- How to determine if an update is required?
- Getting Started
- Replacement of grout
Tile is a universal finishing material. It is used both for finishing the floors and walls in the bathroom, in the kitchen, and for the hallway, and even for the veranda, the terrace. When stacking, to achieve a perfect appearance of the finished surface, carefully seal all the joints between the elements of the trowel. But over time, any seam between the tiles begins to darken and lose its attractiveness, especially quickly it happens in the bathroom, where the humidity is high. In this article, we'll talk about how to update the seams between the tiles in the bathroom without spending a lot of effort on this process.
to the contents ↑How to determine if an update is required?
Removal of contaminants in the bathroom should occur regularly. At a minimum, cleaning with a brush and special means should occur every 3 months. But over time, there always comes a time when you need to update the grout on the tile in the bathroom. This is due not only to the aesthetic appearance, but, first of all, it is with the hygiene of the bathroom. Another factor is that because of this frequent care the layer of grouting is erased. In order to understand if you need to update the seams in the bathroom, consider the following:
- The joints between the tiles darkened and acquired a "dirty" shade.
- Grout began to crumble or crumble.
- You have got mold or fungus.
- Also the cause can be the presence of dirt and grease.
- Regular cleaning does not help to get rid of stains.
Important! With the appearance of at least one given sign, this is a clear signal to action.
Factors affecting the condition of the joints
Everyone knows that in order to get rid of the problem, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the causes of this problem. If the seams between your tile have lost their appearance before you counted, find out the reason for this.
Among them may be and such:
- Non-compliance with the norms that are necessary for laying tiles.
- The seams were not pre-treated.
- Poor ventilation system.
Getting started with
Actually, there are a lot of options for how to update the grout in the bathroom.
We define with the method
Among them we can distinguish 2 main groups: cosmetic methods and capital method. The first include methods such as:
- Cleaning household chemicals.
- Cleaning with folk remedies.
- Marker.
- Painting seams.
The second one has only one capital method, which involves a complete replacement of the grout between the tiles.
Important! If you are going to make the restoration of joints due to the appearance of mold, then of all the above methods, only the latter will suit you. The application, for example, of paints will only slow down the growth of the fungus, but it will not stop.
Preparatory stage
Before you update the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, you need to decide which way to improve the appearance you will use, as well as prepare for the process itself. To do this, you must remove all excess furniture and household appliances from the bathroom. If necessary, remove even the toilet and the sink.
Important! In addition to creating comfortable conditions, you also need to protect yourself. Prepare special glasses, a respirator and gloves. For work most suit working clothes from the store. It does not interfere and protects against anything that might threaten you at the time of repair.
Household chemical goods
One of the most common and fastest ways to update interlacing seams in the bathroom is cleaning with household chemicals. To carry out this event, you will need a brush, which will be updated, and a detergent. Ideally, the old toothbrush will work for you - its bristles most correspond to the required rigidity.
Detergent can be of 3 kinds:
- Powdery. In order to start work with it, pour some powder into the container, wet it with water to form a gruel. The resulting mixture is applied to the brush and wipe the problem area. After cleaning, wash the joint with water and allow to dry.
- Gel. Unlike the powder, the gel does not need to be mixed with water. It is enough to apply it to the brush and use it to place the product on the seam. Then leave it for five minutes. After the time has elapsed, wipe the seams with a sponge and rinse with water.
- Spray. This type of detergent should be applied to the interlace joints with the aid of a sprayer. In order for the effect of the spray to have an effect, leave it on the surface for a few minutes. After - clean the surface, rinse it and wipe the tile.
Important: When working with household chemicals, be sure to consider protecting your body. From prolonged contact with bare skin, you can get even a burn. When using concentrated substances, think about ventilating the room.
Folk remedies
The use of household chemicals is not always appropriate. It happens in situations with poorly ventilated rooms, as well as in the presence of allergic reactions to drugs. In this case, in order to update the grout on the tile in the bathroom, people's recipes of cleaning products are used.
The most popular and effective are 2 ways.
Peroxide with soda
This mixture is prepared simply, does not cause any harm to humans and is very effective against contaminants. To cook it, take the key ingredients in the ratio of 4 parts of soda to 3 peroxides. Then spread the mixture on the seams, rub it and wait about 2 hours. After - rub the treated places.
Important! It is not recommended to use this method for seams, which have a variety of color shades.
Soap solution
The most simple and affordable way to update the grout in the bathroom:
- To make a solution, chop the soap into small pieces. You can do it with a knife or using a large grater.
- Pour all with warm water, stir until the soap dissolves completely.
- Take the sponge and soak it.
- Apply the product to the seams and wipe until visible dirt disappears.
- Wash the resulting foam after cleaning with water and wipe it dry so that no soapy stains are formed on the ceramic surface.
Important! For use, suitable as a normal soap, and household.
