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The size -- --;

Age Adult;

Floor Female;

Compound Leather;

Colour Green, Brown, Black;

The size -- --;

Age Adult;

Floor Male;

Compound 100% Cowhide;

Colour Green, Blue, Black;

The size -- --;

Age Adult;

Floor Male;

Compound 69% PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), 17% Polyester, 13% Cotton, 1% Polyurethane;

Colour Blue, Black;

The size -- --;

Age Adult;

Floor Female;

Compound 100% Cowhide;

Colour Brown, Pink, Blue;

The size -- --;

Age Adult;

Floor Male;

Compound 69% PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), 17% Polyester, 13% Cotton, 1% Polyurethane;

Colour Blue, Black;

The size -- --;

Age Adult;

Floor Male;

Compound 100% Cowhide;

Colour Green, Brown, Blue, Black;

The size -- --;

Age Adult;

Floor Female;

Compound Leather;

Colour Brown, Red, Blue;

The size -- --;

Age Adult;

Floor Female;

Compound 67% PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), 17% Polyester, 14% Cotton, 2% Polyurethane;

Colour White;

The size -- --;

Age Adult;

Floor Female;

Compound 70% PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), 17% Polyester, 13% Cotton;

Colour Brown;

The size -- --;

Age Adult;

Floor Female;

Compound Leather;

Colour Green, Blue, Purple;

The size -- --;

Age Adult;

Floor Female;

Compound 67% PVC (Polyvinyl Chloride), 17% Polyester, 14% Cotton, 2% Polyurethane;

Colour White;