Thermal insulation of buildings as an effective means of energy saving

By insulating the facades of buildings, their thermal protection increases. Expanded polystyrene boards and mineral wool are used as heat-insulating materials, which are installed using the method of ventilated or wet facades.

For effective energy saving and a drastic reduction in heat loss, it is necessary to increase the thermal resistance of the external walls of buildings.

The use of modern materials and the latest technologies can reduce heat transfer by almost 30%. Moreover, wall insulation technologies make it possible to increase comfort without increasing the thickness of the walls, and in some cases even with their reduction, which makes it possible to obtain real savings in building materials.

Useful properties of thermal insulation

Insulation of facades allows you to get a higher temperature in the house without increasing the temperature energy carrier, as the weighted average temperature of all available in the house increases surfaces.

With an increase in the radiation temperature in the room by one degree, the same level of comfort is achieved as with an increase in the temperature of the coolant by two degrees.

One of the methods of thermal insulation of the walls in the house is the internal insulation of the walls, which is not entirely acceptable, since the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe interior is reduced. But this method is used for historical buildings, allowing you to keep the facade in its original form.

This method does not require significant costs, but the thermal inertia of the walls is very low. And in the thickness of the wall, a dew point is formed, which negatively affects the service life.

Installation of additional external insulation allows:

  • protect walls from freezing;
  • exclude temperature fluctuations, which will prevent the appearance of cracks in the thickness of the wall;
  • shift the dew point outside the wall into the external thermal insulation and exclude wall moisture from the inside;
  • create conditions for the vapor permeability of the walls;
  • create a healthy indoor climate;
  • save interior space.

The system of facade insulation using the plastering method uses anchor and adhesive fastening of the insulation to the load-bearing walls of buildings, which is subsequently plastered. In the case of a small thickness of the plastered layer, a rigid fastening method is used.

Flexible fastening systems using anchors are used with a significant thickness of the plaster layer. Fasteners work in tension and bending not only under the own weight of the structure, but also under the influence of wind loads.

Where to buy the right product

"IzolMax" is a well-established among buyers thermal insulation online store. The range of reliable fire protection is large here. Affordable cost of goods, discounts, delivery and professional support will be additional incentives for cooperation.