Porcelain tiles - the benefits of facing material

Porcelain tile is a relatively recent "invention", but it has already won a whole army of fans in the face of professional decorators and craftsmen, designers, as well as the rank and file consumers. This facing products has very good wear resistance performance, fade resistance, strength parameters, resistance to sudden temperature changes. A main advantage of granite is that it is in its decorative properties absolutely not inferior to natural stone. High strength porcelain stoneware product has a very precise geometry, so when laying tiles can not create tile seams. Without such facing seams will look more aesthetically pleasing. We stoneware tiles have a huge number of advantages, and that these benefits we want to tell you.

Porcelain tiles made using extremely advanced technology, which allows to obtain a product superior in the basic characteristics of a simple ceramic tile. If you are familiar with the nuances of the production of this remarkable material, then immediately you realize where he got such a high strength as well as resistance to adverse external influences. Knowing particular technology stoneware tiles any buyer desirable to be able to distinguish good from poor-quality facing material imitations. Large selection of high-quality porcelain look here keramogranit.ru.

Raw material from which produce this material is very similar to those components that are involved in the manufacture of simple keramoplitki. However, thanks to innovations in process technology and the addition of additional components to obtain products, more like real granite, rather than ceramics. In granite, as in many types of natural stone, contains large amounts of feldspar and quartz sand. The main binder, of course, is clay. But for the production of stoneware tiles do not fit any clay, and specially selected, cleaned of impurities and sifted.

Natural granite, which is currently mined on an industrial scale, formed under natural conditions for hundreds of millions of years. Initially, the liquid components are mixed into a single substance, compacted in the lower layers of the crust and gradually acquired the properties that we can observe in the natural stone. Typically, within a natural stone a plurality of extraneous inclusions, which deteriorate its strength and did not improve the appearance. Today in the manufacture of porcelain tiles are approximately the same conditions that exist in nature with the appearance of granite, but the production cycle to accelerate the processes of thousands of times. Through careful selection of raw materials and cleaning the resulting product is devoid of any kind was foreign matter, so all the main characteristics is superior to natural stone.

For stoneware tiles production process should be highly skilled and well-educated and many years of experience. First, as mentioned earlier, it is created from a mixture of starting components. It is very important to choose the optimal ratio of all substances - dyes, fillers, and so on. All used components are an important feature - they are eco-friendly and resistant to degradation. The raw materials simply can not get into the clay or feldspar, emitting radiation. Therefore stoneware tiles has not increased radioactivity, which can be observed in the analysis of any natural stone. Through careful selection of raw materials derived tile has only advantages, and absolutely no defects.

Prepared weight of the starting components is delivered to the shop, which are formed in the workpiece. They are subjected to calcination at a high temperature, reaching almost fifteen hundred degrees. Under such conditions, feldspar melts and takes all internal voids, capillaries and cavities. As a result, the product becomes a glassy structure and incredible density and high strength characteristics.

Stoneware tiles is very difficult to scratch, it absolutely does not absorb moisture and does not deteriorate under the influence of high and low temperatures. This product is not afraid to ultraviolet light, wind and rain. When using granite as a facade material, you can protect the walls of his house from any negative influences and give the building a magnificent appearance.

Porcelain tile is now used in the interior for walls, floors, window sills and countertops, as well as outside the building as the decoration of the facade, facing the tracks and porch. Porcelain tiles are sold in a very large range, which includes matte and glossy tiles, structured and relief. In all respects superior to granite tiles, so feel free to choose it for the repair and decoration in your home.