Refrigerator on the warm floor: what will suffer from this neighborhood?


  • Ideal scenario for
  • What will happen to the refrigerator if the floors are already laid
  • What will happen to the warm floors under the refrigerator?

How nice to sit in the winter kitchen at the table, warming your feet on the warm floor. Here are only fears that on a warm floor the refrigerator may not be as comfortable as you, spoil all the idyll. In the editorial decided to find out whether it's worth worrying, and if it's worth, then why.

Ideal scenario of

If the kitchen design is thought out by you in advance, then you still have a chance to install warm floors and place the equipment according to all the recommendations. They vary depending on the type of floor, so this also has to be taken into account.

With electric floors that are not recessed in the screed, it is important to prepare a kitchen design beforehand: to think about where the furniture will stand, and then start repairing. Accordingly, where the refrigerator, the stove or the large closets are located, the warm floor is not used and put it only in open areas. If you first want to make a decoration, and then already look out for the best place for furniture and appliances - this is a bad option.

The water floor, unlike the electric one, can be installed throughout the entire area of ​​the room before a specific project has originated in your head. They are filled with screed, so the furniture is not so critical for them. But do you want to overpay for extra boxes that will heat boxes? We do not think. So the project, developed in advance, is still preferable in this case.

By the way

Water floors can seem better electrical, though, and there is a big "but": such systems are not allowed to be used in apartments, and if your private house has one source of energy - electricity, they will go more expensive not only for installation, but alsoin operation.

But what if the floors are already laid and the screed is simply unreasonable? Is it possible to put a refrigerator on them without fear?

What will happen to the refrigerator if the floors are already laid

When the project was not thought out in advance and the place for the refrigerator, whatever one may think, gets on such a heating system, people usually start worrying about the first. Like, the warm floor under the refrigerator - this is a direct road to overheating and breakdowns, so it's better to put it in the corridor or still decide on the remaking of the sexes.

On the one hand, the fears are not in vain: the compressor in most models is at the bottom, and the increased ambient temperature will make it work more actively and with fewer interruptions. This, in turn, will cause overheating, which will certainly lead to a breakdown.

By the way

Refrigerators really do not recommend to put near the radiators and plates, so as not to force the compressor to strain again. But the same dust can lead to overheating. The question is, will this fact force you to move the refrigerator every week and vacuum it?

But, despite the logical explanation of the problem, in a huge number of houses refrigerators stand on a warm half a year without a hint of a breakdown. Why?

Cooling at high temperatures is exactly what the compressor is primed for. Refrigeration chambers are also used in countries with a very hot climate, where the temperature in the room can be about 40 ° C, and even in the summer the apartment can be quite hot even in our latitudes. Yes, the compressor "strains", but it will hardly lead to a breakdown. Of course, with active work due to wear, the potential life of the compressor may be slightly reduced, but it will still be calculated for years and even decades. Moreover, for most models of ST and T class, the maximum permissible ambient temperature varies from 40 to 45 ° C, so that a reserve of about 10 ° C will be even if there are warm floors right under the compressor.


Still think that the refrigerator can suffer from a permanent job in the heat? Then put under it a sheet of heat-insulating material! There is also an option to lift the refrigerator above the floor, increasing the clearance for ventilation, but this advice is not so easy to implement, and the result is not usually aesthetically different.

What will happen to the warm floors under the refrigerator?

Taking care of the safety of the refrigerator, many forget that the warm floors have their own recommendations for operation and often a refrigerator - one of those things that are not recommended for such floors. For ordinary surface electric floors, which are the most affordable option, the considerable weight of the refrigerator can be disastrous.

Point load will cause the cable to overheat at the point where the refrigerator presses it down. This will cause overheating and burnout of the element, and this will happen clearly more quickly than the compressor of the refrigerator will fail.


The refrigerator can be protected from heat with the help of insulation, and the cable of warm floors from the weight of the refrigerator - only with a concrete screed.

It turns out, thinking about whether you can put the refrigerator on the warm floor, you need to worry more about the sexes themselves!

This is true, however, in the case of water-based floors and some infra-red systems, one can strongly not worry: such floors are filled with screed, and when the cable is drowned in concrete, squeezing it and making it overheat under the weight of the refrigerator is not so simple.

We hope that this information will help you to develop the project more carefully if you have not already started making floors, fix the situation if they are already laid, or calm the soul: if your floors are drowned in the screed, and the refrigerator is modern - both will remain intact!