- Where to start?
- How to get rid of the smell of burning after a big fire?
No one is immune from minor troubles associated with a small local fire, from which everything is saturated with corrosive smoke. The question is: how to get rid of the smell of burning in the apartment? The causes of unpleasant smells can be: burnt electrical wiring in the apartment or forgotten on a burning stove pan with food, a pie in the oven with a taste of fading coals. The smell of burning has a property for a long time to be absorbed. In this article, we will tell you what to do and use, so that your home does not resemble a smokehouse.
to the contents ↑Where to start?
To eliminate the smell of burning in the apartment qualitatively and quickly, act in stages.
Step 1. Airing
First of all, get rid of the source of burning. Open all doors, windows, so that as much fresh air as possible gets into the room. Turn on the exhaust fan.
Important! If you have an air conditioner or an air purifier at home, on the contrary, close everything and turn on the device.
Step 2. Humidifying the apartment
Fill the room with moisture, it absorbs the stench well. To do this:
- Open the door in the bathroom and open the hot water.
- Place a pot of water on the stove. Let it simmer on low heat for several hours. Add scented herbs and spices to the water. You can use:
- lavender;
- mint;
- cumin;
- clove;
- baldness.
- Collect condensation from all surfaces from time to time.
- Hang where you can wet towels and sheets. Wet cloth absorbs the smell of burning. After the towels dry, bleed them and again hang them.
If after the first steps you still could not get rid of the terrible burning in the apartment, then use the following advice. You will need: water, 500 ml of vinegar, a large saucepan.
Proceed as follows:
- Pour ¾ of the water into the largest saucepan.
- Add 500 ml of vinegar.
- Place the container on the stove.
- When the explosive mixture boils, reduce the heat.
- Open the windows and balcony doors, and go for a couple of hours for a walk. During this time, the vinegar solution literally swallows the stench.
Step 3. General cleaning
This step is simply necessary if a small fire has occurred in the house or neighbors. In this case, all furniture, interior items, curtains and carpets will be saturated with an unbearable smell of burning.
Get to work to get rid of the smell of burning in the apartment, as quickly as possible. Scheme of your actions will look like this:
- The main thing to do is to take out of the room all the interior items and things to fresh air, including curtains and carpets, blankets, pillows, bedspreads, etc.
- If necessary, carpets needdry cleaning, but the curtains need to be washed and rinsed well. Use the following method if the carpets can not be removed:
- spread baking soda on the surface of the carpet;
- leave it at night;
- the next day, vacuum;
- process repeat, if it was not possible to completely get rid of the smell of burning;
- clean the carpet with a shampoo for carpets;
- place a few plates of white vinegar or vanilla extract over the carpet for the night.
Important! If this does not help, call the professional cleaning service, which will remove all unpleasant odors.
- All things soaked in smoke after airing, be sure to wash. If, after washing, the smell of burning is still felt, soak things in soapy water for 30 minutes and add 2 tablespoons of vinegar. Then rinse and hang dry in the clear air.
- Wash floors, walls, furniture with water and vinegar several times. Do not forget the cornices, chandelier and ceiling. All the soot settles there.
- Washing the washing wallpaper, and the usual wipe with a damp cloth. The ideal option is to replace them.
- If the house has a steam cleaner, use it to clean all hard-to-reach places.
- Use air purifiers, many of which are familiar foods. We offer several ways to use such products:
- Spices. Put 15-20 cloves in a saucepan and add 1 liter of water. Bring the mixture to a boil and leave it on low heat for an hour. Instead of cloves you can use cinnamon.
- Lemon. Finely chopped lemon slices boil in water. Allow mixture to simmer for a few minutes. During this time, the scent of citrus will expel the smell of burning.
- Coffee. Untreated coffee beans are an excellent deodorant. With it, you can solve the problem much quicker, how to get rid of the smell of burning. If such an aroma appears in the microwave, wash it and leave the coffee beans for the night. Freshly ground coffee in a plate and place in the apartment.
Important! Do not use soluble coffee as a deodorant. In this case, he is not your assistant.
- Starch. Strew a few plates of starch. Drip ammonia into each of them and smash them around the perimeter of the apartment.
- White vinegar.2 cups of white vinegar, dilute with 1 liter of water, boil the mixture. This solution will help absorb the smell of burning. You can soak the slices of the remaining bread with vinegar and spread out in different places throughout the kitchen.
- Vanilla. Place the bread balls, after moistening them in vanilla extract, over all the affected rooms.
- Onions. Cut the onion into two pieces into a bowl of water. Arrange several of these plates around the room.
- Coal. A magnificent and natural scent absorber. For this purpose, activated or charcoal is suitable. Place the remedy on the saucers and place it in all rooms.
- Spray air fresheners over furniture and upholstery. Couch covers are best washed with shampoo for furniture.
Important! Do not attempt to clean all cleaning activities yourself. Get the support of loved ones, friends, in order to cope as quickly as possible with this task. By this you will warn the stale smell of burning in all objects and surfaces, which you can get rid of only by means of overhaul.
to the contents ↑How to get rid of the smell of burning after a big fire?
General cleaning and usual aromatization after a serious fire will not succeed. Burnt things will constantly saturate the room with a heavy spirit, which does not interrupt. Therefore, urgently remove all sources of stench spread:
- Get rid of all damaged items, replace or restore burnt furniture.
- Remove the affected interior parts.
- Overmine the charred flooring.
- Remove soot from the walls with a spatula and other construction tools.
- Paste wallpaper.
- Change the upholstery on the furniture, if the frame itself is not damaged.
- Re-paint the windows, the floor.
- After the repair, place on the shelves of wardrobes bags with fragrant herbs or dry crusts of citrus. Suitable and linen bags with coffee beans.
- If after radical measures the smell of burning was not completely eliminated, then use periodically scented candles and oils or spray a special air freshener over the apartment.
When cleaning the apartment after a fire, move children and elderly relatives to another dwelling, as the smell of burnt things will negatively affect their health and the state of the respiratory system. We hope that our advice is interesting to you, but you do not have to use them. Live in well-being without burning troubles!