of the face does not have direct contact with the blade.
The head of the razor blade can have one, two or three shaving blocks, each of which is covered by a separate grid. In addition to the shaving blocks, the shaver can be equipped with a trimmer, allowing for cutting longer hair.
In models of medium and expensive price segment, the entire shaving head or each shaving unit can be individually floating, that is, performing shaking movements during shaving, repeating the contours of the face.
Advantages and disadvantages of shaving razors
Shaving razors with grid shaving blocks are best suited for sensitive skin. In comparison with razors rotary type, they do not provide such a clean shave, but do not cause strong irritation. The most favorable effect on the skin of the face razors, the grids of which are covered with a layer of platinum.
Rotary Shavers
Principle of operation
In rotor systems, the shaving unit has a circular shape and consists of a disc with slots behind which a rotating blade is placed.
Similar to razors of the grid type, the head of the rotary shaver can be equipped with one, two or three shaving blocks. In the latter case, the blocks are arranged in a triangle and lie not in one plane, but at a slight angle to each other. In this case, each unit has, so to speak, an "independent suspension", which allows it to best fit on the skin of the face during shaving.
Virtually all rotary razors, except for shaving blocks, have a trimmer, which is pulled out with a special lever.
Advantages and disadvantages of the
rotary shaver In modern rotary razors, as well as in machine tools, a double blade is often used that provides the highest quality shaving: the first blade raises the hair, the second cuts it at the most optimal angle.
Thanks to this system, the rotary shaver perfectly copes with uneven or growing bristles in different directions. Especially effective are razors with a combined shaving block plate, which has not only slits( for long bristles), but also openings, as in grid-type razors( for short bristles).
Minus rotary razors - a hard effect on the skin. Owners of sensitive skin such a razor may not be suitable.