Top 10 Most Expensive Dogs

Breeding dogs can become a profitable business if you choose the right breed. Many wishing to have a puppy are ready to lay out tens and even hundreds of thousands of rubles for a coveted dog.

In our The top 10 most expensive breeds of dogs in the world are collected animals, the cost of which ranges from 1 to 14 thousand US dollars. The price of puppies is determined by the fashion for this or that breed, a small number and the presence of these dogs in the property of royal families, aristocrats and show business stars.


  • 10. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
  • 9. Louchhen( Levchen) is a rare breed of decorative dogs.
  • 8. Canadian Eskimo Dog
  • 7. English Bulldog
  • 6. Egyptian Pharaoh's dog is one of the oldest breeds on Earth.
  • 5. Chow-chow is an ancient, popular and rather expensive breed.
  • 4. Saluki( dog-gazelle) costs about 2,5 thousand dollars.
  • 3. Pembroke Welsh Corgi are the favorite dogs of the British royal family.
  • 2. The French mastiff costs about 3 thousand dollars.
  • 1. Tibetan Mastiff

10. Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

is a very popular breed among European aristocrats. The name of these charming and perhaps the most intelligent dogs in the world were named after the English monarch Charles II.The cost of the puppy starts from 1000 US dollars. The most expensive Cavalier King Charles was selling as much as 14 thousand dollars.

9. Louchhen( Levchen) is a rare breed of decorative dogs.

The breed originated in France and is popular in Europe, especially in Germany. The cost of the puppy is 5-8 thousand dollars. In Russia there are no kennels offering purebred puppies. Like the vast majority of ornamental breeds, they are rather capricious and require careful care.

8. The Canadian Eskimo Dog

still works side by side with a man in the Far North. The cost of the puppy is about 7 thousand dollars. The size of the breed is small, which makes it so expensive. These dogs are not kept in urban conditions - they need an active lifestyle and fresh air.

7. The English bulldog

is one of the symbols of the British nation and the pride of all inhabitants of the Foggy Albion. Original English breeds occupy as many as three positions in our Top-10 most expensive breeds. The price of an English Bulldog puppy ranges from 2,500 to 9,000 dollars. And although the list of the most harmful breeds of dogs in the world includes bulldogs, in Russia the breed is quite popular and several dozen domestic nurseries are engaged in its professional breeding. Although true connoisseurs prefer to bring British puppies.

6. Egyptian Pharaoh's dog is one of the oldest breeds on Earth.

Puppies of these elegant and intelligent dogs cost from 2.5 to 6.5 thousand dollars. Many aristocrats of Europe are happy to keep Pharaoh dogs on kennels in their estates. In Russia the breed is quite rare, but there are several nurseries offering purebred puppies.

5. Chow-chow is an ancient, popular and rather expensive breed.

The cost of a puppy is from 1 to 8.5 thousand dollars. Thick and fairly long hair of the dog requires careful care. Not for nothing, the most expensive in the content of breeds of dogs include in their list Chow Chow. By the way, in Korea, representatives of this breed are still used for food.

4. Saluki( dog-gazelle) costs about 2,5 thousand dollars.

Elegant and one of the most beautiful breeds of dogs in the world is popular among wealthy fans of hunting breeds. Saluki is not easy to acquire, there are no nurseries offering these dogs in Russia. These slender dogs do not tolerate the cold, so keeping them in an open-air cage is problematic.

3. Pembroke Welsh Corgi are the favorite dogs of the British royal family.

Puppies of this dear dwarf breed cost from 1 000 dollars. Dogs with a good pedigree are several times more expensive. In addition to Queen Elizabeth II, the owners of Pembroke Welsh Corgi are Stephen King, Jennifer Aniston and Fyodor Bondarchuk.

2. The French mastiff costs about 3 thousand dollars.

This large dog is not easy to keep in a city apartment, therefore such dogs are usually purchased by owners of extensive country estates. Naturally, not everyone can afford such a watchman, but even deciding to buy a puppy, it is worth considering that the content of the mastiff is also not a cheap one.

1. Tibetan mastiff

- is the most expensive breed of dogs in the world today. It is the Tibetan mastiff - the most likely ancestor of all modern mastiffs. Puppy of this strong and large dog costs from 2,2 to 7 thousand dollars. In addition, the owner will have to spend serious amounts on training, expensive food, aviary. In return, he will receive a faithful and reliable guard.