The HouseChief editorial staff continues the series of publications with the hashtag #BestHome, in which they talk about how to spend time in self-isolation with maximum benefit. And today's article will be devoted to those who conduct quarantine in the country. YouTube channel author "Seize the Moment" invites you to familiarize yourself with five devices that will simplify life in a summer cottage in quarantine, will not allow our dear readers to overexert themselves. After all, gardening can be very tedious. So let's get started.
Read in the article
- 1 Prepare the sleigh in summer: a device for collecting fruits that have fallen from a tree
- 2 Removing weeds from gaps between slabs of paths
- 3 Homemade tool to facilitate digging the ground
- 3.1 Assembling the "assistant digger" from manufactured parts
- 3.2 How to work with such a device and how it can help
- 4 Elementary device for planting crops
- 4.1 The only caveat in working with such a device
- 5 Seed dispenser for sowing crops
- 6 Final part
Prepare the sleigh in summer: a device for collecting fruits that have fallen from a tree
Such a device is called a Fruit Collector. Its purpose is to collect fruits that have fallen to the ground. All a gardener needs is to go and push in front of him a kind of drum fixed to an aluminum tube with a rubberized handle. At the other end, a rotor receiver is fixed, which consists of transverse elastic plastic rods.

Interestingly, Fruit Collector is capable of collecting fruits of different sizes. Thanks to the flexible plastic rods, he can pick up apples and, for example, nuts from the ground. Another advantage of this device is the ability to collect pebbles from the path, if they are not too small.
In fact, collecting a volunteer, especially if there is a lot of it, is a dubious pleasure, and here such help will not hurt. But there were also some drawbacks. The rotary receiver is small in size, which means that you will have to lay out the fruits from it very often.

Removing weeds from gaps between slabs of paths
Most often, a bayonet shovel is used to remove weeds in hard-to-reach places such as the gaps between the walkway slabs. However, everyone who has come across this knows how time-consuming this task is. And now a very interesting device appears on the market, called the Weed Snatcher, which pulls weeds out of hard-to-reach places in seconds. After that, all that remains is to sweep the path. Unfortunately, similar tool while in Russia it is difficult to find and buy.

And here's what's strange. Why is there no such instrument on Russian shelves? After all, if you look closely, there is nothing super complicated in the design of this device. That is why it is worth paying attention to this "assistant" for amateur masters. You can make this tool in a garage with your own hands. In this case, the attachments-hooks on it can be made different, interchangeable.

Homemade tool to facilitate digging the ground
And here on this device it is worth dwelling in a little more detail, if only because it was made by our Russian craftsmen with their own hands. Needless to say, how difficult it is to dig up a soil overgrown with weeds. This work is hard even for a young man. And what about the elderly?
The parts you need to make are pretty simple. You shouldn't even dwell on them in detail, everything will become clear from the photo example.

Assembling the "assistant digger" from manufactured parts
The assembly is carried out as follows. First, the two brackets need to be connected together with three bolts (the fourth hole remains empty), but it is too early to tighten the nuts. Next, the fourth bolt should connect a pair of brackets to the welded support in the shape of a triangle. In this case, the connection between them turns out to be mobile.

And when the device is put on the handle of the shovel, you can thoroughly tighten the bolted connections. At first glance, it may seem that the result is complete absurdity, but this is not so. Such a device unloads the back as much as possible, the worker does not have to strain when lifting a shovel with heavy earth. In fact, you won't even need to bend over when working. The only thing that has to be done after digging, if there are too many roots in the ground, is to break the remaining lumps.

How to work with such a device and how it can help
In operation, the device can be called extremely simple, like everything ingenious. When the spade bayonet is driven into the ground, the triangular platform is horizontal with respect to the ground. It will hit the ground when the bayonet is fully engaged. It remains only to pull the handle. The movable platform remains in place, and the bayonet throws the clod to the side. This is how it goes.

Elementary device for planting crops
The following device can be called simple in general. This makes planting sprouted tomatoes or cucumbers faster and easier with this garden tool. Let's try to figure out what it can be.
In order to plant young shoots, you either need to dig a groove or make holes. However, arranging the holes with a shovel is extremely impractical for small sprouts. An ordinary sharpened shovel handle, on which a metal footboard is fixed, will help here.

The metal footboard, fixed on the handle, also plays the role of a limiter, which means that all the roots of the seedlings will be at the same level. The device is simple to operate. You just need to set the handle with the tip in the right place, and then press on the footboard with your foot. If the ground is harsh, you can twist the handle a little while applying pressure to the footboard.
The use of this device will save the summer resident from unnecessary and sometimes unnecessary work, significantly speed up the process, and free up time for other useful things. In addition, the growth of crops planted with this method will be uniform. After all, their root system will be at the same level in the ground.

The only caveat in working with such a device
Making holes in this way, you need to remember one nuance. If the stalk is simply pressed into the ground, and then also pulled out, the soil will crumble, which means that no hole will work. Therefore, you need to proceed as follows. First, the handle should be driven down to the limiter. Then you need to scroll it a little in one direction, and then in the other direction, and only after that, with a little twisting, remove it from the ground. In this case, the hole will be flat, and its walls will be smooth.

Seed dispenser for sowing crops
Another simple device that comes in handy when planting seeds in greenhouse. It allows you to place seeds at the same distance from one another.
The design of the device is extremely simple. It is based on an aluminum corner, in the edge of which, every 4 cm, holes are drilled. Cardboard cones are glued inside the corner, which guide the seeds exactly into the hole. This mini-seeder should be placed in a recessed furrow and one seed should be placed in each cone. At the same time, you can be sure that the distance between all the shoots will be the same.

Final part
Our people have always had a bright mind and golden hands. So it was and so it will be. That is why our people are invincible because they always find non-standard and simple solutions. The homemade products described today are elementary, but at the same time, they make it possible to facilitate the difficult work of the gardener as much as possible. It is clear that during self-isolation it is high time to start gardening on your site, but overstraining is also not the case.
We really hope that some of today's homemade products will be adopted by our readers. If you still have questions about the topic, ask them in the discussions below. HouseChief editors will definitely answer them. There you can leave your comment, share your personal opinion about what you read, or introduce one of your similar homemade products that facilitate the work of the summer resident, if any. This information may be useful to other readers.
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