Top 10 Most Expensive Hobbies

All kinds of hobbies make our life brighter, promote self-expression and sometimes even bring in income. Moreover, the presence of money clearly affects interests. So, few of the billionaires collect maple leaves for the herbarium or collect stamps. Often the object of desire are cars, objects of art, jewelry.

The most expensive hobby of we have collected in this top-10.


  • 10. Yachts and ships
  • 9. Aviation
  • 8. Ancient artifacts
  • 7. Rare books
  • 6. Art objects
  • 5. Autographs
  • 4. Baseball cards
  • 3. Celebrity things
  • 2. Military technology
  • 1.The ancient locks

10. Yachts and ships

As a rule, not only buying a yacht, but also its service, "flies in a pretty penny".After all, luxury ships, represented in the collections of billionaires, must be kept clean and serviceable. Do not forget about insurance. So, one of the yachts of Roman Abramovich costs the businessman about $ 2.5 million annually.

9. Aviation

Most rich people are limited to a single private aircraft for comfortable moving. However, some aircraft sink into the soul. So the famous actor John Travolta in the childhood collected modelki, well and having achieved fame and money, began to get the present planes.

8. Ancient artifacts

A statue of the ancient period can afford almost every one of the number of dollar billionaires. But the artifacts of the pre-Sumerian period - the lot of connoisseurs, enthusiastic natures and fantastically rich collectors. The real price of such exhibits is almost impossible to learn, because trade in artifacts, as a rule, is carried out illegally.

7. Rare books

There are several hundred book collections in the world that, in their value, are not inferior to the famous Vatican library, where true rarities are collected. The most expensive of the known collections belongs to Bill Gates. This is the "Leicester Code" by Leonardo da Vinci. The cost of the treatise is estimated at $ 24 million.

6. Art objects

In addition to buying millions of dollars worth of expensive paintings or statues, the values ​​should be constantly insured, because these items are always in demand among the criminal elements. Officially it is believed that the most expensive in the world picture was "Players in Cards" Paul Cezanne, who left the auction for $ 250 million.

5. Autographs

So, the autograph of John Lennon can cost $ 850 thousand, the hand-painted murals of Marilyn Monroe and Joe DiMaggio - about $ 200 thousand. Well, the most expensive in the world is the autograph of William Shakespeare, because he exists in only 6 copies.

4. Baseball cards

These pieces of cardboard cost adherent collectors is not cheap. So, in 2007 the Baseball Card "T206 Honus Wagner" was sold for $ 2.8 million. The card was issued in 1906 with a circulation of 70 copies.

3. Celebrity Things

So, John Lennon's Rolls Royce was sold for $ 2.2 million, and the famous white "flying" dress of Marilyn Monroe "was gone" for $ 4.6 million. Even more expensive is the purchase of jewelry, in which the stars flaunted. Elizabeth Taylor's necklace went to the suffering collector for $ 11.9 million.

2. Military technology

The hobby is not cheap, as the price of the T-72M tank will be $ 1 million on the black market. There are, however, enthusiastic collectors who buy decommissioned equipment and literally in parts restore machines and tools. So, the British married couple Andrew and Sally Baker collect such dilapidated tanks, self-propelled guns, etc., having already restored about 80 cars.

1. The ancient locks

Perhaps this hobby is the most expensive of all. The essence is to acquire an ancient castle, and then, having received the necessary permits, to transport it closer to the house in parts and rebuild. By the way, an abandoned dilapidated castle of the 12th and 14th centuries can be purchased at a ridiculous price of $ 50,000.Its cost is more expensive to dismantle and transport it. Arabian sheikhs were the first to assemble the castles, which gradually introduced this unusual hobby into fashion among multibillionaires.