Which Bulgarian is better? We study, identify, choose. ..

Angle grinder( USM) - it's also a "Bulgarian" - it's an electric tool, which is a kind of grinding machine. The set of its "functional" includes various operations related to cutting, cleaning and polishing parts from any materials. Scope of application: metalworking, construction, household needs.


  1. Scope. Bulgarian professional and household
  2. Characteristics of the
  3. Functional and protective automatics
  4. Some innovations from the manufacturer in the protection of the engine( video)
  5. Batteries Bulgarians
  6. Pneumodrinkers
  7. Gasoline carvers
  8. Which Bulgarians are better: Makita, Bosch, Hitachi, Metabo or Devolt

Scope. Bulgarian professional and household

Bulgaria belongs to the tools of universal use - this machine is able to perform a large list of operations. True, for different types of them it is necessary to change the working "organs" themselves - nozzles. Then the Bulgarian cuts, polishes, cleans stone, metal, wood and other materials.

In everyday life this tool is not used every day, but if necessary, it can not be dispensed with - the century of manual labor is a thing of the past. The angle grinder saves you time and effort.

Depending on the mode of use and power of the engine and other components, the Bulgars are distinguished:

  • for domestic use;
  • industrial use.

Domestic "Bulgarochki" - is, mainly, devices of low power, "elegant" convenient sizes. They will not survive in the industrial sphere, as they are demanding the mode of their operation - about 15 minutes we work and we rest for the same amount. Otherwise, overheating and. ..

scheme of the device ASMAS

Industrial angle grinders are "workaholics".Such tools are able to work for a long time without interruption and overheating. These qualities of a professional tool in the case of Bulgarians are put on the scale by two other parameters: mass and cost. They also increase their values ​​in the category of "professionals".

When choosing a tool, you should focus on the convenience of working with it and its effective capabilities in work. The price factor is also not an unimportant detail. Professional equipment breaks, of course, less often, but its repair costs more.

Let's look at the nuances of the tool selection. ..

The cutting plane should be directed away from the face of the


classification features. Any electromechanical tool is characterized by many parameters, among which the power of the device never comes to last. Let's start with it!


The power of the bulgarian determines its interrelated parameters: capacity( capacity), dimensions, mass. Existing models of the UWB fit in the power range from 0.5 kW to 2.7 kW.

Common "household" representatives of this tool are able to develop from 800 to 1000 watts of effective power, sufficient for most operations in a household. For prolonged "industrial" or heavy household work( we cut concrete, brick, etc.), we should choose a Bulgarian with a power of 1.5 kW.

But this parameter - the power is interconnected, but not the basic characteristic of the ESM.The defining technological parameter is the maximum diameter of the installed disk.

Which diameter of the disc for the Bulgarian is better: 115, 125, 150, 180 or 230 mm

For the UWB, discs from 115 mm to 230 mm in diameter are used. Practically able to cut only a part of the disc, protruding beyond the housing of the Bulgarian.

Therefore, when choosing a disc of 115 mm, you can cut the thickness of the material no more than 25-30 mm. In the process of using the disc, this parameter decreases, since the disc wears out( is erased), and given the number of revolutions and the performance of such aggregates, this happens quite quickly - a couple of minutes and the disk "disappeared".


LEADERS When choosing a tool, it is necessary to analyze its future tasks from the beginning and select the correct disk diameter:

  • 115 mm - convenient for grinding, suitable for cutting only "small" parts. The tool for such disks has low power and, accordingly, a "convenient" mass for work;
  • 125 mm is a popular size. Bulgaria is ideal for home use. And all varieties of grinding and cutting discs are maximally adapted precisely for this diameter;
  • 150 mm - some middle between the 125th and 180th disc. You can take it for home, but for greater convenience, if you have the financial means, it is better to choose two separate tools;
  • 180 mm - is inconvenient for small jobs, it is optimal for construction and industrial use. Able to cut a brick like a pipe;
  • 230 mm - the maximum size of the "Bulgarian" circle. Such a Bulgarian will be ideal for large-scale construction works and inefficient in terms of ergonomics in performing small-scale work.

In principle, with the determination of the required diameter of the disk, you should start choosing the Bulgarian, and then "add" its power to the analysis. If for a one-time work around a 125 mm bulgarian suitable for 600 watts, then for long-term operation the same circle, it is desirable to choose a tool of 1-1.5 kW.A more powerful USM will be less "tired" under the load and, accordingly, the cycles of its work will be longer, and the period of "life" is greater.

Warning! In no case can use larger diameter discs on Bulgarians designed to work with smaller disks. This will require an unacceptable, from the point of view of TB and common sense, removal of the protective jacket of the bulgarka, and imbalance and inconsistency of the parameters may lead to inadequate "actions" of the tool when the disk is jammed.

Variants of functional disks for the

The following types of disks are used in the work with the UWB:

  • cutting metal;
  • cutting stone;
  • for stone for dry work;
  • for stone for wet cutting;
  • combined diamond wheel for cutting tiles;
  • discs of petal type;
  • mandrel for Velcro disks;
  • metal wire cords for cleaning disk or cup shape.

