Budget fence for a summer residence in a day: the incredible is possible

The HousChief editors continue the cycle of publications with the hashtag #besthouse, and today it is actually better for those who spend their days in their country house. Even if your dacha is not yet fully landscaped, it doesn't matter! It's time to start arranging it. And do you know what appears in the summer cottage in the first place? That's right: toilet and fence. Everything is clear with the first object, but the second one can seriously hit your budget. It all depends on what you are going to build it from. The most expensive will be a capital brick fence, a professional sheet fence will cost you almost half the price. In addition, the fence can be built from wood, slate, chain-link mesh, polycarbonate, and even from OSB boards. But all of these options will require significant effort and investment from you. Meanwhile, there are still many costs ahead: building a house and bringing communications, arranging a site. Is it possible to fence off the site so as to hide it from prying eyes and at the same time do it with minimal costs? It turns out there is! The author of the YouTube channel shared his experience with everyone Andreyan Krestyankin. You can also take it on board and get by with a modest investment.

Read in the article

  • 1 Some of the nuances of the frame
  • 2 Net for a budget fence: how to choose and fix
  • 3 Features of the operation of a fence from a facade mesh

Some of the nuances of the frame

Let's start with the fact that any fence needs reliable racks. The author studied the experience of practitioners and made his own frame from a metal pipe.

Budget fence for a summer residence per day
PHOTO: YouTube.com
To keep the base of the fence from corrosion, you need to thoroughly clean the metal and paint it with a permanent paint. Even if instead of a pipe you take an all-metal rod, it also needs to be covered with a protective layer.
Based on practical experience, the author came to the conclusion that metal triangles should be used to strengthen the welded joints, which will give additional strength to the pipe attachment points.
PHOTO: YouTube.com
Based on practical experience, the author came to the conclusion that metal triangles should be used to strengthen the welded joints, which will give additional strength to the pipe attachment points.
Instead of triangles, you can use T-shaped parts that will be inserted and welded into pipesPHOTO: YouTube.com
Instead of triangles, you can use T-shaped parts that will be inserted and welded into pipes
The author made spans with a length of 3 m, but then admitted that this is too large a distance, which does not allow the structure to be sufficiently rigid. The best option would be the distance between the racks of one and a half to two meters. Such a frame will perfectly withstand windage and snow load.PHOTO: YouTube.com
The author made spans with a length of 3 m, but then admitted that this is too large a distance, which does not allow the structure to be sufficiently rigid. The best option would be the distance between the racks of one and a half to two meters. Such a frame will perfectly withstand windage and snow load.
If possible, it is worth making additional fasteners for the frame on the house and outbuildings, as it is done in the videoPHOTO: YouTube.com
If possible, it is worth making additional fasteners for the frame on the house and outbuildings, as it is done in the video

Net for a budget fence: how to choose and fix

The decisive factor of economy in this object is the canvas. The author proposes to use the facade mesh as the main covering of the fence. Manufacturers already know about this experience and have even developed a special fence mesh, which is characterized by increased resistance to ultraviolet radiation and temperature extremes.

The mesh is sold in rolls, and for the construction of the fence, you need to take a canvas with a width of at least three meters. It is thrown over the frame and fastened with a double layer, reliably hiding the area from prying eyes.PHOTO: YouTube.com
The mesh is sold in rolls, and for the construction of the fence, you need to take a canvas with a width of at least three meters. It is thrown over the frame and fastened with a double layer, reliably hiding the area from prying eyes.
The mesh differs in density. In this example, a 35 g / m2 mesh was used, but there are also denser and stronger mesh that can be used for this purpose. Optimal - 80g / m2PHOTO: YouTube.com
The mesh differs in density. In this example, a 35 g / m2 mesh was used, but there are also denser and stronger mesh that can be used for this purpose. Optimal - 80g / m2
You can use plastic ties to fix and tighten the mesh, but the author preferred metal wire, rightly believing that it is strongerPHOTO: YouTube.com
You can use plastic ties to fix and tighten the mesh, but the author preferred metal wire, rightly believing that it is stronger
The lower part of such a fence can be hidden by a wide curb tape, which will stop small animals from entering the site.PHOTO: YouTube.com
The lower part of such a fence can be hidden by a wide curb tape, which will stop small animals from entering the site.
It is important to stretch the mesh well on the frame so that it freely passes gusts of wind and does not sag when wet.PHOTO: YouTube.com
It is important to stretch the mesh well on the frame so that it freely passes gusts of wind and does not sag when wet.

Features of the operation of a fence from a facade mesh

Before choosing this type of fence, there are a few things you need to understand. First, this fence will not protect you from intruders. Many will tell you that you can overcome this obstacle with a penknife. This is indeed the case. But practice shows that people with criminal intentions are not stopped by stone fences. So if you have inadequate neighbors or a dysfunctional area, then you should not expect that such a fence will become a reliable protector for you. Perhaps, in this case, only the barbed wire and the supplied current will save.

The mesh fence will not stop large animals either. You should not put it on the site if you keep a bird: geese, chickens, turkeys. They with sharp claws and beaks will quickly turn it into rags.PHOTO: YouTube.com
The mesh fence will not stop large animals either. You should not put it on the site if you keep a bird: geese, chickens, turkeys. They with sharp claws and beaks will quickly turn it into rags.
In response to possible criticism, it is worth noting that such fences also withstand snow load well. The author's experience has shown that even a snowdrift dumped on a grid by a tractor-cleaner did not cause significant damage to the fence.PHOTO: YouTube.com
In response to possible criticism, it is worth noting that such fences also withstand snow load well. The author's experience has shown that even a snowdrift dumped on a grid by a tractor-cleaner did not cause significant damage to the fence.
But the same situation with a fence made of a professional sheet, as you can see, ended sadly. The owner will definitely have to fork out for a new canvas.PHOTO: YouTube.com
But the same situation with a fence made of a professional sheet, as you can see, ended sadly. The owner will definitely have to fork out for a new canvas.
Such a fence performs its main task very successfully: it will mark the boundaries of your site and hide it from unnecessary attention.PHOTO: YouTube.com
Such a fence performs its main task very successfully: it will mark the boundaries of your site and hide it from unnecessary attention.
Moreover, due to the low cost, you can afford to fence off a large area. In addition, the installation of such a fence will not take much time.PHOTO: YouTube.com
Moreover, due to the low cost, you can afford to fence off a large area. In addition, the installation of such a fence will not take much time.
Finally, you can easily use the same frame for another canvas, for example, a more transparent plastic mesh.PHOTO: YouTube.com
Finally, you can easily use the same frame for another canvas, for example, a more transparent plastic mesh.

According to user reviews, a fence made of a facade mesh can last at least 5 years, this time quite enough to complete the main construction and raise funds for capital fence. The mesh can be easily repaired if needed.

What does such a fence look like on the site - in this small video:

Did you put such a fence on your site? Share your opinion on its operation. Leave your comments and recommendations!
