- Tank Cleaning from Fuel
- Removal Methods for Oil Products Remains
- How do I clean the barrel of machine oil with improvised tools?
- Than to wash a plastic barrel from chemistry?
At the villa site or in the garage, a storage tank is always needed. If you have a barrel in your household that used to store fuel and lubricants, or if you bought a plastic barrel that was used for chemicals, then after qualitative cleaning and washing such a container can be used even for a summer shower. So do not rush to part with the tanks, and our advice and recommendations on how to clean the barrel of engine oil and what to wash the plastic barrel from chemistry, you will definitely be useful.
to the table of contents ↑Cleaning of tare from fuel
The fuels and lubricants are synonymous with the word "oil products".These materials include products and lubricants, which are most often used in the automotive sector. For example, combustible materials, in other words - fuel, is divided into:
- Petrol.
- Diesel or diesel fuel.
Lubricants are also divided into the following products:
- Engine oil.
- Transmission oil.
- Grease lubrication.
- Special purpose oil.
Based on what exactly is contaminated your capacity, a few will differ and ways how to clean the barrel of engine oil.
to Contents ↑Removal Methods for Oil Products Remains
Typically, the container where petroleum products were stored is cleaned using the following methods:
- Steaming.
- Flushing.
Such methods are quite dangerous and require special care. Proceed as follows:
- From the brick, install the support walls. There should be two.
- Place a metal barrel on the supports.
- Fill the tank with sufficient water.
- Under the barrel, build a fire.
- Do not close the container plug.
- Water should boil for a long time so that a sufficient amount of steam accumulates in the barrel.
- Residues of petroleum products, thanks to a couple, will drain into the water.
- After the water has boiled and starts to cool, cover the barrel with a stopper, but do not twist it.
- Allow the tank to cool down.
- Pour dirty water out of the barrel.
- Repeat the whole process one more time if the result does not satisfy you.
Auxiliary tools
For the cleaning process to be more effective, use the following preparations and substances:
- Caustic soda. This agent can be added to the water by steaming and washing to quickly wash off the plastic barrel from the chemistry.
- UPTS-2002.The preparation effectively degreases and removes residual oil products at a temperature of 30 to 50 degrees of water in the barrel. The product can also be used as a solvent for oil, greases, other similar materials.
- SOFEX-TMS-2001.This product is a wide-use detergent. It can also be used to clean the tank of residual petroleum products under the brand B. This detergent has several brands for different purposes and materials.
How to clean the barrel of machine oil with improvised means?
Gasoline is most often used to remove residues of diesel fuel or engine oil.
Important! The smell of gasoline is well removed by a large amount of water.
We offer to use in the fight against the problem, how to clean the barrel of engine oil, and other improvised fixtures:
- Dishwashing liquid. This is the simplest and most effective way. Fill the barrel with hot water, and then add detergent. Allow the tank to stand for a while, then drain the dirty water. Household chemicals can easily cope with any fat. If the result does not satisfy you, repeat the washing procedure. Rinse the remnants of the product with plenty of water.
- Sand and sawdust. These substances will also help to clean the barrel of engine oil. Fill the sawdust or sand in the tank so that they absorb the oil. After - throw away dirty materials and clean the tank with water, adding a dishwashing detergent. As a detergent, you can also use laundry soap or detergent.
Important! To clean the container of oil residues, you can use newspapers or other paper that can absorb liquid well, instead of sand or sawdust.
- The sun. This method will take time, since under direct sunlight the barrel should stand for a month. During this time, the engine oil will oxidize. To not only clean the barrel of engine oil, but also remove the odor from it, wash the tank with water and detergent.
- Paint. A more radical way to get rid of oil residues is to paint the barrels from the inside. Before painting, wipe the container with newspapers, any material or sawdust to absorb excess oil. Use for painting can be ordinary enamel. Use during work can be done with a paintbrush, or with a spray gun.
- Solvent. In any construction shop, buy a solvent, white spirit or kerosene. First flip the barrel so that the oil remains glassy, and then walk on the surface of the tank with any solvent.
- Acoustic soda, which corrodes any organic and inorganic compounds, can also help in cleaning. But with it you have to act very carefully, so that the solution does not irritate the high concentration of plastic.
Important! When using solvents and other household chemical products, protect yourself with protective equipment. Before work, put on rubber gloves, and protect your eyes with glasses.
- Use an active foam to clean the barrel from the engine oil, which is found in car washes, if possible.
Important! For barrels of metal, we suggest using an effective method - firing from the inside. However, it is necessary to carry out such a procedure in a dry, windless weather and very carefully, since the oil is easily ignited. Proceed as follows:
- In the barrel, cut off the top cover.
- Fold inside the tank dry branches, firewood.
- Set fire to branches. The fire will remove all traces of oil.
- Cover the barrel with a metal sheet so that the fire does not spread further.
- Wait for the barrel to cool.
- Walk on the surface with a stiff brush to remove any debris. As a result, you get a clean container, but without additional coverage, over time, the barrel will cover with rust.
- Mix one kilogram of cement with 0.5 liters of milk.
- With the mixture obtained, cover the inside surface of the tank.
- Leave to dry the barrel for a couple of days.
- If desired, on top of the mixture, paint the surface from within with water-dispersion paint, although in this form, the tank can be used on the farm.
Than to wash the plastic barrel from chemistry?
After qualitative cleaning and washing, a plastic container can be used, for example, for a summer shower or storage of water for irrigation, but for drinking water, such a container is unsuitable.
To wash the plastic barrel from the chemistry and make it suitable for storing drinking clean water, you can use:
- Dishwashing liquid. Fill the barrel with hot water and add detergent. For a high-quality washing, repeat the procedure several times. After - remove the washing product with running water in large quantities.
- Caustic soda. This product removes all compounds - both organic and inorganic. Fill the container with hot water and add the remedy. After washing, rinse the container in running water.
- Laundry soap or laundry detergent. These detergent products will also help you get rid of chemical residues.
Use our tips and advice and used barrels again to help you with the farm. And as a bonus, those not spent means that you could use to purchase new water tanks, you can send to useful and pleasant things for yourself. Good luck!