coffee lover makes creating and fragrant drink consumption in a kind of ritual. Coffee machines are not acquired for accelerating awakening, and increasing the amount of beverage recipes. The variety and the degree of roasting coffee for espresso machine is very important. Picking the correct ratio of grains of different varieties you can get a high foam, wonderful aroma and unique flavor.
Ground coffee is only 10 minutes retains its flavor and starts to lose it. Coffee in whole grains retains all the qualities of the same year and longer if stored properly. With a large number of varieties on the packs as part of the coffee you can see the 3 varieties:
Each of them has its own features and popularity.

Elongated grains with a smooth flat sides with the notch. The aroma is weak, whipped foam bad, but the taste of a pronounced and rich, has many shades. low caffeine content. grain density depends on the height of the coffee growing trees. The higher located plantations, the denser the bone coffee berries.
Gourmets prefer monosorta - coffee beans grown in certain areas. They have a delicate flavor of flowers, cocoa, chocolate and others. At the Arabica flavor depends on the growing area. Such as "Monsoon Malabar" has almost no acidity.
It felt weak acidity and coffee beans grown in Cuba and the Dominican Republic. She felt most strongly in the Arabica from Mexico, Ethiopia and Kenya. Brazilian varieties have a taste of nuts. Coffee from Uganda and Guatemala with chocolate flavor.

In Robusta beans are smaller, more elongated. Grains contain caffeine in 2 times more than the Arabica coffee from them bitter. Robusta necessarily added to coffee for all coffee machines to get high foam cream and flavor.

Liberica contains almost no caffeine. Grain is almost 2 times longer than Arabica to 4 cm in length and 1.5 cm in width. The drink turns bitter and watery. Aroma surpasses all known varieties. Trees varieties Liberica north of the equator, reaching a height of 16-18 meters, and only 2% of the soil is suitable for them. Roasted coffee beans for export is not sent. It is drunk mainly locals use confectioners. In mixed formulations Liberica coffee is used as an additive. A small amount of seeds, gives a strong flavor.
Suitable for coffee Arabica coffee with the addition of 10-30% of Robusta. This is enough to produce a good foam, strong aroma and mild bitterness.
The degree of roasting beans
The degree of roasting depends on taste. The lower the treatment temperature, the more sour, less bitterness and vice versa. On the pack you can see the 3 degrees of roasting:
- bright
- average,
- dark.
In fact a lot more options. Dark French and Italian roast imparts grains chocolate color and an oily sheen. Spanish and Cuban manufacturers treated grains at a temperature of 250 ° C and they resemble embers. Acidity and other molasses taste this coffee is not only bitterness and strength.

The most common roasting - the average Viennese. The treatment temperature is 225-230 ° C. Grains fried at a temperature more suitable for other coffee machines and popular among coffee drinkers. The taste is sour balance and bitterness, rich with a variety of shades. The drink is quite strong.
All the nuances monosorta revealed when light roasting. It has several options from different manufacturers. popularity rating is headed:
- American - 210-220 ° C;
- Scandinavian roasting - 200-210 ° C.
US light roasting is suitable for coffee, especially to fans of the drink sour. Scandinavian processing not popular, strong acidic taste, especially in the preparation of espresso.
When buying coffee beans should pay attention to the integrity of the grain, the lack of chips. The color must be uniform.
Substandard products often mask the dark roast: different size and shape of grain, without shine, with chipped and uneven grooves.
The packaging should have a one-way valve that allows gas to go out and do not miss the air pack.
Ground or beans
Coffee makers are working on the ground coffee, coffee machines and some models can be loaded and raw grains, and milled. Some prefer and why.
Coffee after roasting, even high-quality packaging retains aroma and taste with all the shades of an average of 2-3 weeks. A month later, he begins to lose flavor. In 4-5 months lain coffee coffee lover will hear some tastes. After 10 months of strong coffee will lose the taste. After a year, you can only hope that not weathered caffeine cheer. Treats such Coffee does not deliver, even if he or freshly ground beans.
The advantage in grinding the coffee machines grains immediately before preparing the beverage. Therefore, preference should be given grains. Use coffee grounds may be, it is only necessary to look at the instructions on the unit, which varieties are preferable.

