Top 10 The most beautiful buildings in the world

Many buildings are similar to each other, because they are created for the same type of projects with the same design and differ only in color solutions and sizes. This does not mean that all buildings are such, they meet and are really beautiful, creative projects. Often, in the construction of such buildings, innovative architectural and technical solutions are used. Often, these beautiful creations are libraries, theaters, hotels, museums or temples. In most cases, non-standard architectural objects become the main sights of the cities in which they are located. To show how unusual and beautiful some buildings can be, we have prepared for you a list of the top 10 of the most beautiful buildings in the world .


Sagrada Familia( Sagrada Familia)

Sagrada Familia is a Catholic church. This is the most beautiful building in Barcelona. The construction of the Sagrada Familia began in 1882.The erection of the church is carried out only on the donations of parishioners. The Sagrada Familia is designed by the famous architect Antonio Gaudi. All architectural design of the building, both external and internal, consists of strict geometric forms: windows and stained-glass windows in the form of ellipses, helicoidal staircases, stars formed by intersecting surfaces, etc. This temple is long-term construction. In 2010, it was consecrated and recognized ready for church services in it. The complete completion of construction works is not planned until 2026.


Sydney Opera House

This magnificent architectural structure is located in the capital of Australia - Sydney, and is one of the most famous and recognizable buildings in the world, as well as the main attraction and pride of the country. An important feature of this building, which distinguishes it among others, is the sail roof design( consists of 1,056,006 tiles).The main architect of this innovative building was the Danish architect Jorn Utzon, who received for him the Pritzker Prize( analogue of the Nobel Prize in architecture).


Norwegian Opera and Ballet Theater

The Norwegian Opera and Ballet Theater is located in the central part of Oslo, on the shore of the bay. This super modern building is popular with locals and tourists. A characteristic feature of the building is the unique design of the so-called exploited roof. The roof consists of planes arranged in such a way that anyone can climb it from the base, which comes into the water a little, to the highest point of the building, from where a magnificent view of the city's surroundings opens. It is worth mentioning that the opera and ballet theater was awarded the Misa van der Rohe prize as the best architectural structure of 2009.


Taj Mahal

This amazing facility is located in Agra, India. Taj Mahal is a mausoleum built by the order of the Padishah Shah Jahan in memory of his wife, who died during childbirth. In the architectural appearance of the building can be seen the merging of several styles: Persian, Muslim and Indian. In the construction, which lasted from 1632 to 1653, participated about 22 thousand craftsmen and craftsmen from different parts of the empire. Taj Mahal is one of 's most beautiful buildings of the world and is called "the pearl of Muslim architecture".Also, it is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage sites.


The palace of Ferdinand Cheval( The ideal palace of the postman Cheval)

The palace of Ferdinand Cheval is located in the French city of Oteriv. His creator was the most ordinary postman. When building his "ideal palace", Ferdinand Cheval used simple tools. As materials used wire, cement and stones, having an unusual shape, which he collected for 20 years on roads in the vicinity of the city. This beautiful and unusual building is a vivid example of naive art( an offshoot of the primitivism style).In 1975, the palace of Ferdinand Cheval, was officially recognized by the French government as a monument of culture and history.


The New Alexandria Library

The library is located in the city of Alexandria and is the main cultural center of Egypt. The first Alexandria library was opened in the 3rd century BC.Subsequently, as a result of various military conflicts, the library building was destroyed and burned. In 2002, in its place was erected a new "Library of Alexandrina".Many countries participated in financing the construction: Iraq, the UAE, Saudi Arabia, the United States and 26 other countries. The architectural appearance of the building of the new Alexandria library, is a kind of solar disk, thus symbolizing the previously widespread cult of the sun.


The Golden Temple( Harmandir-Sahib)

The Golden Temple is the central temple( gurdvara) for conducting religious ceremonies of the Sikh community. Harmandir-Sahib is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. This is a magnificent architectural structure in the Indian city of Amritsar. The decoration of the building is made using gold, which emphasizes its majesty and luxury. The temple is located in the center of the lake, the water in which is considered curative, according to beliefs it is an elixir of immortality.


Guggenheim Museum of Contemporary Art

Another impressive building with its beauty, located in Spain. Immediately after the opening in 1977, the building was recognized as the most beautiful and spectacular architectural structure, executed in the style of deconstructionism. The building of the museum is characterized by flowing lines that betray a futuristic look. In general, the entire structure looks like an abstract ship. The peculiarity of the building is not only its unusual appearance, but also the construction itself - the lining of the building is made of titanium plates according to the principle of fish scales.


Temple Wat Rong Khun

Wat Rong Khun is a Buddhist temple, its other common name is the "White Temple".This is an architectural creation in Thailand. The project of the building was designed by the artist Chalermchay Kositpipat. The temple is made in a manner uncharacteristic for Buddhism - using a large number of white materials. Inside the building there are a lot of colorful murals on the walls, and outside you can see quite unusual and interesting sculptures. Wat Wat Rong Khun is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful buildings in the world.


Hotel Burj El Arab( Arab Tower)

Burj El Arab is a luxury hotel in Dubai and one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. In appearance, the building resembles the sail of a traditional Arab ship - dhow. The "Arab Tower" is in the sea and is connected to the land by a bridge. The height of the hotel is 321 m, which puts it in second place in the world in height among hotels( the first place is the hotel in Dubai, "Rose Tower" -333 m).The interior decoration of the building is made using gold leaf. A characteristic feature of Burj El Arab is the huge windows, including in the rooms( on the whole wall).