Which pillow is better to choose and buy for a sound and healthy sleep

Now it's hard to argue with the fact that the pillow is the most important attribute of a healthy sleep. Especially since it has long been proven by scientists. But how to choose a good pillow? Yes, so that not that it is good to get enough sleep, and even just not to do much harm to your health. After all, despite the fact that the range of pillows for sleep is now very large, choosing the right one is extremely difficult. But we will try to identify several criteria that make the problem of choice much easier.

Signs that you need a new pillow

In addition to the case when your old pillow is completely out of order, there are some signs that it's time to change this accessory to sleep for a new one. And if we do not listen to our own body at the time, we can even knock down our health. So, if you are being harassed by these symptoms, most likely you need a new pillow:

  • When you fall asleep, are you constantly being pulled to put your hand under your head or pillow? This indicates a too small height of this attribute for sleep. This is contraindicated for those who snore.
  • The tension in the muscles or discomfort can indicate a too high cushion.
  • When you wake up, do you feel like your neck hurts, and your shoulders ruffle? This is nothing but a too low pillow.

How to choose a pillow

Despite the various statements of specialists, the choice of pillow is an individual matter. And if you are offered to buy something fashionable and very popular, it is not a fact that it will make it more convenient for you to fall asleep. Also, do not buy pillows for all family members are exactly the same. After all, the choice of such an important bedding depends on the individual characteristics of each. So, naturally, on height the pillow of the adult person hardly will appear convenient for the small child, and on the contrary.

Shape, height and rigidity

In addition to other characteristics, it is extremely important to determine the shape, height and stiffness. And if these criteria do not suit you, no matter how wonderful the purchased pillow was, it would be inconvenient to sleep on it.

About the shape you can say this: all the pillows can be divided into conventional and orthopedic. Usual cushions, as a rule, have a square or rectangular shape. But the orthopedic are often rollers, as well as ordinary pillows, but with a special notch under the head.

With what for what ordinary pillows are needed, all is less clear. But about orthopedic specialists do not have a common opinion. Some say that such an accessory can only be used for short-term rest, but not for a night's sleep. After all, because of the great rigidity on such pillows, it is not very comfortable to sleep, and neck pain can occur. Others argue that just on orthopedic pillows you need to fall asleep at night, since they perfectly support the head. But one thing is clear: if you already have some problems with your health, it is better to immediately consult a doctor, and not try to guess yourself.

The height of the cushion is also of particular importance. Most often, people fit pillows with a height of about 10-14 cm, but all this is determined strictly individually. So, the optimal height of this sleeping attribute should be equal to the height of your shoulder.

When choosing a pillow for such an important criterion as rigidity, remember in which position you most often sleep. If you are accustomed to immerse yourself in the arms of Morpheus on your stomach, give preference to the most soft pillows. Falling asleep on the side, it is better to sleep on a cushion with great rigidity, as it perfectly supports the head. Well, the average rigidity will be optimal for those who regularly go to bed on their backs.

Quality of tailoring

The quality of sewing directly affects the life of the pillow. Therefore, before buying carefully inspect the seams, try to stretch them a little. Please note that the stitching should be shallow, and the puncture from the needle should not be too large. Otherwise, through these holes, the filler will start to break through, which is not very good. In addition, make sure that the thread is not sticking out of the fabric. Perhaps it is better to buy a pillow a little more expensive than usual, but it will last longer.


Like many other things, pillow fillers are divided into two types - natural and synthetic. Pillows with natural, natural, fillers often need regular special care, and, as a rule, are more expensive than others. In addition, many types of natural excipients cause allergy in some people.

Artificial filler also requires care, but not as thorough as natural. In some cases, such pillows can be washed in a typewriter. But among people there is an opinion that it is more convenient to fall asleep on natural products. Next, consider the features of synthetic and natural fillers in more detail.

Pillows with natural fillers

In fact, now there are a lot of different natural fillers for pillows. Here are the main types:

Feather and down

According to many experts pillows of feather and down are the best option for those wishing to sleep. But, firstly, such a sleeping attribute now costs a lot of money. And secondly, a huge number of people are allergic to just the fluff and feather. But if you do not see any problems for yourself in either the first or the second, feel free to purchase a feather pillow. The more fluff in it - the more expensive. Its content in the percentage ratio can be from 2% to 90%.If you prefer hard pillows, choose those with more feathers. If soft - those with more fluff. The down pillow should be bulky and at the same time very light.

Sheep wool

Amazing property of pillows with sheep's wool is a positive effect on the body with joint or muscle pain. In winter, this sleeping attribute will warm, and in summer, on the contrary, it will not be hot. But the main and very weighty minus is a quick failure. This filler, like sheep wool rolls down, crumples in just a few months. And to return to life the pillow is unlikely to succeed.

Vegetable fillers

Quite an interesting version of the filler for pillows - plant components. Typically, it uses herbs, buckwheat husks, hop cones and much more. Such content does not cause allergies and has aromatherapy features. But the service life of such sleeping accessories often does not exceed 2-3 years. And if you have a sensible dream, the rustling of the filler will bother you all night.


Recently, pillows filled with bamboo fill are very popular. They have good air permeability. Also excellent indicators can boast moisture resistance. In addition, bamboo pillows are endowed with bactericidal properties.


Excellent alternative to feather-down pillows - silk filler. Such content does not cause allergy, does not smell, does not fold. In addition, this filler resists the life of a dust mite. The only significant drawback is the high price.

Cotton wool

Cotton wool is one of the cheapest types of natural fillers. Such pillows are not hypoallergenic, but quickly fail, as cotton wool is wrinkled.

Pillows with synthetic fillers

If you are tortured by an allergy - this is another reason to change your pillow to a new one. But, most likely, natural fillers will not work for you. Then synthetics come to the rescue:


Syntepon filler is the most versatile filler. It is inexpensive, allergies do not cause and there is the possibility of washing in the washing machine.


Hollofayber, in addition to filling pillows, is also used as a heater for work clothes, as well as for children's things. It is one of the most successful synthetic substitutes for down and feather. It is important that you can wash such pillows at a temperature of up to 40 degrees.


Komforel is one of the most common synthetic fillers. A is a fluffy synthetic ball. Such pillows are easily erased and long retain their original shape.

Pillows for pregnant women

Sleep occupies a significant place in the life of every person. And after a full day's work it is extremely important to get your portion of rest. The same applies to pregnant women. Since bearing a child is a huge work, not to mention the fact that even a dream can turn into a whole test. Especially in later terms. Therefore, recently a specialized pillow for pregnant women has become the most popular accessory for expectant mothers. There are many kinds of similar sleeping attributes, but we will only name the main ones:

  • U-shaped
  • C-shaped
  • L-shaped
  • Straight lines, etc.

As a rule, the sizes of these accessories are impressive. Sometimes there are specimens in full human growth. All these pillows for pregnant women are designed to help relieve tension from the muscles, finally relax. And after birth, such pillows can be successfully used for feeding. Only in this case it is necessary that this accessory has a quality and easily washable cover.

So, after understanding many of the key points, let's hope that now the question of which pillows to choose for sleep will be closed. And you finally decide what to buy. And your sleep will be strong, healthy and full of pleasant dreams.