The Houschief editorial staff continues the series of publications with the hashtag #Best House for those who are not used to wasting time. And today we will talk about the arrangement of the bathhouse, because right now many, taking advantage of their free time, are puzzled by this issue. If you went to the dacha for the first time at this cool time of the year and decided to use the sauna, you probably noticed that you need more time to warm up. In addition, from a long downtime in the bath, foreign odors from the local sewage system appeared. How to solve this delicate problem, advised the author of the YouTube channel Village life Trans-Urals courtyard. This is a very simple idea that will be useful to any owner of a country bath.
The problem of draining in the bath: where the legs grow from
Many who prefer to do everything the old-fashioned way do not really bother with the drainage of water in the bath. All engineering thought in this case is reduced to a pit under the floor, covered with gravel. If bath is used by one person and is extremely rare, perhaps this is the easiest way out. But even with minimal use, dirty soapy water will gradually turn this pit into a swamp, and this will lead not only to bad smells, but also to the rapid deterioration of the plank floor. The floors in such a bath will rot in a couple of years, and it is very expensive to change them.

The pipe goes into a drain pit, where other drains, including a toilet, are brought in. It goes without saying that gases from this pit tend to find a way out and enter the steam room, which is highly undesirable.
The solution to the problem could be a traditional odor trap, which can be bought at any plumbing store, but in the case of a bath, this is not the best solution. Why? The fact is that the bathhouse is not constantly heated, and in winter the water freezes in it. That is why, after the procedures, all containers with moisture are emptied so that they do not burst from ice.

Someone will reasonably notice that a concrete bowl in a bath is not the best option, because concrete can also absorb water and, accordingly, odors. To prevent this from happening, practitioners recommend covering the concrete bowl with a waterproofing agent - it can be a silicate composition or another liquid waterproofing. Or, for example, a tile, a membrane. In addition, air vents should be made under the bath floor so that the bowl dries out faster.
So how do you solve the problem with the smell from the drain hole without resorting to the factory water seal?
The ball is like a float, and why it should be placed in the subfloor of the bath
The purpose of the shutter in the bath is to let water into the drain hole when there is one, and to reliably close the pipe when there is no water, not letting in excess aromas.

The weight of the ball is important in this situation. It is essential that it float easily even with a minimum amount of water.

Many will wonder if the ball will freeze to the drain in winter, and what to do in this case? The author noticed that the design of his bath is such that bake partly under the floor. If it is flooded, that space is also warmed up, and cold air leaves through the blower.
Before bathing procedures, the boards should be poured with boiling water so that they are warm, and this amount there is enough hot water to melt the thin ice crust around the ball, even if it is formed. The size of the ball should be small, but such that it does not accidentally fall into the sewers, it will be extremely difficult to get it out of there.

According to users' comments, this system really works, reliably locking the sewer pipe without any expensive fixtures. The main thing is that the drain bowl has a design that will not allow the floating ball to move relative to the drain point.
As a supplement, we offer you a very useful material from professionals in the construction of baths on the topic of draining and waterproofing floors in a frame bath.
Write in the comments what you think about the idea of a ball in the bath drain. If you use such a system, then share your impressions.