How you want to acquire your own summer cottage! It is not always possible to realize this dream, but modern technologies make it possible to organize a mini-garden in the kitchen. On social media, you can find many accounts and groups dedicated to plant care and tips for designing your green space. We will tell you how to do this in a short review.
Read in the article
- 1 Which crops to choose
- 2 How to organize a mini-kindergarten
- 3 Watering options
- 4 Lighting
Which crops to choose
For a green corner, it is most practical to take those crops that can be used for cooking: parsley, dill, arugula, watercress and the like. It will be a great addition to your favorite dishes and will refresh your kitchen.

To organize a garden in the kitchen, it is better to choose low-growing plants that can be grown in a small area. If you have the ability to place crops in large trays, then vegetables such as peppers or tomatoes can be planted.

Some housewives manage to grow strawberries, avocados and tangerines on the windowsill in the kitchen. But these plants are not very fond of drafts.
How to organize a mini-kindergarten
The cheapest and most affordable option is to place a mini-garden on a windowsill in ordinary clay pots or special containers-greenhouses. In the latter case, it is important to ensure that the plants do not burn out.

For a more professional approach to organizing a garden, it is better to choose multi-level systems or roof rails with baskets-pots.
If you don't have special rails, the simplest shelves will do. Even the largest containers can be accommodated on the "steps".

For fast-growing crops, a simple plastic container is suitable, and for perennial species it is better to find reliable pots and make sure that the root system has space.
Watering options
A drip irrigation system works best for small plants. It can be made from a regular plastic bottle and rope. Some gardeners plant seeds in a dense, moist sponge that will hold moisture longer than normal soil.

It is better to apply fertilizers to the soil strictly according to the scheme, otherwise you risk losing your crop due to an overabundance of chemicals.
Modern technologies allow you to provide round-the-clock and sufficient lighting for your mini-garden. You can use an economical LED backlight that consumes almost no energy.

And, of course, do not forget about spraying, especially in winter, when the air becomes too dry due to heating.
If you get down to business wisely, then in a few weeks your home garden will delight you with the first harvest, and you will receive a vitamin supplement to your favorite dishes.
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