Installing the cabinet of plasterboard: advantages and disadvantages

The house can not be a real cozy and comfortable with no comfortable furniture. However, built-in furniture made of wood, which is characterized by long life and versatility, it is very expensive. In such a situation it can help ordinary drywall, which is often perceived only as the encasing material. But in practice it is not. Drywall is easily possible to make multi-compartment locker with his hands.

Wardrobe Plasterboard

Wardrobe can be made of plasterboard with their hands - to realize any design idea and at the same time save money.

All compact and handy in the interior

Do not forget that all the parts are fixed in places where there are under the skin profile.


  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages
  • 2 Choosing coupe design dresser
  • 3 Materials and tools
  • 4 Step-by-step instruction
  • 5 How can decorate the chest of drawers?
  • 6 VIDEO: closet of plasterboard, installation and white version.
  • 7 50 photo ideas cabinet installation of plasterboard

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of products from the GCR - their versatility. This option has already been selected, but it is not limited to the pros.

  • Wardrobe of plasterboard - it is an excellent replacement for expensive furniture, which is not inferior to her aesthetic. With proper handling and stylish finishing product, made with his own hands, it will look very impressive.
  • GCR is malleable and versatile building material, from which you can make not only the dressing room, but shelves for various trifles.
  • Structure of the material can be placed almost anywhere - in the hallway, bedroom, nursery, toilet.
  • Coupe can act as a partition. This is very handy if you need to not only delineate the space, but retain its functionality.
  • Dressing compartment of GCR is solid. This design is capable of withstanding heavy loads, so the use of these chests are practically no restrictions.
  • Built-in closet with shelves of plasterboard saves space. Design can be easily integrated into a wall or in a corner of any room.
  • The possibility to vary the design. Wardrobe, created by yourself, make extraordinary interior and more attractive.
Sliding wardrobe made of plasterboard

First, choose the location of the structure and draw up a detailed project not only to the measurement of the overall size, but also with all sizes, even small details.

It is fair to note not only the advantages but also disadvantages such drawers. They are not so much. Firstly, such an arrangement can only be built. It can not be moved. Second, one must be careful when placing the compartment sharps. Material sustain their weight, but may be damaged if his touch sharp end.

Wardrobe of plasterboard with their hands

We determine the thickness of the flanges, and retractable plan suspension elements of the door.

Choosing coupe design dresser

Before starting the installation, you need to decide on some important points. The first of them - the choice of location. This is an individual decision of each host. When a place is defined, you can make a drawing of the walls and come up with the location of the chest.

Wardrobe Plasterboard photo

On the floor, ceiling and walls mark up the carcass.

The drawing can be done on an ordinary sheet of paper or use a ready-made. However, the latter option is more complicated, because the finished work plan should be ideally suited to the parameters of your apartment.

manufacturing cabinet plasterboard

Without the help of a professional, everyone, make the effort can make a wardrobe of plasterboard with their hands.

In order to create a plan, you should also familiarize yourself with the main varieties of this design.

Finishing cabinet plasterboard

Drywall - a modern material with which to work under the force of each.

Locker of GCR can be of different types:

  • angle;
  • linear;
  • built-in;
  • coupe.
closet of plasterboard with their hands

One component of the GCR (gypsum board) is gypsum.

The angular design is ideal for small spaces. It will save space. Linear cabinet with shelves - universal. It can be installed in any room of the house.

editing process

For material strength corresponds cardboard sheath optimizes specifications plate.

If the room has a niche, it is reasonable to make built-in wardrobe with a large backlit display. For example, it can be used as a dressing. A chest of drawers with shelf compartment is a perfect solution for the lack of storage space. It can accommodate not only clothes, but also books, equipment or shoes. Coupe - is the best solution for small apartments.


This is an environmentally friendly material containing no harmful elements and exhibiting acidity close to the human skin.

It should also be defined in advance with the features of chest. It can be opened and closed shelves. Wardrobe Plasterboard closed shelves the most practical, since it is possible to store any accessories, but to build a framework will be more difficult.

Metallic profile

The metal profile is easier to handle.

If you are unable to decide which design will be your closet of plasterboard, you can use the photos that are posted in this article.

Fixing plasterboard

Fastening cut to size to carry plasterboards gypsum plasterboard metal screws or gypsum plasterboard-tree depending on the frame material.

installation of accessories in the wardrobe

Ready closet of plasterboard in the end result may look different.

Materials and tools

To make the closet of plasterboard with their hands, you must first prepare some materials and construction tools.

Metal corner profile

When you make a wardrobe of plasterboard with their hands, keep in mind: The most fragile place on your building - corners.

The frame can be made of wood

Do not forget about the staggered fastening sheets (mismatch horizontal joints) and chamfers on nezavodskih edges.

In particular, the need for:

  • Plasterboard sheets;
  • metal or wooden profiles;
  • pencil;
  • roulette;
  • plummet;
  • putty knife;
  • primer;
  • hammer;
  • square;
  • screws;
  • Damper tape;
  • plaster mesh;
  • plaster;
  • Construction knife
  • antiseptic (if used wood).
Open shelves of plasterboard

The choice of finishing in the present-day DIY stores is so great that clear advice on this matter no one to not risk - a matter of taste.

As you can see, the installation of the cabinet requires a solid set of available tools. Use any of the professional tools and sophisticated equipment is not necessary.

