Massage table with his hands: step by step instructions with description

How useful massage

Massage for the body: relaxation, recovery and treatment

The benefits of massage has been known since ancient times. It is used for healing and relaxation of the body. For quality a massage is necessary to use a special device. If you are a young professional who wants to improve their skills or earn a little money, you need to purchase a massage table.

Table for massage

Table for a massage or beauty treatments on a metal frame with the underlying dimensions

Buy a quality product for personal use rather expensive. But with a small set of tools a little skill and perseverance, it is possible to assemble a folding massage table with his hands.

Wooden folding table with his hands

Wooden folding massage table with his hands

Independent production table allows a low cost to purchase the necessary thing to you, which will be at your fingertips, the money saved to buy other things you need for your hobbies.

Black folding table massage

Black folding table for a massage with a wooden frame

The table folded compact and takes up little space, which is why it is convenient to store and carry with them to the country and home to the client.

Black massage table

Black massage table assembled


  • 1 The choice of design and construction collapsible table
  • 2 Making massage table. Step-by-step instruction
  • 3 Video: couch with his hands

The choice of design and construction collapsible table

Blue stationary table

Blue stationary massage table made with their own hands

room design for massage

Beautiful and tranquil design of the room for a relaxing and therapeutic massage

Massage table must be sturdy, easy to support the weight of at least 250 kilograms. the patient's weight can vary greatly, and masseurs during operation should make a big effort. Weak design quickly crumbles. Convenience such a strong impact on the work of the masseur and the effect of the service rendered.

Strong and reliable massage table

Strong and reliable stationary massage table

On an uncomfortable chair the patient can not relax, reducing to zero the procedure. Because of health problems, a person can not always turn his head, cut to such a patient would be salvation. As for women who want to keep the makeup.

Comfortable couch with a cutout for the face

Comfortable couch with a cutout for the face to the massage room

Massage tables are divided into fixed and folding. Stationary more convenient to use, but take up more space. Their use is important in massage parlors and large saloons. Therefore, if you plan to use at home or on-site sessions, folding table will be more convenient. The frame can be made of metal or wood.

Table on a metal frame

Bright table for a massage on a metal frame

Wooden frame stronger metal, making it available at home. You should not choose a very bright and dark colors. It is better to choose a shade that promotes patient relaxation.

White stationary massage table

Stationary massage table with legs that allow you to adjust the height and inclined sections for different types of massage

Tools required:

  • carpenter hacksaw;
  • drill;
  • stationery knife;
  • roulette (it suffices to 2 m.);
  • Jigsaw with a varying angle saw cut;
  • screwdriver;
  • pencil;
  • square;
  • Stapler.
Tools for manufacturing

Tools for making the couch with his hands

To work need:

  • 2 veneer thickness of 9 mm size 600h900 mm;
  • 18 m beam size of 20x50 mm;
  • upholstery material countertops 1100h2100 mm (preferably leather or substitute);
  • 18h50 loops 14 mm;
  • handle fastener (not required);
  • staples;
  • glue;
  • self-tapping screws.

Making massage table. Step-by-step instruction

  1. Assembling the table top

Work on a massage table with the tops begin. Plywood cut two identical size 600h900 mm. In one of them using a jigsaw cut piece of plywood so as to obtain an oval shaped hole size 180h120 mm.

Drawings for the massage table

The drawings for the manufacture of countertops massage table

Next, go to the assembly frame. Frames must exactly match the size of the plywood. Connect beams with each other need screws (45 mm), pre-drilled holes for them. This action protects the timber from cracking. Fasten the plywood to the frame by screws 20 mm in length.

For the convenience of the resulting foam and adhesive qualities selected for that fabric. We must start with the foam. Cutting out pieces of the necessary size of plywood, we fix it with glue on the table. In the case of the foam somewhere acts, it should be cut using a knife stationery. Studs resulting preform wheel or its substitute by means of staples. Start at the long sides, after the switch to short, observing the distance between clips 10 cm. On each table top, on the short side, the fabric must be attached laterally, and not under the tabletop. It will be fixed loop.

A place for mounting loops

A place for the hinge mounting on one of the short sides of each countertop

  1. Feet massage table

Hacksaw or jigsaw of timber blanks must cut sets 885, 695 and 555 mm. First we produce two supports, taking timber 2 885 mm and 1555 mm, anchoring overlap. The distance to cross beam 760 mm. The ends of the long cut the fret bars at an inclination angle 41 degrees. The angle may be more obtuse, but the same on all supports.

Plans for collecting legs

Drawing the legs to massage table

The latter two parts to assemble in the wood floor of the 2 bars of 695 mm and 1555 mm. At the ends of the assembled stabbed a 30 degree angle and connect both parts with hinges. We check how works well if there is friction. Not to outweigh the loop, first they must be secured to the central screw, and only after checking the tie completely.

join support

Join a support and fastening screws

  1. Putting the couch for massage
Feet of timber

Fasten the legs to the frame of the timber

Pencil marks the spot fixing leg loops. We check the quality of assembly and fasten with screws to the table. Hinged also need to secure the countertop to 4 loops.

Mark up the centerlines

Mark up the center lines for hinges

Holds together the two halves of the table

The fastening between the two halves of a table

  1. Spacer for a homemade massage table

For making use spacers beam 1060mm, sawn in two interconnected loop. Attach the hinges to the beam in the middle between the legs, keeping the middle. The length is adjusted individually. From this value directly depends on the height of the table. Pick it must be individually depending on your height.

Spacer for a homemade table

Spacer for a homemade massage table

If the table often have to move, for convenience, you can attach the handle and latch which can be removed from an old suitcase.

The table folded

Massage table when folded

White table with wooden frame

Comfortable white massage table with wooden frame

Video: couch with his hands