- Reasons for peeling of the scalp
- How to deal with peeling?
- The folk methods of
When semi-transparent flakes begin to fall from the head, many people think that this is dandruff, but in fact it turns out that this whole skin peels off. These pieces are stuck in the hair, which looks unaesthetic. Most often, such peeling is a consequence of the fungus. But this is not the only reason for such problems with the scalp. If the scalp is scaly - what should I do? First of all, you need to understand the reasons that cause such a problem.
to content ↑Reasons for scalp peeling
There are several reasons that cause head skin problems. Here are the main ones:
- heredity;
- exposure to sunlight;
- frequent washing of the head with aggressive means;
- allergic reactions to hair care products;
- vitamin deficiency, lack of microelements in the body;
- metabolic disorders;
- weak immunity;
- improper power supply;
- malfunctioning internal organs, in particular the liver;
- presence of skin fungus;
- the presence of various diseases - eczema, psoriasis, seborrheic dermatitis.
Important! Some of the causes can be eliminated on their own, but with more serious problems, one should consult a specialist so as not to aggravate the matter even further. In the case of dermatological diseases, self-medication can have bad consequences.
to the contents ↑How to deal with peeling?
What if I have scalp? If the scalp is large, that is very strong and accompanied by redness and itching, then it is necessary to consult a trichologist or a dermatologist. A competent specialist will prescribe appropriate treatment and give you recommendations.
Here we list the main tools and tips on how to care for the scalp, in order to restore its normal state more quickly. But this information is suitable in the event that you do not have a serious illness and the symptoms are insignificant:
- Very well proven such a remedy as Sulsen. It is available in the form of ointments, cream and shampoo. In order not to provoke addiction, the drug should be combined with a conventional shampoo that has a neutral pH.
- If the peeling is a consequence of the fungus, then therapeutic shampoos with ketoconazole, selenium disulphide and birch tar are recommended.
- Normalize the level of moisturizing will help special chemist's masks.
- First of all, if you have such a problem, you should change the shampoo. Choose the shampoo correctly for your hair type, preferably it should be hypoallergenic.
- Strengthen your immunity in every way, especially in the off-season.
- Normalize your diet, try to exclude from it salty, spicy, floury, sweet. It is better to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
- Try to leave time for rest, to walk more in the fresh air.
- Buy hats from natural, breathable materials and wash them regularly.
- When slagging the liver, you can clean it at home - it will benefit not only the liver, but the whole body.
- Protect hair from cold in winter and from the sun in summer.
- In the fight against the problem of peeling of the skin against the background of vitamin deficiency, multivitamin complexes will help.
Important! Of course, it is difficult to bring so many changes into your everyday life. Start small, move slowly in the right direction and your hair will be clean and shiny.
to the contents ↑Folk methods
What to do if the scalp on the scalp is flaky? Some causes of peeling can be eliminated by folk methods - using masks that help moisturize the skin and eliminate irritation.
Mask from a bow:
- Mix the juice of one onion, 20 g of vegetable oil and a little lemon juice.
- Apply this mixture to the scalp, wrap it with a towel.
- After an hour, rinse with shampoo.
Important! If you do this mask regularly, then your hair will noticeably strengthen, and peeling, if it does not go completely, it will significantly decrease.
Mask from avocado and eggs:
- Flesh the halves of avocado chop.
- Mix with 2 egg yolks and 40 ml of vegetable or any other oil.
- Apply the mixture on your head for 2 hours.
- Wash off the decoction of chamomile or nettle.
Important! This mask perfectly copes with the itch of the head.
Mask based on glycerin:
- Mix in a glass container the egg, 15 ml of vinegar, 15 ml of glycerin, 40 ml of castor oil.
- Apply this mixture over the entire surface of the hair.
- Leave for 30 minutes, then rinse.
Cream mask:
- Mix half a cup of cream and 20 grams of flour.
- Apply the mixture on your head for 30-40 minutes.
- Rinse with clean water without detergent.
Mask from curdled milk:
- Preheat curdled milk and spread over the entire surface of the head.
- Cover with a film, cellophane bag or put on a bath hat.
- After half an hour, rinse with plain water, without shampoo.
Banana mask:
- Mix the pulp of one banana, 60 ml of milk, 30 grams of almond oil, 20 grams of honey.
- Mix well all ingredients, rub the mixture into the scalp.
- After 40 minutes, rinse your head well.
Important! Do this mask is recommended 1-2 times in 10 days.
Mask of olive oil
What if the scalp is dry and flaky? With a strong dryness and peeling, a mask of olive oil will help. It is better to use unrefined olive oil:
- Preheat the olive oil in a water bath to a temperature of 45-50 degrees.
- Mix it with one tablespoon of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
- Treat only the scalp if possible.
- Leave it for 20 minutes.
- Wash your head with a decoction of nettle and neutral shampoo.
Important! The course should be 10 masks, with a frequency of 2 times a week.
Decoction of coltsfoot
If dry scales are formed on the head, then the mother-and-stepmother's broth should be rubbed into the scalp. To prepare this infusion, take one tablespoon of herbs, pour it with a glass of boiling water and leave for an hour. Then strain and you can rub.
Important! Do this for a week each night.
Herbal tinctures
Each time after washing your head rinse it with infusion of herbs such as burdock, nettle, sage, chamomile, calendula. To prepare the broth, take one herb or a mixture of different herbs: pour 4 tablespoons of raw material with a liter of boiling water, after cooling, strain.
We hope, with the help of our useful recipes and tips, you managed to solve the problem of itching and dryness of the scalp, and now your hair shines with freshness, purity and brilliance!