- What are the conditions in which bugs live?
- Where do the bugs come from?
- How to check if there are bedbugs in your apartment?
- How to get rid of pesky parasites?
Even in the cleanest, carefully cleaned apartment, once bugs can start. Appear insects quite unnoticed, so by the time the owner of the home will pay attention to them, the apartment settles a whole colony of pests. Where do the bedbugs in the apartment come from and how to deal with them? In this article we will answer all the most popular questions about these malicious insects, and also we will show you how to get rid of unbidden neighbors as quickly and safely as possible.
to the contents ↑In what conditions do bugs live?
There is a common misconception that bedbugs live in unsanitary conditions. In fact, these insects do not really care if there are dirt, scraps and debris in your house.
Feed on bedbugs with blood, therefore they are parasitic insects and need constant proximity to warm-blooded creatures. Bedbugs do not necessarily choose for the neighborhood of a person - they are quite suitable and your favorite dog or cat.
It is also important for these insects to be able to hide in a secluded place, which can be used inside any apartment crevices in the parquet and between the skirting boards, hard-to-reach areas behind the battery, cabinets and other furniture.
It's not uncommon and the appearance of bedbugs in a house with a lot of books, clothes and old things.
Important! Bedbugs like to live in clothes, which hangs in the closet for a long time, but it is used very rarely.
to the contents ↑Where do the bugs come from?
There are a lot of ways to get bugs into the room. To effectively identify pests and combat them, you need to consider ways to move them:
Tourist trips
Often going on vacation, we do not think what can we expect inside an inexpensive hotel room. Being settled in a sanatorium or hotel room, we seldom think about anything other than comfort and availability of communal amenities.
It is worth remembering that bedbugs who prefer to live in such public places may well continue traveling with you, hiding in the folds of clothing or a travel bag. And after returning from rest, you will wonder where the bugs came from?
Important! Before returning home, be sure to treat your things with specialized means from bedbugs, carefully wash and iron all things.
Picnic in nature
Camping can also lead to unwanted neighborhood. Tanning in the bright sun, running barefoot on the grass and enjoying the smell of a shish kebab, you are unlikely to think about the fact that in the ground and under the bark of trees live bugs that dream of moving to your apartment. Nevertheless, this is so, so before you go on vacation in nature, treat things with preventive means, and upon coming home carefully examine both yourself and things.
Unfortunately, most often bedbugs bring pets. If your pet regularly makes street walks, then most likely the parasites got into the apartment on the wool and, settling in the crevices of the room, began to harm you.
Neighboring apartment
If your neighbors are not too clean and regular cleaning in the house they are not peculiar, then sooner or later they will have bedbugs. Over time, these parasites will migrate to your living space, as there are many ways for such relocation.
Important! Bedbugs can move between the apartments with ventilation ducts, cracks in skirting boards and parquet, cracks in the walls, holes in the window frames and doors.
If the cause of the appearance of bedbugs in your apartment are neighbors, then for their elimination it will be necessary to destroy and the source of the appearance of parasites. In this case, this is their settlement in a neighbor's apartment.
to the contents ↑How to check whether there are bedbugs in your apartment?
If you suspect the appearance of bedbugs indoors, it is worth paying attention to some signs of the presence of insects:
- If you notice the night activity of incomprehensible insects, but in the daytime you can not find anyone, then for sure you have bedbugs. These parasites lead an exceptionally nocturnal life. The mode of pests of this species is arranged so that they eat around 3 o'clock in the morning, when a person is fast asleep and practically does not feel the movements of parasites.
- Bites on the skin are difficult to confuse with other irritants, because they are arranged in a certain order. This is due to the fact that bedbugs make a series of bites, without stopping its movement in one direction.
- Also on the presence of parasites is the presence of blood on the sheets. At the time of saturation, the insect becomes inactive and loses its natural invulnerability. Turning in a dream, a person, without knowing it himself, can crush an insect, and as a result - on the sheet will remain a bloody speck.
- When bedbugs become too much, you can clearly catch the smell, reminiscent of cognac aroma. With the help of this "fragrance" insects repel enemies and attract partners for reproduction.
How to get rid of pesky parasites?
The most reliable way to get rid of parasites is to help special services for disinfection of premises. If you decide not to contact them, then look for a solution that suits you, how to get bugs out of the apartment yourself.
Modern stores provide a wide range of chemicals, with which you can get rid of insects. Here is a list of some of the specialized tools:
- Chemical agent "Executioner".This inexpensive tool is available to absolutely all residents of Russia and CIS countries. The formula of the drug is developed in Germany and contributes to the destruction of not only adult pests, but also their larvae. The poison that kills insects is absolutely safe for pets and humans.
- Solution of "Carbophos".The most popular insecticidal substance, which is practically odorless, and also absolutely non-toxic. Kills eggs, larvae and adult specimens of parasitic insects. Used in the form of a 2% solution based on water.
- Aerosol can "Raptor".Another popular means against parasites. Allows to destroy annoying and insatiable "neighbors", not leaving them a chance to survive. The main advantage is the possibility of processing hoods and doorways, thereby protecting the room from the repeated penetration of an unpleasant colony.
We hope that you will no longer have to share living space with unpleasant "neighbors" and your works on eviction of parasites will be successful!