A simple and short-lived way to update the seams between the tiles in the bathroom. Sold such a tool is not in every store, which means - it still needs to look. Use is nowhere easier. In order to paint the seams, it is necessary:
- With water and soap, rinse the surface of the grout.
- Restore cracked and fallen areas.
- Remove excess and clean joints.
- Apply paint to the joints.
The advantage of this method, of course, is the simplicity of the work. The disadvantage is the short duration of the work. Suitable means for those who urgently need to bring the bathroom in order before the arrival of important guests.
Important! Apply the marker only on a dry surface, otherwise - all your efforts will be wasted.
Painting seams
Another quick and easy way to update interlacing seams in the bathroom.
Important! Like the previous method, this method is short-lived and requires a repetition after 6 months. Painting the seams occurs over the old grout.
Choose paint for this purpose is not difficult. Many manufacturers offer a wide variety of specially designed paints of various shades. This recommendation is suitable even for those who have unevenly applied the first layer of paint and want to level the tone.
To properly paint seams, follow these instructions:
- The enamel layer of the tile can damage the process. Therefore, it must be removed using a large nazhdachku.
- Sand the grinded surface.
- Degrease surface with acetone or other solvent.
- Apply the primer to the surface and let it dry.
- Sand the seams, remove any excess soil.
- Now, safely put the paint on the surface.
Important! For fans of creative design there is an option to decorate the seams with the help of decoupage techniques. For this, you need to glue the strip with a pattern to the surface and fix it in two layers.
Popular tools for the renovation of interlace seams
In fact, the market presents a variety of options. But among all there are the most effective, which has been the leader for more than a year. Among them:
- Edding 8200 - is a marker. Its main advantage is water resistance. It has two shades in the palette: white and gray.
- PUFAS FRISCHE FUGE - a paint for the renovation of seams. It has a usual white color, but there is the possibility of adding colors to it, to give it the right shade, suitable for coloring the tile.
- COLORED STAIN REMOVER is a cleaning agent for a variety of contaminants, including organic ones. Effectively in the fight against mold.
Replacement of grout
If you have long been planning to carefully update the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, and simply removing dirt or painting does not help, there remains the last option. To replace the grout in the bathroom, even a novice can do it - just follow the instructions.
Required tools
Before starting the replacement work, the following tool list should be prepared:
- A tool that will remove the mixture between the tile. It can be a thick iron rod, a special saw or a simple screwdriver.
- Brush with hard bristles. In its role can act a toothbrush.
- Narrow rubber spatula.
- Grout. There are 3 versions of the basis of the product - Portland cement, furan resins, epoxy resin. The compositions themselves differ in price and in some properties - this is worth paying attention to when choosing.
- Paint for joints.
- Sponge.
- Vinegar and water.
- Primer.
- Clothes for work. Gloves and glasses.
Step 1. Cleaning the joints
When starting work, wear work clothes, gloves and goggles. Then follow the instructions:
- Make a solution of water and vinegar in a ratio of 1 to 2.
- Apply with a brush or sponge the composition to all the seams that are to be removed.
- Leave the joints for 20-30 minutes to allow the mortar to soften the old grout.
- After - with the help of the tool you prepared, proceed to the cleaning of the seam.
Important! Act with extreme caution in order not to touch the tile and do not chop it.
- After removing the main trowel mass, use a stiff brush to remove the remnants of the old mixture.
Important! If as a grout used a cement mixture, then simple water and vinegar here can not do. Here, a specially designed acidic cleaner is used, which is very carefully applied with a brush to the surface of the grout. Then everything happens, as it was described earlier.
- The last important cleaning action is flushing the joints with soapy water, after which you need to wait half an hour and allow the joints to dry out.
Important! If the reason for the replacement of the seam was a fungus, the seams must be treated with special antiseptic agents before the beginning of the primer.
Step 2. Priming the seam
After all is neatly cleaned, proceed to the next step. It will not be difficult to get under a primer, and even a beginner will do it. It is only necessary to remember a few rules:
- Usually the soil dries 2-3 hours. But it is best to see the time in the instructions for application and to withstand the manufacturer's specified period.
- If there are traces of soil on the tile, they must be removed immediately, otherwise - later this will be much more difficult.
Step 3: Apply the grout
When our primer is dry, start applying the grout. To do this, proceed as follows:
- Stir the selected grout until smooth.
- Apply with a rubber spatula on each seam. You need to do this carefully and quickly, as the mixture freezes quickly enough.
- Composition should not be too thick. This can interfere with normal application to the seam.
- Remove excess mix with a damp sponge.
- Next, leave for 12-20 hours until the mixture dries completely.
- After the time has expired, apply protective agents with a water repellent and antifungal property.
With all the recommendations in this article, you can easily update the seams between the tiles in the bathroom, while choosing the most optimal way for you how to do it. Also, it will help you stay "in trend", because the colored seams between the tiles are the individual note of each person. Use our recommendations and keep your bathroom clean and tidy, applying to it quite feasible measures.