Bars to the frame

By choosing suitable tree very carefully.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Creating a drawing. Make the drawing can be a computer program or ordinary sheet of paper. To start making measurements of the walls, and then recorded and the size of the future of the chest. All data structures and premises should immediately be transferred to the paper. It should consider all aspects: from the shape of the chest, ending with the number and location of accommodation shelves.
  2. Partitioning the workplace. If the plan is done correctly, you can safely make the marks on the walls in the room. For markup will need an ordinary pencil, ruler and square.
  3. Purchase of goods. At this stage, you need to decide what kind of frame you want to use. Wood construction is more reliable and can withstand high loads. However when used have several disadvantages. First, the tree is not cheap, and secondly, it requires pre-treatment quality antiseptic. All other materials should be purchased on the basis of preliminary data plan.
  4. Installing the base. To the closet of plasterboard served for a long time, particular attention should be paid to the process of the frame assembly. The base must be durable and reliable. First established profiles on the floor and walls. They are attached to the wall with screws. The distance between the profiles must not be more than 40 cm. Under each profile you need to put a damper tape. It will avoid hum when using the chest. Before installing the profile of each unit is worth checking with the level design. The framework must be stable and level. When all adjacent sections are set, you can proceed to the installation of vertical and horizontal. All jumpers are set from the top down.
  5. Replacing the back wall. The need to form the rear wall depend on where a cupboard made of plasterboard. If the wall of the room itself has a good look, do something extra finishing is not necessary.
  6. Trimming sheets. When the frame is installed, it is possible to start the preparation of the base material. GCR should be marked and cut into pieces using a knife construction. For the manufacture of furniture are generally used sheets of 12 mm thick.
  7. frame paneling. Frame sufficient to sheathe the outside, but many sheathe and internal. The sheets are mounted on the screws. Between them, a step should be two hundred millimeters.
  8. Padding. a special tool is required for this step. It can be found in any hardware store. Primer must be carefully handle the entire cabinet of the drywall.
  9. Preparation corners and plastering. To the closet turned out aesthetic, every corner should be made smooth. This can help plaster mesh. It is secured by means of plaster when processing the entire surface.
  10. Door installation. When the ground is dry after plastering, you can make measurements of the surface next door. Make it yourself is not worth it. Such work should be done only professional wizard. The door is better to order a ready along with the guide. When she was delivered, you first need to install the control, and then the fabric itself.
The dimensions of the future structure

Before build-in closet of plasterboard, transfer size for future construction on the wall, ceiling and floor.

ready designs

Each by making the product at will, can create a truly unique design.

How can decorate the chest of drawers?

Wardrobe not only performs the role of storage. He is the center of the interior and must look decent. How can decorate the finished product? The easiest option - to paste over the surface of the wallpaper design in color interior room. It is best to give preference washable wallpaper. They are very practical and are able to withstand the harsh operating conditions. It can also be used for finishing liquid wallpaper. With their help it is easy to create beautiful designs and shapes. This decoration will never go unnoticed by guests.

Niches and arches made of plasterboard

Select the type of drywall is dependent on the conditions of the room where the furniture will stand.

frame cladding with plasterboard

Depending on the intended load, the shelves are made of one or two layers of GCR.

If the room is small, then decorate and visually enlarge the space, you can use mirrors. They are attached to the surface of the adhesive sheet. On the purchase of mirrors is not worth saving. They must be of good quality and have no creases. However, the use of mirrors, there is one major drawback - they are easily broken and dirty. If the home has small children, it is better from such an option to refuse finish.

modern interior

Paint the cabinet with any color, wallpapered or covered self-adhesive film - is not important, the main thing that your creation will be unique.

stylish minimalism

Profiles secured to the walls by means of hangers between them is fixed by special screws.

Originally decorate the cabinet of the sheets GCR can wallpapers. They are sold with a ready image, and you can enjoy a unique wallpaper with self-developed design. Mural resemble a thin film. Their service life is virtually unlimited.

drawing example

We determine the thickness of the flanges, and retractable plan suspension elements of the door.

Mounting of the cabinet frame

If the furniture will be lighting, the layout for them to perform the frame assembly.

VIDEO: closet of plasterboard, installation and white version.

50 photo ideas cabinet installation of plasterboard

Wardrobe Plasterboard
Wardrobe plasterboard
Wardrobe plasterboard convenient and compact
closet of plasterboard
Metal profiles serve as a scaffold for the cabinet
spacious wardrobe
Excellent design solution
walk-in closet of plasterboard
closet of plasterboard with their hands
sliding wardrobe made of plasterboard
make a wardrobe of plasterboard
Wardrobe with doors made of plasterboard
Built-in furniture from drywall
closet of plasterboard in the bedroom
Plasterboard cabinet
cabinet compartment drawings plasterboard
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cabinets made of plasterboard
Wardrobe with their hands Plasterboard
shelves of plasterboard
make a wardrobe of plasterboard
Wardrobe Plasterboard
Wardrobe plasterboard.
closet in the interior of the living room
Create a gypsum shelf
Wardrobe Plasterboard
Making plasterboard walls
Wardrobe drywall
Make plasterboard
Niche plasterboard under the cabinet
Wardrobe of drywall in a large room
Corner Cupboard Drywall
Sliding wardrobe made of plasterboard in the design of the room
Kinds of cabinets made of plasterboard in interere
Wardrobe of drywall in the interior of your home
The frame for the cabinet of plasterboard
Kinds of cabinets made of plasterboard in interere
gypsum closet in the living room
Built-in cabinets made of plasterboard
All compact and handy in the interior
Open sections of the drywall in the interior
Harmony in the interior of a bedroom
Win-Win has a closet of plasterboard
For wall mounted cupboard
Shelves in the niche of drywall
large closet of plasterboard
When the built-in wardrobe showy appearance of plasterboard is different and more practical
Corner Cupboard Drywall
The framework of the future cabinet
Sliding wardrobe plasterboard with their hands