Unbeknownst to all summer already crossed the mark of its middle. 2-3 months and we will be faced with the first cold snap. In the Leningrad region, according to tradition, the temperature drop will happen even earlier.
It now is the time the owners of country cottages to think about the installation of the heating system in a private home. And saying, "Prepare sledge in the summer" not accidentally rendered in the title. Who wants to exchange the warm and cozy winter evenings in the living room at a constant heating cold rooms? It is better to spend time like this:

You are free to perform work on the design and installation of heating systems, if own the necessary knowledge and skills, or to use the services of professionals. These include, for example, are the specialists of "Clever engineering technology"Which works on the territory of St. Petersburg and Leningrad region. Decide ultimately to you, and in this article we want to introduce you to the features of the pipe installation and radiator heating systems. For our readers, we have prepared useful information about selecting and installing heating systems. We look at the main options and show you how to effectively equip the heating system in a private home. You will receive advice on the selection and installation of boilers, as well as recommendations for the heating system.
Before the advice of experts turn to the current legislation
If you want to get complete information on the requirements of the installation of boilers and radiators - read SNIP 41-01-2003 "Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning." This document is in force since 2004 and governs the rules of the Russian Federation for the installation of heating systems in residential premises. To familiarize need only 25 minutes.
What steps can be divided into heating system installation turnkey?
Work on the heating of private homes to run in the summer, when you close the heating circuit in the room. What does it mean?
The house was built to be installed windows and ceiling of the roof, which will not allow to spoil the quality of welding of pipes at low temperatures.
All work must be performed on the following schedule:
- system selection based on the design of the project;
- the selection of boilers and radiators, depending on the area to be heated;
- boiler installation and connection components;
- installation of radiators and pipe joint;
- conducting start-up and execution of commissioning works.

What boilers should pay attention when choosing?
If you need to buy a boiler, it is recommended to stop the choice on a gas or electric boilers. The alternative for them may act as solid fuel boilers with wood, coal or pellet. But the choice is for their benefit alone is worth making the owners of those houses, who live in areas with no centralized gas supply. Solid fuel in 2018 still comes out cheaper to use electricity for 1 m² heated space.
Important:Selection of the boiler is made from the standard formula: 1 kW per m² heated space 10 + 10% stock. This means that for a large cottage with an area of residential buildings up to 600 sqm suitable boiler with a capacity of 60 kW.
Current models of boilers Viessmann type can be used in the two circuits with hot water and to have an automatic control system using the controller. To exit the products of combustion devices provided in the chimney, and is responsible for the safety of the expansion tank, which eliminates the effect of thermal expansion in the coolant.
If you make the installation of heating systems in a private house with two or more floors, the system includes centrifugal pumps, to improve the circulation of the coolant by the radiator circuit and improve the heat exchange with the air in areas.

Subtleties on the selection and installation of radiators
Radiators are connected to the heating system in series or in parallel. The number of sections is selected from a power of 150 watts per area of 1 m². The market is popular Kermi steel panel radiators. Their choice is motivated by the simple relation "price-quality."
As far as connectivity technologies - all just here. When mounting the radiator in a private home heating system uses 3 rules:
- The distance to the floor - 80-120 mm;
- The distance to the sills - 100-120 mm;
- The distance from the wall - 30-50 mm.
Also, the radiator shall occupy 70% of the space of the window opening, to avoid condensation on the glass units. To turn on the radiators are two types of connection are used in: the bottom and side.

Pipe material is chosen today of reinforced plastic and metal versions. The first budget and considered effective, but pipes of copper or stainless steel are 2-3 times longer.
If you are thinking about performing the installation of heating systems in a private home - now is the time to find a contractor to attend, or self-assembly.
If you have a second version of the experience is more economical, but if you do not specialize in the design of such systems and their installation, we strongly recommend that you consult a specialist.