- Appearance and habitat
- Do I have to fight these beetles?
- Get rid of the two-way:
- Folk methods
- Prevention
Some insects do not like to live in the open air, so they penetrate into the human dwelling, because life is much more comfortable there. Many met with a long nasty insect, called a twig. Let's see if it's possible to drive her out of the house. Tips on how to recognize such a pest and how to get rid of a tWiad in a private home, you will find in this article.
to content ↑Appearance and habitat
The length of the twig is from 2 to 5 cm. The characteristic difference is two long processes located behind. Because of the similarity of the processes with the forked tail, the insect got its name.
Important! Sometimes it is also called a vilochail.
Two-tailed dweller can run into the dwelling on his own, or you can bring it with a bouquet of flowers, fruits or vegetables. Dwells in the driest and coolest places:
- Bathroom;
- Storage room;
- Kitchen.
Important! Despite the presence of a sting, the twig is not a poisonous insect. She uses a sting to grab smaller insects.
to the contents ↑Is it necessary to fight these beetles?
Why is it so important to know how to get rid of the two-way? It seems that these insects are harmless enough, but in reality they damage more cockroaches: they eat bread crumbs, vegetables, house plants, and at the same time multiply very fast.
to the contents ↑Get rid of the two-way:
- As a means of the two-part can be used "Dichlorvos".
Important! Before processing, pets are removed from the room, if there is an aquarium - it is covered tightly.
Processing starts from the basement, special attention should be paid to the cracks and cracks. After spraying the product, the dwelling closes tightly for three to seven hours, then it is thoroughly ventilated.
- Chalk from cockroaches or gel. Perimetre cover the habitat of insects.
Important! Do not forget to update the layer of such tools.
- Tablets from flies that can be inserted into the fumigator. The reaction in the twenties is the same as in the flies: they die after some time.
- "Tiuri" in powder form is scattered along the plinth. This remedy is very effective, as it leads to the death of insects in the shortest possible time.
Important! Applying any chemical means, be sure to protect all residents of your home, including animals. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's recommended instructions, since at the heart of any such means are mainly powerful insecticides.
to content ↑Popular methods of
Before you can get rid of a two-tailed house in the house with the help of special tools, you can try to deduce them using the following methods:
- These insects really like the moisture, they can be caught on it. The house is cleaned, and then damp rags or newspapers are laid out. After a while they will gather insects, which can be thrown together with the trap. Thus, the population decreases significantly, and then completely disappears.
- You can prepare a wonderful folk remedy from onions and garlic. The mixture is composed of juice of onion and garlic and five parts of water. The resulting liquid is poured into the nebulizer, from which all rooms are sprayed. Insects disappear after a couple of days, but the smell will last a little longer.
- And how to get rid of a two-tier in a private house? For this, boric acid is used. The boiled egg yolk and 50 g of the mixture are mixed, the balls are formed from the mixture. They need to be decomposed in places where insects are found most often. Having dined with such a treat, the vylochails perish after a couple of hours.
- You can prepare a decoction of wormwood and tansy. A liter of water will need 2 tbsp.l.mixture. The resulting broth is used for washing the floor, processing walls and window sills. The procedure is repeated in a week.
Important! Also used is a solution of wormwood, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. It is sprayed through the rooms. Just be very careful when using this remedy, since in a large concentration its vapors can be harmful to human health.
to the contents ↑Prevention
It is easier to prevent the appearance of insects in the house than to fight them later. What can be done in this case:
- Premises need to be ventilated constantly to avoid high humidity levels;
- The mesh is attached to the ventilation holes;
- All slots need to be covered;
- Moisture that appears on surfaces must be wiped immediately;
- Do not dry laundry indoors.
Now you know who such a tadpole is and how to get rid of it if it decides to settle in your house. Be diligent in your desire and struggle against insects, so that in an apartment or a private house it was always comfortable and pleasant to be.