Mold in the house is a harbinger of trouble. And this is not superstition, but the harsh truth. In the old days, houses in which black mold appeared were burned. Our ancestors understood that the fungus can lead to a massive disease and it is very important to destroy it in the bud. Times change, but the essence of harmful mold has not changed. Only now have effective antifungal agents for walls appeared. The ranking of the best options in 2022 is the topic of today's conversation.
Read in the article
- 1 How mold threatens a person
- 2 How to understand that there is mold in the apartment
- 3 Reasons for the appearance of fungus on the walls
- 4 Where to look for mold in the apartment
- 5 Antifungal agents: general features
- 6 Folk remedies for mold on the walls
- 7 The Most Effective Prefabricated Mildew Remedies
- 8 Is it better to treat mold: homemade or purchased products?
How mold threatens a person
It's amazing, but mold loves to settle as close as possible to human habitation. It appears literally everywhere: in residential buildings, and in offices, and in industrial premises.
In fact, mold is fungi, only microscopic. These are thin, like threads, formations - living, reproducing by spores, forming powerful colonies with deep roots. In the course of their vital activity, mold fungi release toxic substances and spores into the air. Once in the respiratory system, spores can settle in the lungs and provoke many dangerous diseases.

Contact with mold can result in pneumonia, asthma, severe allergies, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. It is quite difficult to determine the cause of these pathological processes, so often patients receive symptomatic treatment, while continuing to contact the root cause of the disease.
How to understand that there is mold in the apartment
Of course, if the mold is detected visually, then this question does not arise. But very often it hides in secluded corners for a long time, and you notice some oddities in your condition, not realizing that they are caused by the penetration of fungal spores into your body. That is why it is worth paying attention to all indirect signs that may tell you that you need to look for a hotbed of mold.
The reason for concern should be a suspicious smell that occurs when you turn on the air conditioner or heater. Inside this mechanism there are all conditions for the growth of an uninvited guest - humidity and temperature.

Pay attention to the seams in the tiles in the bathroom, in the kitchen. If they have darkened, then this is black mold, which cannot grow on ceramics, but feels confident in the seams on the grout. Regular cleaning with a stiff brush and an antifungal agent will help keep this process under control.
The reason for checking for mold may be peeling wallpaper from the walls. Usually this does not happen, but if a fungus has formed under the wallpaper, they can form bubbles. If you notice such a deformation, you need to remove the wallpaper and check the walls.
If your household is constantly ill with colds, although there are no good reasons for this, you need to look for the source of the infection in the house. Persistent runny nose, irritated mucous membranes, persistent sneezing and itchy eyes can be consequences of contact with microscopic spores. If the condition worsens in a particular room, look for the root cause on the walls. The same principle applies to worsening asthma or allergy symptoms. By the way, mold can also grow on clothes, so if you get a rash and feel itchy, check the fabric, especially if it has been in a humid environment for a long time.

Of course, the symptoms of mold development are obvious stains on the walls. They don't have to be black. There are various types of mold, which take on a variety of colorful hues: gray, green, yellow, and even red. In any case, there can be no useful mold in the apartment - all measures must be taken immediately to combat this scourge.
The smell of mustiness is another reason to be puzzled by the search for a source. Especially if you periodically use a humidifier in the apartment. This useful gadget also has a negative side - moist air provokes the appearance of a fungus.
Reasons for the appearance of fungus on the walls
Mushrooms love moist environments, and mold is no exception. So, where it is humid, a colony will definitely settle, because all it needs is for at least one spore to germinate. And there already the speed of development will grow exponentially. If in your home the device shows humidity above 65%, this is already a reason to look for mold. If the company also has problems with ventilation in addition to these circumstances, this is almost a 100% guarantee of problems.

Where to look for mold in the apartment
Fungal colonies have favorite places, so if you suspect that mold has started up in the apartment, you should look for it from them:
- Bathroom. You need to start with it, because here the most favorable conditions for mold are. High humidity, constant problems with ventilation, plus corny wet walls after taking bath procedures. To fight this scourge in the bathroom, you need to organize a good exhaust, wipe the walls from condensate, and periodically treat the tile seams with special means.
- Plastic windows. Sealed design causes condensation to form on the plastic. You can ignore this until mold appears in the corners and seams.
PHOTO: doorsdealer.ruThe window area must be regularly wiped using special equipment and ventilated - corners in rooms. If the thermal insulation of the walls is broken or you have a corner apartment, then the probability of the appearance of a fungus in these areas is very high. The room is warm, and outside the wall is intensively cooled - that's the reason for the reproduction of the colony. Only warming and additional heating of these zones, as well as regular ventilation can solve the problem.
- Floors. At first glance, they may not cause concern, but if you have a damp basement, then the fungus can even grow through the flooring. Fungus spores are also able to penetrate from the premises below.
PHOTO: pro-dachnikov.comIt is very important to keep the basement and basement dry, carry out antifungal treatment in a timely manner and regularly ventilate this level. - Ceiling. It's hard not to notice mold on it, but newfangled tension structures can hide the problem from you for many years. Pay attention to the slightest signs and call specialists to check if they appear.
Antifungal agents: general features
Fungicides are the basis of most anti-mold preparations. These are chemical or biological substances that inhibit the development of spores. They are often added to the composition of building materials, and rightly so - so the action becomes prolonged.
Antiseptics for walls come in two varieties: they are either anti-mold primers that are used under the finish coat, or concentrates for surface treatment already on the finish surface.
The choice of type of processing must be treated very carefully. You can come across products containing toxic substances, and it’s not even entirely clear what will cause more harm to health: the fungus itself or carbendazim, which releases dangerous toxins.

