Like many Russian musicians and actors, after the peak of popularity, Stas Kostyushkin decided to move out of town in order to provide better living conditions for his family. The village where Stas lives is not far from Moscow. On the territory owned by the artist, there is enough space for everything: the house has several bedrooms, a dining room, a sports area and, of course, a son's room. A huge underground parking is provided for storing cars.
Read in the article
- 1 Designer interior in a country house
- 2 Coziness and comfort
- 3 Finishing the living room and kitchen area
- 4 Bedroom decoration
Designer interior in a country house
Stas Kostyushkin decided to move out of town for a reason. In one of the interviews, he said that he really rests only next to nature, in complete silence. A few years ago, the artist owned a home near St. Petersburg, but later sold it to live closer to the capital.
The house in the suburbs was chosen after a thorough examination. The artist and his wife liked the design, besides, the house had already been equipped with a recreation area, there was a home theater and an unusual room furnished with antique furniture. After the move, Stas made some changes to the design, adjusting it to his desires and needs.

Coziness and comfort
When purchasing a house, Stas wanted to create a real “family nest” for his family, so he was attentive to the details and took into account everything: the location of the rooms, proximity to the city and nature, the availability of space for a playroom zones.
In addition to the house, the musician had apartments on the 7th floor, so Stas managed to appreciate the “charm” of going upstairs with a baby carriage. In addition, there was no opportunity to have a pet, which was dreamed of not only by a child, but also by adults.
The main advantage of the house is the ability to go outside, to fresh air at any time. To do this, you do not need to put on holiday clothes and take with you a whole set of toys and accessories for the child. In addition, Julia, Stas's wife, always wanted to have her own garden to grow herbs, vegetables and flowers. Buying a house was a great joy and a real salvation - all the wishes came true and the family was able to arrange their life and life with comfort and coziness.

For the decoration, the most simple and natural shades were chosen: brown, white and gray. One of the walls in the living room is painted in an exquisite sand color for contrast and giving the room an elongated shape.
Despite the fact that every detail is concise and simple, the interior looks very thoughtful, stylish and expensive. At first glance, it is noticeable that an experienced designer had a hand in finishing.

Finishing the living room and kitchen area
In the house of Stas Kostyushkin, the kitchen and the living room are separated from each other only formally and in fact form one part - for eating and relaxing. High-quality furniture in dark brown shades was chosen for the kitchen. The dining furniture group is represented by a large rectangular table and a set of chairs. It can accommodate the whole family and guests.

In order to visually separate the living room from the dining room, a simple technique was used - a different color of the flooring. A dark shade was chosen for the living room, and a light shade for the kitchen. At the same time, dark furniture is installed in the kitchen, and lighter furniture is installed in the room, due to which the effect of a chessboard is created.
Bedroom decoration
The modern style in the house of Stas Kostyushkin was created through the use of decorative elements and a combination of different trends in design. The main attention was paid to the decoration and filling of the bedroom. For her, a luxurious bed on a metal (chrome) base was chosen, as well as an unusual hanging chair. And to make the room really cozy, the designers added several lamps with soft light.

After buying the house, a significant redevelopment was made - the artist did not like the initial arrangement of the rooms. The decision was made to change the location of the bathroom and bedroom, add a wall, lay out new tiles, install mirror sheets in the bedroom and create a more "airy and light" design in general.
In the warm season, the family spends a lot of time outdoors. The lawn is well equipped both for children's games and for family recreation.
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