- Fireplace in the interior
- How to place a fireplace?
- Recommendations for location
- Fireplace or false fireplace?
- Types of
- How to decorate the hearth?
- Interior styles
- In conclusion
The living room is a place where it should be especially warm and cozy. Here you can relax from all the problems, chat with friends and just have a good time
.Designers come up with many options for how to make this room warmer, lighter, and one of these ideas is to create a living room design with a fireplace. Consider this option in detail, so that you can recreate a nice picture of the interior in the house with your own hands.
Fireplace in the interior
Of course, a real fireplace with fire is a fantastic thing that can transform any house. But not every private house can boast with the necessary requirements for the installation of the fireplace, not to mention the apartment in a multi-storey building.
If you are the owner of your own house, in which you have a room with an area of at least twenty squares, as well as the possibility to make a separate foundation and chimney - you can safely turn to the master stove-makers. In another case - you can create a cozy hearth with the help of safe fireplace analogs.
In this case, it is necessary to remember about the design of fireplaces. It is important that the design not only attracted the eye, but harmoniously combined with the interior of the room as a whole. Also, if we are talking about a large real hearth with a living fire, one should know the rules of its placement.
to the contents ↑How to place a fireplace?
All fireplaces in the place of their placement can be divided into several types
Closed and semi-open
Nowadays private fireplaces are very popular. This - built into the wall of the structure, equipped with a chimney, a firebox. True, they are planned right away when building a house.
Important! If the installation of the fireplace is made after the construction work is completed, then choose a semi-open version adjacent to the wall.
Also interesting look in the interior design of the living room angular fireplaces.
Corner structure
If the room is small, but real fireplaces in a private house you already literally dream, and you dream to establish such options, do not rush to change the living space. We advise you to pay attention to the angular structures. They will save a significant area.
Important! For a corner fireplace does not require a lot of space, but this option does not spread the heat as well as do wall or island foci.
Island designs
Open version in the format of the island is the hearth in the center of the room, which gives its heat as much as possible, emphasizes the unique style of the interior.
The island focus is more labor-intensive in creating, but it heats the room perfectly.
Important! Of course, in installation and safety, you need to be extremely cautious, but the result is worth it. The only thing to be taken into account is that this option is suitable only for very large areas.
Wall variants
Wall constructions are installed to one of the walls of the house. If the installation was made to an external wall, there is a great risk that heat will escape from the room.
Important! If desired, not only look at the fire, but also keep warm, the hearth is fixed to the inner wall.
Built-in foci
The built-in option is ideal for small rooms, as the space is saved by installing the structure in a niche or column.
to the table of contents ↑Recommendations for the location of the
The location of this fireplace depends not only on the appearance of the room, but also on your safety. Consider the advice of professionals more:
- Masters do not recommend placing fireplaces next to outside walls, since so much of the heat will go to the street.
- In order to avoid falling apart from frequent changes in temperature, it is necessary to protect it. For this, both the walls of the room and its windows and doors are insulated.
- Do not install structures near staircases, in corridors. This is very dangerous, as it can lead to a fire.
- When placing furniture, you need to remember that the main task is to put it so that all sitting could see the hearth. It is ideally to place a small sofa near the fireplace with a coffee table, and opposite it a pair of armchairs. Or put padded stools near the armchairs.
- Furniture, like other interior items, is better to choose warm colors. This will emphasize both the design of the room with a fireplace, and the comfort of the room.
- Do not place televisions or other equipment directly above the structure - this could result in a fire.
- For a private house, the best option for placing a living fireplace with fire is a spacious living room. In it you can not only have a cozy time, admiring the fire, but also if you want to cook a portion of shish kebabs for a small company.
Fireplace or false fireplace?
In a large room, the fireplace looks simply gorgeous, and creates the very unique atmosphere that we all so expect from it. But in small rooms such constructions are unacceptable not only for safety reasons, but also because they will eat most of the room. As a result - you will get a hot, stuffy and narrow room, in which not that about coziness, but even about just being there can be no question.
Important! When deciding to install a fireplace in a private house, remember the safety precautions: make sure that the height of the ceilings is sufficient for this kind of construction, and placing a number of textiles, curtains and other items that can catch fire is unacceptable.
If there is no possibility of installing a real hearth, you can make a false fireplace. At the same time, you do not have to think about ceiling height, placement of textiles or huge space.
Let's talk in more detail about modern and classical variants of foci and on how to create your own design of a living room with a fireplace in the apartment.
to the contents ↑Types of
Modern progress does not stand still, and if before the chic fireplace was a privilege only for those who had a large private house, today the fireplace can be made by anyone. Even if you live in a high-rise building, but you dream of a fireplace - this is no reason to deny such a wonderful way to decorate the apartment.
Of course, apartment owners in multi-story buildings can not afford real fire, but for them there is a option to install an electric fireplace. In general, today there are a lot of different types of foci - from absolutely safe decorative options to real ones, with fire. However, it should be noted that not all species are equally suitable for different conditions. Let's consider them in more detail, and start with the classics for all time.
