If there is no way to level the walls - how to finish?

An interesting trend has emerged in interior design. If earlier every effort was made to emphasize the work done, to make all surfaces perfect, now, on the contrary, imperfection is in vogue. Now more attention is paid to individuality, natural appearance and uniqueness. And you can do fashionable interiorwithout investing practically anything in its decoration: no money, no effort. Take, for example, uneven walls (if you bought an apartment with a rough finish, then most likely they are just like that). Consider options for how to arrange them without plastering.

Read in the article

  • 1 Bare brick and concrete walls
  • 2 If the house is wooden
  • 3 If you don't know how to plaster
  • 4 Lace walls
  • 5 Liquid wallpaper for walls
  • 6 How can you sew up a wall with irregularities

Bare brick and concrete walls

Who said that in general it is necessary to "bother" with finishing. Here is a ready-made foothold for decorating an apartment in loft style. Brick walls can, in principle, not be covered plaster. Well, or if you don't like the natural shade of the brick, paint it with paint, leaving the texture in plain sight.

How to arrange hay without plastering and leveling
PHOTO: inmyroom.ru
You can do this in all rooms, or you can leave one wall as an accent - decide for yourself

Gray concrete is also not a reason to deal with its surface. The concrete walls fit perfectly into the industrial style.

Such interiors are usually called " masculine" for their severity and asceticism.
PHOTO: realty.rbc.ru
Such interiors are usually called "masculine" for their severity and asceticism.

Refusal to decorate the walls will allow capital savings on decoration. And the loft style itself is relatively inexpensive in design.

If the house is wooden

Do you know what catches the eye of contemporaries in old wooden houses? The desire of their residents to decorate the interior in every possible way to hide the fact that the house is wooden. Wallpaper, plaster - what is all this for when you have what is now insanely appreciated - natural wood.

All you need is to clean the surface and cover it with wax or varnish. Even if there are small irregularities, it will be even more interesting.PHOTO: ethnoboho.ru
All you need is to clean the surface and cover it with wax or varnish. Even if there are small irregularities, it will be even more interesting.

If you don't know how to plaster

This is not a problem at all, because the inability to plaster makes you a unique master. And this is not a joke, there are just a lot of design options in which a perfectly flat surface is not required. Even normal trowel work without leveling will help create a unique paintable surface.

The simplest option is to make a " hut". Apply the plaster putty on the wall with broad strokes, and after drying, cover with primer and interior paintPHOTO: houser.su
The simplest option is to make a "hut". Apply the plaster putty on the wall with broad strokes, and after drying, cover with primer and interior paint

Lace walls

The easiest way to hide unevenness in the wall is to use lace or tulle. First paint the wall in some rich tone, and then attach the old tulle and apply a thin layer of white plaster with a spatula right on top of it. Until the plaster has hardened, the tulle must be carefully removed.

A contrasting pattern will remain on the wall, which will skillfully hide all the irregularities.PHOTO: Pinterest
A contrasting pattern will remain on the wall, which will skillfully hide all the irregularities.

Liquid wallpaper for walls

Perfectly flat walls are needed for wallpaper. For everything except liquid. This is, in fact, paper plaster, only it is not difficult to apply it yourself, and it does not require special alignment.

The layer can be up to 3 mm thick, and this will help to hide small irregularitiesPHOTO: avito.ru
The layer can be up to 3 mm thick, and this will help to hide small irregularities

How can you sew up a wall with irregularities

If the irregularities are such that all the methods described above are not suitable, they can simply be hidden under the skin. Nowadays, interiors in which the walls sheathed with laminate or boards. There are even options for using waste wood, literally firewood.

Cuts look very original - they are also able to hide any irregularitiesPHOTO: mykaleidoscope.ru
Cuts look very original - they are also able to hide any irregularities

As you can see, there are a lot of interesting and bright finishing options, and the alignment of the walls is not at all necessary.

And another great idea for your inspiration:

What options did you like? Share your opinion in the comments!


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