It is difficult to find someone in this country who would not love to eat pancakes. However, not all housewives love to cook them, because sometimes it takes a lot of time and nerves, because, as you know, the first pancake is often turns lumpy. In order to avoid such problems, and the baking process is fun, it has recently invented electric crepe maker.
Among the many models it becomes quite popular dip pancake, characterized by its simplicity and unusual appearance.
- 1 Benefits elektroblinnitsy before frying pan
- 2 Characteristics of electronic Crepes
- 2.1 Power
- 2.2 Plane models and devices with recesses
- 2.3 The size
- 2.4 Coating
- 2.5 The presence of a temperature sensor
- 2.6 Presence timer
- 2.7 legs
- 2.8 Surface
- 3 Variety of kitchen helpers
- 3.1 Schematic crepe gated (immersion)
- 3.2 Stationary pancake with lid
- 3.3 flat pancake
- 3.4 Pancake with recesses
- 3.5 automatic pancake maker
- 4 Features selection of homemade pancake makers
- 5 User's manual
- 6 Several popular devices
- 6.1 Tefal
- 6.2 Delimano Pancake Master
- 6.3 Severin
Benefits elektroblinnitsy before frying pan
Not fully determine whether elektroblinnitsa need in your kitchen, you need to consider a number of its positive properties:
- By arranging the heating device directly inside the device, pancake is always propechetsya evenly. It will never be dark and light spots, dry or burnt edges.
- Process of cooking is fast, does not require special skills. The main condition - to follow the instructions and follow safety rules.
- Thanks to its small size can work anywhere, if electricity is nearby. This makes it possible to cook at home, to carry the device to the country, to make the street during a picnic, and take with you while on vacation.
- Thanks to the regulator, exposing the desired surface temperature warming, pancakes can get soft, prizharennye-dried. This makes it possible to take into account the tastes of all family members.
- The presence of the non-stick coating makes healthy meals, because during cooking, do not use oil.
- A large number of models allows you to choose the pancake maker that is right for you.
- Possibility to cook at one time just a few pancakes.
- Some electric pancake makers are equipped with a lid, which further speeds up the cooking.
- Allows bake pancakes round, square and rectangular shapes.
Despite all the advantages, we should not lose sight of some of the drawbacks of the household appliance:
- Some models take up a lot of space in the kitchen.
- It is not always convenient to wash.
- Devices equipped with several compartments for pancakes, have considerable weight, which complicates the process of transporting
- Due to the fact that it is an electrical appliance, it may break.
- When planning to buy the dip elektroblinnitsu, you should try, because it is on sale quite rare.
- During use, pancake makers with a lid during cooking is often a problem of excessive squeezing the dough, resulting in contamination of the entire device.
Characteristics of electronic Crepes
If you plan to choose a quality crepe maker, you need to pay attention to the main technical characteristics of the device.
It depends on how many pancakes you can bake on it, and they will be of diameter. So pancake with four recesses consumes 800 watts of power, and 6, this figure rises to 1,200 W. If the model has no recesses, it will consume less energy.
Plane models and devices with recesses
Characterized by the fact that the first bake only one large pancake, and the latter may have several recesses. Additional comfort are devices equipped with removable panels, which involve the preparation of two, four or six pancakes.
The size
With a variety of pancake you can choose large or small model, which depends on the size of the kitchen and the free space on it.
It must be non-stick, because only in that case will be able to cook low-calorie, healthy dish, which will never be burnt.
The presence of a temperature sensor
It determines the degree of surface heating which avoids scorching.
Presence timer
He turns off the unit when the pancake is ready. It is found rarely. It presents only on more expensive models.
Feet should be equipped with rubber pads that avoids slip Crepes on a table surface during cooking.
The work surface may be made of steel, aluminum, cast iron and ceramic. Depending on the material, the device has a different shelf life and quality of the finished product.
Variety of kitchen helpers
Today in supermarkets can be found several species elektroblinnits.
Schematic crepe gated (immersion)

It is a wireless device. Due to its appearance resembles a frying pan, in which there is no skirting. Its principle of operation is to lower it a few seconds in the dough after the convex side of the heat. Waiting for the dough sticking to the heated surface, the device is quickly turned over and wait until the pancake fry on one side, then turn over and bake for another few seconds. It is on this wireless device fails to prepare the thinnest pancake.
Stationary pancake with lid
It resembles a waffle iron, which has double circular heating surface. After pouring dough in the recess, the top cover is lowered. Due to this pancake obtained immediately bilateral and cooking process takes about 30 seconds. With such a device in the house in a short time manages to cook a huge number of pancakes. The disadvantage of this device with the cover is just what you need to adapt to pour into the recess as the test that it is not squeezed out, and it was enough. Otherwise pancake is not circular, and bake an irregular shape.
flat pancake
Suitable for lovers of big pancakes. Sometimes bundled with it are molds that allow you to bake a pancake in the form of different characters and animals. The disadvantage is that such a device does not have a temperature sensor. In addition, paying attention to the reviews, a pancake need to learn to use, because often the dough flows over the edge. To attempt did not get different thicknesses, it has to evenly distribute the weight of the heated surface.
Pancake with recesses
It is designed to be to make several pancakes. The more there are, the greater the size of the device and its power. In such devices there is always a temperature sensor. There are also non-standard models, in which the recess may resemble face emoticon.
automatic pancake maker
It is a device for cooking food with little or no human assistance. A unique instrument that has only two drawbacks: large size and high cost.
Features selection of homemade pancake makers
Before buying a professional crepe maker, you need to consider a number of factors:
- What is the length of the cord.
- For how many people will need to cook pancakes. Perhaps you should think about purchasing interchangeable panels with a large number of recesses.
- Availability in a pleasing scoop device, whose volume is already calculated for a pancake. This will avoid the transfusion test or in insufficient quantities on the surface.
- Is there a set of special blades. They will not damage the device and will be able to extend the term of its operation.
- Manufacturers should be well known to provide quality products and the possibility of obtaining it guarantees.
- Appearance of the device must not have visible damage.
User's manual
Considered use electrical appliance is very simple:
- Turn on the device in the socket and wait for heating the frying surface.
- When the indicator changes color, pour in the required number of test recess.
- If there is a cap, flip the pancake is not necessary. If not, then you need to use a spatula and flip the dough.
- After cooking the pancake coat with butter and sprinkled with sugar or wrapped in it some stuffing.
Several popular devices
Tefal company devices popular with consumers because they have a different shape of work surface coated with non-stick layer. There is a timer, a shovel and an indicator indicating the heating pancake makers. Power varies between 900-1150 watts.
Among the shortcomings can be noted that the large devices occupy a lot of space in the kitchen and have a considerable weight.
Delimano Pancake Master
Delimano Pancake Master - this dip crepe maker, whose power is in the range of 800 watts. Surface protected by a covering, detachable power cord, a timer, a shovel, a ladle and a container for test. The downside is that once you can bake only one pancake. In addition, this model is difficult to find for sale.
Crepes Severin have a lid that allows you to prepare a dish very quickly and evenly. Are round and rectangular shape. Power ranges from 900 to 1150 watts. Only drawback is the weight of the unit and care during pouring the dough to prevent it from excess.
Purchase of electric pancake makers - the right decision, because you can always have a delicious, low-fat pancakes, which will be useful for children and adults. In minutes, you'll get an amazing meal, saving electricity and a lot of time.