How to make a solar panel from scrap materials

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People familiar with the theory and practice of electricity in the Middle Ages would probably have been burned like sorcerers. You live in the 21st century, and times do not change. Now the number of such experts is decreasing, but not because of the fires of the Inquisition, but because it has become unfashionable to know how light bulbs work. They are simply bought and then thrown away, without thinking about the design of these devices. Ask a student to describe how an ordinary light bulb works, and he will think for a long time, because his head is full of unnecessary knowledge about creating accounts on social networks. Let's make a discovery today that will definitely take your erudition to a new level. It will focus on the possibility of obtaining electricity from solar energy using scrap materials. And the author of the YouTube channel will help us with this. Dmitry Kompanets.

Read in the article

  • 1 What You Didn't Know About LEDs: These are the properties!
  • 2 Exposing fakes about CD
  • 3 How to make a solar lens from a disk
  • 4 See the difference: it works!

What You Didn't Know About LEDs: These are the properties!

So, an LED is a semiconductor device that converts electricity into light. And now, for many, amazing news: the same thing is able to make electricity out of light.

This is incredible, but true: the LED body acts as a focusing lens, and its main element is charged by light. As a result, with some skill in the daytime, you can well get current from an LED lamp exposed to the sun.

Several LEDs can be assembled solar batterythat will generate enough electric current even to charge the phone. This method of generating electricity can be useful to you in various situations. The only problem is that diodes generate little energy. The most effective of them are green ones - they are capable of giving a voltage of 1.5 V. Is it possible to somehow increase this potential? Of course, this will already be a full-fledged solar battery.

Exposing fakes about CD

Take your time to follow the advice of popular channels. There are so many fakes about the LED lamp and the laser disk that it is simply a shame for the authors who mislead their viewers.

Solar panel made of CD
The authors of these videos place LEDs in the center of the CD and claim that the design is capable of generating a voltage of 5 V. It is not true. The thing is that the reflecting surface of the disk is completely flat, and with this arrangement, the luminous flux does not increase and is not directed towards the LEDs in a focused form.
Any good seventh grade student after a physics lesson will explain to you that to focus the light flux you need a lens, that is, a concave surface. She is capable of collecting light in a directed beam, and it will concentrate only at a distance from this lens, and certainly not on its plane
Any good seventh grade student after a physics lesson will explain to you that to focus the light flux you need a lens, that is, a concave surface. She is capable of collecting light in a directed beam, and it will concentrate only at a distance from this lens, and certainly not on its plane
This is what a solar flare from a regular disk looks like, it directly reflects light and does not collect it into a beam.PHOTO:
This is what a solar flare from a regular disk looks like, it directly reflects light and does not collect it into a beam.

How to make a solar lens from a disk

As you already understood, in order to use a CD to generate electricity, you need to shape it into a concave lens. Is it possible? Of course, because the discs are made of plastic, and it is amenable to deformation.

To deform a CD into a curved shape, you need a plastic round plate with a diameter smaller than the disc itself. Mayonnaise jar screw caps work wellPHOTO:
To deform a CD into a curved shape, you need a plastic round plate with a diameter smaller than the disc itself. Mayonnaise jar screw caps work well
Make a hole in the center of the lid and prepare a screw and a piece of wine cork. Now screw the fasteners into the cover through the disc, using the plug as a washer. After a few rotations, the screw will begin to press the disc against the lid and slightly deform it, turning it into a lens. No need to wrap too tight - your goal is to achieve a beam of reflection, not break the discPHOTO:
Make a hole in the center of the lid and prepare a screw and a piece of wine cork. Now screw the fasteners into the cover through the disc, using the plug as a washer. After a few rotations, the screw will begin to press the disc against the lid and slightly deform it, turning it into a lens. No need to wrap too tight - your goal is to achieve a beam of reflection, not break the disc
If everything is done correctly, the CD will already give a sunny " bunny" of a completely different shape and intensity. You can even burn plastic with such a directed beam.PHOTO:
If everything is done correctly, the CD will already give a sunny "bunny" of a completely different shape and intensity. You can even burn plastic with such a directed beam.

Related article:

A solar panel made from CDs without cheating: a practical experimentThe most affordable and effective means to get electricity - solar panels. The cost of a home kit, reviews and information about the eight best budget models are in this publication.

See the difference: it works!

So, if you just measure the voltage that the LED array gives in the light, you get a small value.

In this case, it will show up to 0.31 VPHOTO:
In this case, it will show up to 0.31 V
But what happens if a beam of light is directed to the same matrix using a lens from a CD disc. Amazing result, isn't it?PHOTO:
But what happens if a beam of light is directed to the same matrix using a lens from a CD disc. Amazing result, isn't it?

Using this effect, you can assemble an efficient battery from an LED matrix and a disk, capable of charging a small battery.

Further - a matter of technology. The number of LEDs, the area of ​​the directional light flux and the power of the solar battery can be increased at your discretion. You can put together a perfectly working setup that will meet many of your needs.

For example, as in this small and informative video:

It was just a little information to activate your erudition, using it, you can, like a caveman, get out of the shadow of ignorance. Only understanding how modern technology works will make you the person of the future.

What knowledge are you willing to share? Write about it in the comments!