Classic wood-burning
This is the oldest type of hearth, which has the ability to heat the room. It works due to the burning of firewood, and next to such a construction it is customary to make a small separate woodpile.
Important! Remember that wood fireplaces can not be installed in rooms less than twenty squares.
Electric fireplace
In high-rise buildings, the real fireplace is not installed. But there is an excellent alternative - electrical design. These devices create an image of fire, and even emit a little heat. They are practical, safe and convenient to use.
Important! They do not need to install a chimney and additional ventilation, take care of the stock of firewood and cleaning from the ash. Perhaps, this is one of the most optimal options when deciding to create a fireplace in an apartment.
These fireplaces are only called fireplaces, but in fact, it's just a decorative design that complements your interior. Inside the structure you can install candles, and on top put a photo or souvenirs.
Gas fireplace
This fireplace works with a gas burner, so you do not have to worry about the wood stock. In this case, you get a real live fire, able to warm in any weather.
In urban apartments, this fireplace, alas, not install. But there is a good alternative - a bio fireplace:
- These are environmentally friendly and safe designs that work with biofuels, they do not smoke at all and do not smoke at all.
- Depending on the design, they can be installed on the floor or suspended on a wall.
- In this case, the feeling that the real firewood is burning, does not leave for a second.
- Such devices are also used for aromatherapy. In the stores you can find special sets with essential oils and herbs.
Any way of placement, type of construction, as well as the design of the hall with a fireplace should emphasize the style and warmth of the room.
to the contents ↑How to decorate the hearth?
A fireplace is a place where it's nice to assemble. Meet the holidays with a noisy crowd or sit alone. It is very important that the design not only warms, but also attracts the eye. Therefore, the style of the whole room depends on the choice of the finishing materials for your hearth:
- Choosing a fireplace design in a modern style or any other, it is important that the colors and textures of the materials finish are not out of the general style and concept of the room.
- The standard variant of decoration of rooms with a fireplace - a classic. It's old and modern in one bottle. A lot of wood, stucco moldings, light colors and lacquered furniture.
Important! Today, you can choose the decoration for almost any style, even if it's modern Hi-tech or rural Provence, or Country.
In order for your fireplace to look elegant and stylish, it is faced with various materials. It can be:
- brick;
- stone - artificial or natural;
- granite;
- marble;
- wood;
- limestone;
- ceramic tile and other refractory materials.
Important! Of course, use for decoration and a variety of additional elements.
Here, the appearance of the cladding becomes more important, fire resistance for such options is not needed.
Let's talk a little more about fireplaces in different interiors.
to content ↑Interior styles
Today, fireplaces fit into almost any style - from neutral options to exquisite baroque.
In the classical version, fireplaces are faced with marble or high-quality wood.
Important! The crucial point is that the materials are resistant to strong heat. The incredible warmth of the tree warms, even if there is no fire in the hearth.
Wooden products can be decorated with carvings and inserts from expensive breeds. Most often, these portals are made of strong and resistant woods:
- oak;
- maple;
- ash;
- pine;
- birch.
Important! There are also unusual options that will allow the owner of the hearth to stand out for its uniqueness, style and elegance of the
- wenge;
- teak;
- pink tree.
Additional trim options:
- Today in stores you can buy wood varnishes in a variety of shades, which only introduces a variety in finishing options.
- Delicate and calm colors on the wooden finish can be created thanks to a transparent primer, and a special coating of craquelure will help to imitate cracks on it.
Important! Classics involves strict lines, neutral colors and a minimum of excesses. Of course, it's important to put on the fireplace in a classic interior. Here an integral part of the hearth is the antique clock, candlesticks, family photos and various figurines.
For this style, the characteristic materials are marble, concrete, stone, metal and their combinations, as well as glossy and mirror surfaces. Here you should not use brightness and variety. Simple forms, color, and a minimum of decor - this is what is perfect for Modern.
You can beat this simplicity by applying different textures and materials:
- Around the fireplace you can sew in gypsum board, painted with refractory paint.
- Next to make mantels and lining stainless steel.
This unusual style very quickly won the love of designers. Typical for him materials are:
- concrete;
- brick;
- dark wood;
- uneven plaster.
Important! But at the same time the severity of the lines is maintained. Also characteristic are the dark tones in combination with the whitewashed brick.
This style does not involve much decor. In this case, you can use candles, wooden frames and shelves.
to the contents ↑Conclusion
The fireplace has long been considered a symbol of the home and comfort. Next to him, it's nice to spend time alone, on a cold evening with a cup of delicious tea and a favorite book, and with friends for cozy conversations. And how nice it is to look at the fire together - it's an incredible romance and the desire to talk all night under the crack of logs is simply fascinating.
Important! When installing a classic fireplace, it is better to entrust the work to professionals, because any mistake in installing an inexperienced master can lead to a fire hazard situation.
Electric fireplaces were invented for urban residents. In the interior of the apartment they look almost like real, especially if you create for them the right finish and think over the decor. Fantasize, and you will certainly create your own and unique version of the home.