That during finish construction or finishing work, It is necessary not only to buy the necessary materials, but also to make sure that the screwdriver to battery is in good condition. The failure or unstable battery quickly tighten the screws will not work. We offer to find out which battery manufacturers offer. What is their distinguishing feature, and what to look for in selecting an appropriate model.

Read article
- 1 Structure and working principle shuropovorta battery
- 2 Advantages and disadvantages of batteries for different types of screwdriver
- 2.1 Nickel-cadmium battery
- 2.2 Nickel-metal hydride batteries
- 2.3 Lithium-ion batteries
- 2.4 Lithium-polymer battery
- 3 Which battery screwdriver for better leading manufacturers
- 4 Guidelines for selecting the power supply for the screwdriver
- 4.1 Depending on the application,
- 4.2 Depending on the duration of use
- 5 Increase the service life of the battery: retention rules
- 6 Repair of power screwdriver with their hands
- 6.1 Diagnostics
- 6.2 recovery
- 6.3 replacement
- 7 The procedure of manufacturing a battery charger for the battery screwdriver: video instruction
Structure and working principle shuropovorta battery
The basis of the battery put pyrolysis principle, which allows the power supply to generate a constant current. The battery consists of a casing, as well as series-connected electrodes and electrolytes. During operation of the battery the anode-cathode potential difference arises and therefore the current is generated.

Battery can be of different types, have different capacity, and produce different voltages. Manufacturers offer products with a voltage of 1,2-3,9 V, depending on the device type and the number of batteries.
Attention! Battery capacity has a direct influence on the life of the tool.

Advantages and disadvantages of batteries for different types of screwdriver
To ensure efficiency screwdriver can be used batteries of different types. Each power source has its own distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages. We offer to meet with every kind to make it easier to navigate the existing varieties.

Nickel-cadmium battery
These rechargeable power sources most widely because of affordability and good capacity. The advantages of this type of battery should also include:
- long service life, reaching 8-10 years, subject to the recommendations of the manufacturer's operating instructions;
- ability to operate outdoors in winter time;
- the reliability of the product;
- multiple charging. Battery can be recharged a thousand times;
- preservation characteristics after full discharge. After subsequent charging battery capacity will remain the same;
- the possibility of long-term storage in a discharged state.

The disadvantage is:
- recycling complexity due to the presence in the composition of the nickel-cadmium batteries of toxic substances;
- a lot of weight;
- the presence of "memory effect." If the battery is not fully charged, over time it will lose some capacity.

Nickel-metal hydride batteries
In the development of nickel-metal hydride batteries deficiencies products of the first type were taken into account. The positive characteristics of such batteries include:
- low weight and dimensions;
- low toxicity level;
- weakly expressed "memory effect";
- high capacity;
- resistance to mechanical impact;
- 1500 charge and discharge cycles.

The disadvantage is:
- loss of use during the winter;
- fast discharge;
- high cost;
- long charging;
- limited lifetime.
Attention! Do not allow a complete discharge NiMH battery.
Lithium-ion batteries
Have higher performance as compared with the previous views. Their main advantages are:
- the possibility of charging to any level without the risk of loss of capacity due to the almost complete absence of "memory effect";
- Low self-discharge;
- operation for 5 - 8 years;
- fast charge;
- the absence of a part of the battery of toxic elements;

The disadvantage is:
- low resistance to mechanical stress. If a strong impact battery may explode;
- failure of overcharge or fully discharged;
- fast discharge at subzero temperatures;
- the high cost.

Lithium-polymer battery
a new generation of batteries. In their design used lithium-ion technology. The liquid electrolyte used in the lithium ion models have been replaced by polymeric gel substance. It is possible to increase the capacity of products to reduce weight and dimensions. In fact, Li-Pol batteries are ultra-thin. In addition, they are not as explosive as the previous version.
The disadvantage is:
- limited lifetime is only 2-3 years;
- minimal number of charge-discharge cycles (of 500);
- high cost;
- increased demands on the operating conditions.

Andrew Feofanov
recruitment specialist tool ""
ยซGiven the high cost of lithium-polymer batteries, they are of limited use, especially in premium line power. "

Which battery screwdriver for better leading manufacturers
It manufactures high quality batteries:
- InterskolShowing the best value for money. The selection can be made in favor of Ni-Cd capacity models with 1.3-2 h ยท A and 12 V, 18 V or 14.4;
Battery screwdriver Interskol
- DEWALT. US batteries manufactured in a sealed housing made of special plastic and have a high capacity. The manufacturer offers a battery of various types, including Li-Ion products at 18 with a capacity of 6 Ah;
- BOSCH. German products are of high quality workmanship. Lithium-ion batteries are manufactured according to the innovative technology that provides superior performance. Equipped with impact resistant housing and are lightweight. The special protection system prevents overheating ECP device protects against overcharging and heavy load;
- MAKITA. High-tech products of the Japanese manufacturer is presented in a large assortment. You can select the desired model type with optimal characteristics. Built-in LED indicator allows time to check battery capacity. Can be operated at temperatures up to -20 ยฐ C without loss of power. Equipped with shock-resistant and waterproof.
Battery for Makita screwdrivers charge

Guidelines for selecting the power supply for the screwdriver
So that the battery cope with the task set before him, should choose the right model. We offer to meet the basic criteria, able to sway you to the choice of this or that product.

