Decorative plaster - one of the most exquisite design options for every taste. The walls are finished with decorative plaster can visually ennoble any interior, giving it a touch of chic and special, unique mood. In fact, the walls with plaster base is shaping the future of the interior and on the kind of plaster choose will depend on the choice of accessories and furniture. But what about the man started a repair, if he is not versed in the plaster? And there are so many different options... Brands and brand and flicker before his eyes. A seller obviously wants to sell more expensive. Help the customer make the right choice - the task of this article. Proceed.

The most common types of decorative plaster for today are:
- mineral or cement;
- acrylic;
- of silicone resins;
- silicate or glass (made of potassium silicate or sodium).
Mechanized (machine) Stucco - it is not a separate species, but a separate method of application, through which achieved great speed of work. See an example on the website

mineral plaster made of cement - a durable material that can withstand a lot. Her feature in natural ingredients. This plaster does not contain polymers and therefore is considered the most environmentally friendly. The mineral plaster is moisture resistant, vapor barrier and perfectly cope with contrast temperatures. Therefore, it is so fond decorate bathrooms, garages, basements, balconies and exterior walls. However, in the premises of such option also looks elegant, bringing a special touch of solidity and rough beauty.
The disadvantage of this type of plaster, you can call it inflexible - inelastic (due to lack of polymers), due to its surface which can form cracks, and poor passableness air. She does not "breathe"
Plaster of the acrylic resin It contains the polymers. It is elastic and resistant to moisture (recall the natural relative of acrylic - rubber), which also makes it desirable for bathrooms. In addition it is extremely unpretentious and easy to apply and subsequent use. Quick and easy to apply, it hardens quickly, after drying it can be washed. Decorative plaster species such great variety. From the most simple, smooth versions until all the infamous Venetian beauty. Serve this plaster will be long enough. A budget option that hardly probable not the best. Since the skillful choice of acrylic plaster can come out cheaper than wallpaper. And this despite the fact that the wallpaper after some time will still have to change, and the plaster has a much greater resistance to wear.
The only drawback could be considered a dislike of plaster to direct sunlight because of the sensitivity to UV. But this disadvantage is not significant, since barely a lot of these areas, which would not have been exposed to UV rays. And the wallpaper, for example, are much more likely to fade.
silicone plaster, Composed of silicone resin, it is even better adapted to the wet areas. In addition to the fungus so the plaster will not sit down. So its environmental friendliness - the main advantage.
And finally, silicate plaster. It applies only to external works. It comprises liquid potassium glass, which makes this plaster is very strong and durable, making it a unique luster.
Selecting one of these types depends on the target (where applied) and destination plaster, as well as the desired decorative effect.