The best chain saw by customer feedback

Chain saws have a number of advantages, compared to equipment running on gasoline. Electric saws are connected to the network, which is in every house, their content is cleaner, and the productivity from work is high. There are several types of this power tool, designed for professional use, as well as for periodic work in the yard and at the cottage. But on the package this information is not written, therefore, having studied this article, you can begin to better understand what kind of chain saws exist, and save some of the money buying such a tool for personal needs. Those who are looking for a powerful electric saw for professional work will learn to distinguish low-performance models and will be able to choose the best option with a good

package. Contents:

  1. Chain electric saw of which company choose
  2. The best professional chain saws
  3. The best chain saws for home and dachas
  4. What chain saws to buy

Chain saw of which firm to choose

The modern market is filled with a variety of electric tool products. The cost of some models can be several times higher than the price of others. This is affected by the configuration of the electric saw and the name of its manufacturer.

Among the industry leaders are the following companies:

1. Bosch

2. Makita

3. Stihl

4. Skil

5. Energomash

Bosch has proven itself with its packaging and construction equipment. German quality always remains one of the highest. Such a tool is one of the most expensive in stores.

Its direct competitor is the Japanese corporation Makita, which specializes in a professional power tool. The price indicators of the cost of the products they have about the same, so when choosing should be guided by the characteristics of the goods.

Stihl operates in more than 160 countries. The brand belongs to a line of German manufacturers and specializes in garden machinery and tools for construction.

Less known than the previous, but not less quality equipment is the company Skil. This, once a separate enterprise, which in 1996 was absorbed by Bosch, and producing products of a separate name, is included in the general line of the world's German brand.

An alternative to imported products is the Russian plant Energomash, specializing in machine tools and small electric tools. The price of electric domestic production is much more attractive than foreign, and in terms of capacity there are various options.

The best professional chain saws

To use the power tool for a long time, it is important to choose the correct power of the power unit and specifications. With regard to chain electropliers, there is a standard - the power of 1900-2000 W refers them to the category of professional equipment. Below are the best models from user reviews.

Bosch AKE 40-19S - quality and elegance

The model features a powerful engine in 1900 watts. This is enough for full-time work throughout the day. The design stands out with a comfortable grip for the right hand and a two-step handle on the left. A 400 mm long tire allows the cutting of thick logs and massive boughs.

Work can be done at a high speed circuit, which is 12 meters per second. Due to such speed, the moving part of the tool does not get stuck in the tree. In the case of re-stretching the cutting blade, or its replacement, no additional equipment is required. All manipulations are performed by a clamp located on the right side of the body.

The electric saw has the ability to change the tire and the installation is longer. This is especially convenient on thick logs. But, despite this length, the tool can produce precise cuts, because the thickness of the link is only 1.1 mm.


  • powerful engine;
  • convenient maintenance by stretching and changing the chain;
  • high productivity due to the speed of the blade;
  • precision cutting;
  • instant chain stop thanks to the coast brake;
  • comfortable handles;
  • is not noisy;
  • can work on the entire depth of the bus;
  • automatic sheet lubrication.


  • thin tire, which is easy to bend when biting;
  • high cost;
  • is difficult to pick up a new chain except the original one.

Stihl MSE 230 - power and speed

Stand out against the background of the other models very powerful motor. Its performance is 2300 watts. Compared with the rest of the tool of the same series, even the Makita brand, this undeniable leader. Despite the strengths, the developers managed to maintain a relatively lightweight construction of 4.8 kg. This helps to work for eight hours without excessive overloading for the hands.

The pitch of the chain is in the professional standard - 3/8 inches. The vibration is felt decent, but this is compensated by the speed of the cut and the ability to make more rest breaks for hands.


  • super powerful motor;
  • bus change if necessary to a long one;
  • brake for instant stop;
  • rubberized handle;
  • extended cord 4 meters;
  • is relatively light weight.


  • you can feel strong nasal bounces, so you need to hold the instrument tightly in your hands;
  • one position for holding with your right hand;
  • high price.

Skil 0708 RA - Compact and Convenient

A good compromise between cost and performance is the Skil product. The second line from the world famous Bosch is distinguished by affordable prices and powerful motors. In this model, the rotation of the circuit provides an engine of 2000 watts. The tire is slightly shorter than the more expensive saws, and is 35 cm.

The unit is distinguished by its economical consumption of oil, where about 1 liter accounts for about 150 sawn logs for building a frame house. The model has a compact body without cracks, and good bumpers on both handles for protection.


  • powerful model, surpassing the performance of more expensive saws;
  • low cost;
  • chain brake;
  • automatic lubrication;
  • rubber cord that does not freeze in frost;
  • chain adjustment without tools;
  • economical oil consumption;
  • rugged and compact body;
  • easy chain replacement.


  • shortened bus;
  • leaking oil in a suspended state;
  • requires a minimum idling time to lubricate the circuit;
  • no oil quantity adjustment.