Depending on the application,
The unequivocal answer in this case. It all depends on the purpose for which purchased screwdriver. If it will be used exclusively at home and only occasionally, you can safely purchase a model with nickel-cadmium battery. Such a battery, even during prolonged storage will be able to maintain their properties at no additional charge in the case of complete discharge.

For professional screwdrivers suitable lithium-ion batteries, allowing power to ensure continuous operation. However, in this case it is important to remember that the full discharge of such products is not allowed.

Depending on the duration of use
When choosing an appropriate model should necessarily take into account the duration of use screwdriver. Under identical indicators capacitance Cd cells have reduced weight and the number of charge-discharge cycles than lithium. First allow only 500 recharges, and the last 3 times longer.
When choosing an appropriate model should also take into account the aging of the battery. If NiCad it depends only on developed cycles, the lithium-ion battery depend on age. So after the last 5 years will lose their capacity for work, even if they have no one has ever enjoyed. Nickel-cadmium can ensure the health of screwdriver, even after long periods of inactivity.
Attention! For occasional use, buy a screwdriver with a lithium battery is not necessary.

Increase the service life of the battery: retention rules
To use the battery for a screwdriver as it should long as possible, to comply with certain rules in its storage and operation. Especially if the latter does not happen often, and after long breaks.
NiMh or NiCd must be stored in a fully charged state. Availability memory effect may result in incomplete generation of charge during subsequent recharging. The lithium ion battery type to be recharged by about half. To do this, they should be removed from the charging approximately 65-70% of the time fully charged.
Repair of power screwdriver with their hands
If the battery is poorly charged screwdriver and does not want to hold a charge, do not rush for the new. Perhaps the relatively simple repairs will correct the situation. We offer to find out what you can do in a given situation, because of a new battery you will have to pay almost half the cost of the screwdriver.

Prior to the beginning of repair, establish the cause of the fault battery screwdriver. Most often, incorrect operation may be due to:
- natural aging;
- damage to the contacts;
- disorders cans integrity due to mechanical impact;
- loss of capacity due to improper use.
To carry out diagnostic work battery screwdriver disassemble and inspect solder joints. We see that there is no mechanical damage of all battery cells. To control the technical characteristics of the product require a voltmeter or multimeter. With it, the total voltage is controlled. According to its value can be judged on natural aging and degradation of the elements as well as failure of the charger.

If the result of the testing, it was found that the cause of incorrect operation is the battery memory effect, you can try to recover its performance. For this purpose we use a special charger, allows you to set the voltage at which charge-discharge will be carried out.
To recover the battery voltage Asking 2-3 times less than that indicated on the battery charger. Charging and discharging element several times. This maneuver can often restore the battery performance screwdriver.

Making sure that the battery failure and the inability to restore it, you can begin to change. This is done in the following sequence:
Illustration | Description of the action |
![]() | To gain access to the battery, disassemble the cabinet. To do this, remove the four screws. |
![]() | We take out the battery case and inspect them carefully. The elements must not have visible damage. |
![]() | From each element disconnect metal plate, which is provided via a series connection of them. If new plates are not available, work should be with caution. |
![]() | Take the new battery. Zaluzhovyvaem contacts connecting plates. Apply a little flux to the contact of the battery. Solder plate to the battery. |
![]() | Solder the new battery, guided by the scheme, which was used by the manufacturer at the factory. |
![]() | Wipe all contacts with alcohol or solvent to completely erase flux. Put soldered elements into the housing. Twists the screws. |
![]() | Check the battery health for screwdriver with a multimeter. |
How to replace the battery in the battery can be seen in the following video:
The procedure of manufacturing a battery charger for the battery screwdriver: video instruction
If it is not possible to confirm their fault after checking the battery, check the battery. Perhaps it needs to be repaired. How to Repair the power supply for charging screwdriver can be seen in the following video:
If the charger can not be repaired for a screwdriver or simply lost, watch the following video. It will help to understand the procedure for its manufacture with their own hands and find an optimal solution:
Share in the comments what your screwdriver, and how you are using the battery.