Important point of choice! If you are planning a "dusty" job related to cutting stone, brick, plaster, worry about having a dust protection tool in your chosen model for carrying out such work. Unprotected Bulgarians will not last long in dusty surroundings.

Number of spindle revolutions of Bulgarian

When choosing a Bulgarian you are unlikely to pay attention to the number of revolutions of its spindle. This, of course, is an important parameter in the work of the tool, but it has already been optimized by the manufacturer for a particular model of the Bulgarian.

Interesting from a practical point of view is the ability to smoothly adjust the speed. This function can have powerful Bulgarians, but more on this later.

For general information: the rotational speed of the grinder disc is between 2800 rpm and 6,600 rpm. Some models of Bulgarians for disks up to 125 mm have a speed of up to 11,000 rpm.

Ergonomics and safe work

Since the Bulgarian is still a hand tool, its convenience of use is determined by the "bodies" of interaction with a person.

Convenience of handling and reliability of protection

For comfortable work and reliable retention of the tool in the hands of the Bulgarians should be equipped with practical handles. Thoughtful versions of them play an anti-vibration role.

Ergonomics in the handle of the

The options for right-hand and left-hand installation of the handles allow equally comfortable operation of the instrument to "lefties" and traditional "right-handers".

Variant of a two-hand bulgarian

When choosing a bulgark, it is also necessary to take into account its mass. Ushm at a power of 0.6-0.8 kW weighs about 1.4-2 kg and usually has one handle. For grinding, this is the best tool."Kilowatt" capacity of the Bulgarian will create a load on the hands of 1.9-2.3 kg. And the "giants" in 2-3 kW will not have less than 3.5 kg.

The presence of a protective cover on the Bulgarian must! Without it you will play "Russian roulette" with your life. The fact is that the dials for Bulgarians are rather thin, but rotate at a tremendous speed. A poor-quality disk or its defect can lead to rupture and scattering of fragments, which will inevitably lead to injuries. Therefore, the presence of the casing is not discussed.

Minimum dust in the work

When working on a stone, brick or plaster, it makes sense to purchase a casing that allows you to connect the hose of the vacuum cleaner. Such casings are suitable for 230 mm discs and can still have a guide line for uniform cutting of fines.

Protective cover with guide ruler

Change of discs on the Bulgarian

Tool service facilities determine additional time for "recharging" - changing the disc. In the Bulgarian, a spindle locking device is provided for this. By pressing the stop button, the driven gear is locked and the nut is unscrewed with a key.

There are variants of clamping nuts, allowing you to work with yourself without a key. Such a compound nut is clamped by hand, and when the lower part of the nut stops in the surface of the disc, it is pulled by the rotation of the hand of its upper part. Such systems are especially important when changing disks on an instrument frequently.

The standard grinder nut is self-tightening, which leads to more difficult loosening than tightening.

Functional and protective automatics

Additional functional "twists" of the instrument contribute to the convenience and safety of the tool.

Soft start-up

Bulgaria, equipped with a soft start system, suffers less from short-term critical overloads at the time of launch. It is especially important to equip such a system of powerful Bulgarians, who have a significant mass of parts and the disc itself. Then, when the switch is turned on, the USM gradually gains traction, does not jerk in its hands, and the windings and brushes of the engine do not experience strong jumps of current.

Speed ​​control

The engine speed control system allows you to choose the speed of the spindle for any task: cutting, grinding, stripping, etc. These are additional features designed to optimize the operating modes of the tool.

Stabilization of revolutions

The system for stabilizing the spindle speed when changing the load on the disk greatly facilitates the processing of massive labor-consuming parts.

Protection from the "wedge" of the

disc The jamming of the disc in the cutout of the material is a very dangerous phenomenon, especially for powerful Bulgarians. The tool will simply break free from the hands with unpredictable consequences. To avoid this, a professional tool is equipped with an anti-jamming system for the cutting blade. In the case of a "wedge", the tool simply instantly de-energizes.

secondary start-up fuse If the power supply to the tool has been discontinued at the time of operation( someone, for example, pulled the plug from the outlet), then when the power supply is restored, the bulgarian can be protected by a safety system against spontaneous secondary start-up.

Protection of brushes

The branded tool can be equipped with a safety system for disconnecting the motor brushes when the supply voltage is lost. Re-engaging the rotating manifold of a powerful engine threatens to burn out the contact group. Also, a system for disconnecting the brushes can be provided for their considerable wear.

Balancing system

In the process of work by powerful Bulgarians, the disc is produced unevenly, and certain vibrations of the tool appear, which do not positively influence the quality of the work. To eliminate them, known tool manufacturers use a balancing system designed to suppress these vibrations.

dust protection Not all EPSMs have reliable dust protection, which makes them unsuitable for cutting stone, brick or plaster. When selecting a tool, it is necessary to clarify this point in case it is necessary to perform "dusty" works.