Interskol PC-16 / 2000T - a worthy domestic analogue

Against the backdrop of foreign products, there are quality models of Russian production. Interskol PC-16/2000 is a professional chain electric saw with a motor power of 2000W.The standard length of the bus in 40 cm allows you to perform all kinds of work with the tool.

The model is characterized by a smooth start, which helps to keep it in hand when starting work. In case of prevention of unauthorized start-up, electronic motor protection is provided. In addition to stopping the circuit itself, the braking of the power unit is also included, which gives an instant result and excludes injuries.


  • convenient straight design;
  • functional ring handle under the left hand;
  • engine protection against accidental starting;
  • engine brake;
  • thoughtful balance;
  • soft start;
  • is relatively inexpensive for professional equipment.


  • chain tensioning with key only;
  • weight of 6 kg, from which the hands get tired faster;
  • weak point - oil pump, which may have to be repaired;
  • drum cap easily flies.

The best chain saws for home and dachas

In addition to professional high-performance equipment, there are saws for infrequent use. They are convenient for working in the garden or preparing firewood for the winter. Models differ less powerful, but economical on electric motors. There are different parameters of tires and chains. Here are the best representatives of this market segment by user version.

Makita UC3520A - saw for all types of work

One of the most popular representatives of the non-professional type of power saw is this tool. The 1800 W motor allows you to work for a long time. The pitch of the chain is installed both on professional equipment in 3/8 inches, so the unit is very productive.

The factory tire is 35 cm, which is a bit inconvenient for sawing thick logs, and this has to be done in two steps( one on each side).But there is a possibility of changing the tire by 40 cm. The engine stop after releasing the button is 1 second. Advantages:

  • very light weight of 4.4 kg, which is convenient for long work;The
  • is a fairly powerful engine in 1800 watts;
  • quiet motion;
  • possibility to put chains from other manufacturers;
  • emergency brake;
  • easy adjustment of tension;
  • ergonomic design;
  • direct torque transmission.


  • high cost, despite the unprofessional purpose;
  • there are oil pump breakages;
  • leaking oil from the barrel;
  • is a relatively large oil consumption.

Bosch AKE 30 S - serious device for giving

This model has similar characteristics from the previous one, but it wins in value. The German analog is powered by a 1800W motor. The electric saw differs especially light weight in 3,9 kg that is convenient both for work, and for transfer of the equipment on a summer residence, at use of the extender.

The chrome-plated chain is particularly strong and lasting for a long time. The web tension is carried out without an additional tool. The weak point is the length of the tire at 30 cm, which makes sawing of thick logs a two-way process.


  • power in 1800 W;
  • low cost for the German brand;
  • circuit cover;
  • is very light;
  • emergency stop for unforeseen situations;
  • protection against involuntary activation;
  • quiet operation;
  • does not break from the hands at start;
  • economical oil consumption;
  • quick change of linen.


  • short tire at 30 cm;
  • the injector is clogged with sawdust and gives an oil leak;
  • not very tight case assembly;
  • there is no asterisk on the front.

Energomash PC-99160 - little helper

Along with the famous models there is a simple electric saw for a summer residence - Energomash PC-99160.The tool is affordable, so it is often bought by private house owners. The rotation of the circuit provides the motor with 1600 Watt. This is less than the apparatus described above, but it is enough for everyday work in the yard.

The saw has an even smaller weight of 2.9 kg and a short tire of 30 cm. But, like the professional models, it has a chain pitch of 3/8 inches. The cloth is smeared automatically, and its stop is effected by a thoughtful brake.


  • is very light;
  • is the most affordable price in this hardware section;
  • economical oil consumption;
  • very quiet operation;
  • no oil leakage during storage;
  • possibility to replace the circuit from another manufacturer;
  • saws slower than expensive models, but confidently;
  • can be operated even with one hand;
  • engine is not heated.


  • awkward stretch mechanism;
  • short cord for the network( 25 cm);
  • quickly stretches the original circuit.

Which chain saw to buy

Choosing from a wide variety of electropliers, you can pay attention to several important factors:

1. For small wooden beams. If the logs are 25 cm in diameter, then the models with a 30 cm bus are suitable. Here you can save and purchase Bosch AKE 30 S. For infrequent applications, Energomash PC 99160 is also suitable.

2. For large logs. Trunks 35 cm or more in diameter it is desirable to saw at one time from one side. This will help to quickly perform the work and have smooth cuts. Here the key role is played by the length of the tire, which should be 40-45 cm. It is optimal to use Makita UC3520A or Bosch AKE 4019S.

3. For daily long-term use of the tool, the appropriate power is needed. Therefore, for regular work on sawing firewood or building houses Stihl MSE 230 or Interskol PC-16 / 2000T is suitable.

4. For seasonal blanks, it is better not to overpay and stay on the Bosch AKE 30S or Energomash PC 99160.