Dream shattered thermometer

  • What should I do if I dreamed of a thermometer?
  • Interpretation of sleep

Nobody can still explain the dreams of a scientist scientifically, and, nevertheless, different pictures or actions taken during the night rest can be thoroughly agitated. Especially if the dreams are strange enough. For example, if you dreamed of a broken thermometer, you can treat such a phenomenon in absolutely different ways. How exactly - you will learn from this article.

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What should I do if I dreamed of a thermometer?

In real life, a broken ordinary mercury temperature indicator does not bode well; we urgently need to evacuate all household members and call a sanitary service to process the premises. And what are the dreams about this incident?

If you dreamed that you broke a thermometer, and you are worried about it, then after awakening, try to remember his testimony first. It is they who will tell how tense the situation around you is.

Important! As the interpreter "Predictor" points out, the temperature on the thermometer can indicate cold or vice versa, warm, friendly relations between you and your closest associates.

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Interpretation of sleep

Different dream books interpret the prediction of this subconscious experience in their own way. Consider several options for interpreting dreams( for the version of the interpreter from A to Z):

  1. If you measure your temperature in a dream and put a thermometer under your arm, then in reality it shows the threat of a cold.
  2. The increased temperature may indicate that you will safely overcome all the troubles and obstacles associated with your affairs and business. If the mercury column shows the temperature below the norm, then soon the state of your affairs will start to cause serious fear. If in a dream you have set yourself a normal temperature, then this may indicate that no change in your life is foreseen - everything will proceed in the usual way.
  3. Thermometer showing the temperature of the air in a dream. This indicates that in reality you are experiencing family troubles and troubles, especially if the device is extremely high. If the device indicates a severe frost, then such a dream can portend to you in the near future conflicts, and, as a result, depression and stress.
  4. If you dreamed a broken thermometer, then such a dream is a harbinger of illness of close relatives and related troubles.

We bring to your attention alternative interpretations from other dream books, if the interpretation of one of them is not clear to you.

Dream and Dmitry's Dreams

If you dreamed of a thermometer, this is a symbolic reflection of your emotional state:

  1. The low temperature foreshadows the cooling of relationships with a loved one and even a painful break with it. The same image can mean that it is your own coldness that is the source of trouble.
  2. The elevated mark symbolizes excessive emotionality and fervor, which means that after such a vision, you do not need to start controlling your emotions.

Important! A broken thermometer in a dream indicates that your emotions can get out of hand and this can lead to tragic complications and troubles of the .

Eastern female interpreter

This source reads:

  • if during the vision we saw a thermometer whose mercury column is lowered, then things will not go as well as we would like;
  • if the temperature regime rises, then the hope for the best rises.

Important! A broken thermometer in a dream portends a disease.

The Dream of the XXI Century

To see a mercury device during a vision means that you are not satisfied with the work done:

  1. With a rising mercury column, there is hope for overcoming all the troubles and problems.
  2. If the mercury column drops, it only shows that the seemingly favorable situation will quickly turn into a big worry about your material well-being.

Important! If you measure body temperature yourself in a dream, then this is a warning that you need more time to give your health, especially if during the dream the mark on the post is elevated. If you feel a fever and a fever in your sleep, it means that you spend too much time on trivia, and important work for you does not move.

Dream interpretation of Miller

According to the interpretation of this dream by this interpreter, you can expect such consequences in real life( they differ little from previous versions):

  1. If you look at the thermometer during a vision, you experience family troubles and are not satisfied with your work.
  2. If the mercury column on the device drops, the situation will soon start to cause you anxiety. If the mercury column rises - you overcome all the difficulties and troubles associated with the business.
  3. A broken thermometer is a herald of diseases.

Psychoanalytic dream book

In this way the thermometer in a dream refers to internal heat( cold) or simple weather changes( cold or heat).

Common dream book

Thermometer in the vision - do not expect anything good from life:

  • if in a dream you put a thermometer under your arm - you are threatened with a cold disease;
  • if the mercury column shows a low mark - soon the state of your affairs will deteriorate;
  • if the thermometer is normal temperature - do not expect any changes in life;
  • the raised mark testifies that all troubles connected with business, you will soon overcome;
  • if you broke the thermometer during the vision - soon you will have to make a responsible, important decision;
  • buying a thermometer in a dream - indicates that in the foreseeable future will bring on trouble;
  • if you are studying a thermometer showing the temperature of the air - this means that you are worried about family troubles or troubles at work;
  • if in a dream you were given a thermometer - to vain efforts in the near future;
  • if you dreamed that you are giving someone a thermometer - evidence that because of you relatives will have many worries;
  • if during the vision you hang a wall or a thermometer box - in the near future there will be much trouble.but they will bring the long-awaited result.

The thermometer is primarily an indicator. For starters, listen to your body. Whether there were any alarming symptoms of any disease, maybe you just "picked up" the virus or you have excessive fatigue and your subconscious knows that it's time to rest a little. For absolutely healthy people, the appearance of a thermometer in a dream is not a very favorable sign, it indicates that all sorts of fears and doubts live inside you. A broken thermometer - both in a dream and in reality, brings a lot of problems, since this incident belongs to the category of emergency. Therefore, if this happens in a dream - first of all pay attention to your own health.