Some innovations from the manufacturer in protection of the engine( video):

Rechargeable Bulgarian

The rechargeable tool is useful in two cases:

  • if you can not connect to the network;
  • to eliminate the inconvenience of "transporting" a network cable behind the tool( for example, for high-altitude work).

The complete set of battery Devolta

Cordless Bulgars are classified in the same way as network options. To their parameters is added one more - the time of continuous operation from one set of batteries. And this is a huge minus - a short run time from one battery. Increasing its capacity will lead to an unjustified increase in the mass and cost of the tool.

Therefore, it is necessary to choose a battery-operated ESM in cases of urgent need or if there are enough replaceable batteries.

Makita without "binding" to the network

An alternative to using a battery bullet can be the use of a diesel or gasoline portable electric generator of the appropriate power( consider the considerable starting currents of the bulgark) to connect a network power tool to it.

And the Bulgarians are named Panasonic


The pneumatic angle grinder is able to work for a long time without overheating under severe load conditions. The most widespread they received in the metalworking industry, but can be used in repair and construction and other fields of activity.

Bulgaria in the family of pneumatic tools

Its distinctive feature is the absence of an electrical network cable and the possibility of complete isolation from a compressor or air line. Such a tool can be safely used in conditions of high humidity. Pneumatic hacks also have a higher spindle speed.

Gasoline carvers

Gasoline carver is certainly not Bulgarian and it is not intended for home use. But this professional tool allows you to perform some similar operations of separating solid materials, is capable of long autonomous work, has a fairly large capacity.

Petrol cutter is a distant "relative" of the USM on the functional line

Several moments of the correct choice of

All the parameters of the tool listed above may have helped you to orient yourself in the functional equipment of Bulgarians, but did not clarify the specifics of the selection process. All Bulgarians are initially similar, and the correctness of the choice you can appreciate only during the long operation of the instrument. But, nevertheless, let's try to specify the algorithm of choice:

  • Determine the required disk diameter - for the house it is best to approach 125 mm.
  • Based on the operating mode, determine the power.
  • We are determined with the necessity and availability of additional functions.
  • We are looking for models, proven brands - actually all you have chosen will fit, but. ..
  • We look at the convenience of their body and the location of the handles.
  • Get acquainted with the terms and duration of the warranty.
  • We choose!

Which Bulgarians are better: Makita, Bosch, Hitachi, Metabo or Devolt

To determine from the whole assortment what the best Bulgarian is, definitely not. This choice is individual and each model of a quality tool has advantages and disadvantages. Considering the lineup of the leading manufacturers Makita, Bosch, Hitachi, Metabo or Devolt, we can say that there is a lot to choose from.

Full "stuffing" will require a significant investment in the tool. Optimization of costs is possible by selecting the optimal combination of functions in different models and rejecting those that are not so important for you in the everyday use of the tool.

Popular Hitachi with its always thought out "elegant", but comfortable appearance pleases the eye and creates additional comfort in the work.125-mm models have a rotational speed of up to 10,000 rpm with a power consumption of 650-800 W and a weight of up to 1.6 kg.

Bulgaria for the 230-mm disc already "take" from the network 2000 W, providing 6600 rpm idling. Its weight is 4.3 kg.

The distinctive features of Hitachi in the example of this video:

Let's take a look at the 125 mm Makita. Here, the range of powers of popular models is within 710-1400 W with a weight of the instrument from 1.4 kg to 1.8 kg. They are designed for long-term intensive operation, they have a significant power reserve, stabilization of the number of revolutions, a system for limiting the starting current and other useful innovations."Heavyweight" on the 230th drive from Makita will provide 6600 rpm with a power of 2.6 kW.The weight of such an ears is more than 5 kg.

About the benefits of the Ushkit Makita( video):

Virtually all Metabo models are equipped with soft start systems, many "know" how to change the working disk without a key and steplessly adjust the speed.

A bit about Metabo on a specific example:

Bosch introduces the confusion of the presence of a wide variety in the range of models of the USM.But you will not be mistaken, having stopped choice on this brand, you will simply be determined for a long time with the choice of a particular model.

To view a separate instance, watch the video:

American "yellow" Dewalt offers a number of reliable performance models without unnecessary "bells and whistles" that will satisfy the most demanding consumer.

View a preview video of small USM DeWALT:

It is unequivocal to say that it is better to buy a Bulgarian company Makita, Bosch, Hitachi, Metabo or Devolt, we do not have a moral right. You will have to invest some of your time in selecting the right tool for you! To save your time, you can rely on the choice of a sales consultant from a trusted store, having previously familiarized him with the tasks planned for this Bulgarian.

And more. ..

Please note! All USMs are an instrument of increased mechanical danger and require careful handling of themselves. Observance of precautions when working with a Bulgarian is your life and health. And the failure to use protective glasses or masks is a tremendous stupidity and frivolity, the price of which can be quite high.