Folk remedies for mold on the walls
Any factory-made anti-mold belongs to the category of aggressive chemistry, so it is not surprising that there are opponents of such funds who prefer to use homemade, less toxic and not dangerous for health. Some of them really give a reliable result:
- Baking soda and vinegar. In equal amounts, these ingredients are dissolved in water at a high concentration, and the place of placement is treated with the resulting foam. If the mold has grown with moss, it is first removed with a spatula and then processed. On a horizontal surface, you can fill this place with soda and treat it with vinegar from a spray bottle on top. The reaction of acetic acid and sodium kills the body and spores of the fungus. After half an hour, you can remove the remnants of the fungus with a brush and rinse with water.
- Vinegar and "Whiteness" do an excellent job with hidden mold in the washing machine. To treat the fungus, these two substances are mixed in equal amounts, poured into the powder compartment and turned on the machine at maximum temperature and a long wash cycle.
- Mold on bathroom walls can be eradicated with tea tree oil. This is a completely safe option. For treatment, approximately 30 ml of oil is added to 0.5 l of water, mixed and sprayed from a spray bottle. It is not necessary to wash off this composition. It works great as a preventative. Fungus spores do not take root on surfaces treated with essential oil.
PHOTO: design-homes.ruFor the oil to penetrate deeper, work the seams in the tile with a stiff brush. - Hydrogen peroxide can be bought at any pharmacy. It does not need to be diluted - with this solution they simply treat the walls with a spray bottle and after 20 minutes they wipe it dry. Instead of peroxide, a solution of furacilin or copper sulfate is suitable.
- Not entirely safe, but very effective method - treating the walls with a solution of boric acid. You need to work with it in gloves and a protective mask. The solution is applied for 40 minutes and then the surface is wiped dry.
- Ammonia does a great job of killing mold if applied directly to the site of its growth. The surface moistened with ammonia is left for an hour, and then washed with clean water. The smell will be exceptionally pungent, so be sure to open the windows.
- Finally, any kind of chlorine bleaches also actively resist fungal colonies. Especially effective is the well-known "Whiteness", which removes mold from any, including wooden surfaces. Be sure to rinse thoroughly after treatment, as high concentrations of chlorine can cause poisoning.
The Most Effective Prefabricated Mildew Remedies
Home remedies, of course, are effective, but, perhaps, they are inferior to formulations that have special chemical formulas. Some of them work so well that a single application is enough to completely cope with the problem. Let's consider these options.
CILLIT BANG SPRAY is a modern chlorine-based antifungal drug that copes not only with the fungus, but also with its traces, including old ones. The result, according to reviews, occurs within 5 minutes after treatment. Can be used in bathroom and kitchen.

UNICUM is a concentrated composition with chlorine, which not only fights mold, but also perfectly dissolves fat deposits. Thanks to a convenient dispenser, the product turns into a foam that destroys spores and unpleasant odors. According to the characteristics, the visible effect occurs almost instantly, in just 2 minutes.

BAGI ANTI-MOLD is a popular Israeli product, effective against fungus, moss, bacteria, based on sodium hypochlorite. The substance is applied to the surface previously moistened with water and held for about 2 minutes.

GLUTOCLEAN SPRAY is a professional formulation. Sold in large bottles, effective against fungi and bacteria. It contains active chlorine, which, among other things, acts as a bleach. The composition can be used on any surface.

DUFA SPRAY - German quality and relatively convenient spray bottle. Based on activated chlorine and successfully fights fungus, moss, algae and mold. Suitable for outdoor and indoor work. Has a pungent odor.

PROSEPT FUNGI CLEAN is a budgetary, but no less effective preparation for combating mold colonies. It is a domestic product, has a whitening effect and is based on sodium hypochlorite. When applying this composition, the mold dies right before our eyes.

HG SPRAY is a Swiss-made product. Has protection from children. The concentrated composition is suitable for processing tiles, wood, concrete inside and outside the building. It acts quickly and at the same time gently, without damaging the surface. After application requires rinsing with water. Based on chlorine.

PRO-BRITE ALFA-19 is one of the best examples of a domestic antifungal with a high efficiency rate. Eliminates not only mold, but also traces of rust, and even efflorescence on brickwork. When working with this tool, be sure to use protective equipment for the skin and respiratory organs.

Is it better to treat mold: homemade or purchased products?
Most likely, you would like to rephrase the question and put it a little differently: do you want to save money or do everything as quickly as possible? If the question is about saving, then, of course, home formulations will help you here. It is very cheap, but be prepared for the fact that the processing will have to be carried out repeatedly. And factory-made products have a price of 400 rubles, but they act instantly and efficiently. Most importantly, if you find mold, do not just eradicate it, but also analyze the causes of the appearance and eliminate them. High humidity, lack of ventilation, temperature fluctuations in the room - all this needs to be corrected, and then you will no longer have such problems.
And in addition - here is this small useful video review on the topic:
How do you deal with mold in your home? Maybe you have your own recipes? Share them in the comments!
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