Featured manufacturers
The greatest amount of coffee imported from Brazil. Colombia and Mexico deliver affordable and high-quality grain. Products from Hawaii differs delicate taste, aroma, has a high cost.
What type and grade of coffee for your equipment Drinks, written in the instructions to the unit. The most popular varieties:
- Italkafe,
- Musetti,
- Malongo,
- Wintergreen,
- bristol,
- LavAzza.
Positive feedback about these sorts of owners carob coffee makers and coffee machines with complex Cappuccino.

Available to all types of coffee machines, including the capsule. Available there is cereal, including green. The bulk of production - pre-ground coffee. produced mainly middle Vienna and dark Italian roast.
Musetti trading house based in northern Italy. Currently produced Viennese roast coffee beans of different grinding value. Musetti products are suitable for all types of coffee machines.
French coffee, arabica 100%. Most of the species constitute monosorta. Italian roast. Ground is the largest part of the vast choice of coffee. Grain harvested on plantations in different countries and continents. Suitable for coffee.
Popular with fans of cheap drinks. It sold mainly through online stores and specialty tea houses and coffee Wintergreen. Rather, additional products to a variety of teas, suitable for brewing in the Turks and drip coffee maker.
A mixture of Arabica and Robusta. Large selection of different grain roast and ground with varying degrees of grinding are used for preparing cappuccino. You can find a suitable for different types of coffee machines and cars.
Italian LavAzza has the composition: pure Arabica and Robusta blend with up to 70% of the latter. A wide selection of different types of machines, there is a grain cappuccino and espresso.
How do you know whether the selected type of coffee is suitable for your device
Is determined with a suitable coffee its freeness and roasted whole beans can experimental method. If you use pre-ground raw material should not take the dust and coarser. They are not suitable for coffee machines.
If the stream is flowing weak coffee and a fine is appropriate, scores funnel. Too oily grain used in coffee machines is impossible, the more flavored, flavored.
Grains should be the same size. The degree of roasting to espresso and light average. Cappuccino get better with strong roasting with the addition of the Robusta.
If you are using a certain type of coffee he obtained enough delicious and aromatic, or problems in the operation of the machine, it is not suitable for this coffee machine.

Tips for Choosing
Having bought a new coffee machine, the first thing the owner is determined with the capabilities of the unit, the number of prescriptions. It is important to immediately find the best type of meals and type of coffee.
- Read the instructions, which grades the degree of roasting and grinding size recommended for the machine.
- If desired, experiment and create new tastes to buy 100 grams of grain varieties that are listed in the instructions and several with similar characteristics.
- To try and monitor the status of the espresso machine.
For ceramic millstones are not suitable solid grains. Desirably refuse dark coffee roasting and high, especially with the addition Liberica.
Shiny grains contain lots of oils that accumulate at the mill, scoring them. When a metal grinder they should not be used.
We must make sure that grains were well dried. From the mill moisture is formed on the corrosion. It destroys them and into the minced raw materials.
5 best companies of ground coffee and coffee beans
Roasted coffee beans for the coffee machine has the following rating by guests and customers.

TastyCoffee Monosort for gourmets, connoisseurs of taste with a wide palette of fans and coffee beverage with weak acidity and slight bitterness. It has a medium roast. Suitable for coffee.

Italian Carraro beans you can buy decaf brewing in Turku. Neutral grain suitable for coffee makers and machines. It has varying degrees of roasting. Ground is available in tin packaging that guarantees the preservation of aroma and flavor.
julius Meinl

Australian Julius Meinl Vienna roasting Robusta and Arabica beans provide excellent acidity and the presence of foam. Suitable for all types of machines.

Brand Jardin popular among fans is not very expensive drink. The list of varieties can be found 5 types of roasting. There is a grain and ground.

LavAzza brand is well known to fans of all kinds of coffee beverage. It is possible to select any composition from 100% to 70% Arabica Robusta. Feedback from customers, LavAzza best. Each selects for himself or ground grain. Good brewed in Turku, and coffee machine. The cost of the average, high quality.
Great selection of coffee. The best option for the owner of the coffee machine - to choose varieties of grains, suitable for assembly and one to create recipes to your taste.