In these places, despite the average annual minus temperature and record frosts in winter, SARS is very rare. Viruses and bacteria do not get along here, but people feel good. The list of the top 10 coldest cities in the world included simultaneously 5 Russian cities, excluding Fr. Svalbard, as well as the domestic research station in Antarctica. What confirms - Russia is the coldest country on the planet.
Station "East" - a city of polar explorers and penguins
Absolute maximum: -14С in January, minimum: -90С in July.
An intercontinental arctic station that has existed since 1957.The place is a small town consisting of several complexes, including residential and research modules, as well as technological buildings.
Arriving here, a person begins to die, everything contributes to this: temperature up to -90С, low concentration of oxygen, continuous snow whiteness causes blindness. Here you can not make sudden movements, experience prolonged physical activity - all this can lead to pulmonary edema, death, guaranteed to a loss of consciousness. When the Arctic winter comes, the temperature drops below -80C, under such conditions, gasoline condenses, diesel fuel crystallizes and turns into a paste, human skin dies in a matter of minutes.
Oymyakon - the coldest place of settlement on the planet
Absolute minimum: -78С, maximum: + 30С.
A small settlement located in Yakutia is considered one of the "poles of cold" of the planet. This place is recognized as the most severe on Earth, in which a resident population lives. In total, about 500 people took root in Oymyakon. The sharp continental climate is characterized by hot summers and extremely cold winters, which are remotely remotely from the warming oceans. Also Oymyakon is notable for the fact that the difference in maximum temperatures, - and +, is more than one hundred degrees. Despite its administrative status - the village, the place is included in the world ratings of the coldest cities in the world. On the whole Oymyakon there is one shop, a school, a boiler room, a gas station. People survive at the expense of cattle breeding.
Verkhoyansk - the most northern city of Yakutia
Absolute minimum: -68С, maximum: + 38С.
Verkhoyansk is recognized as another "pole of the cold" and constantly competes with Oimyakon for this title, the competition sometimes comes to an exchange of accusations and insults. In summer, dry heat can dramatically change to zero or negative temperature. Winter is windy and very long.
No asphalt coatings, they just can not stand the difference in temperature. The population is 1200 people. People are engaged in reindeer herding, cattle breeding, there is a forestry, there is a tourist orientation in the local economy. In the city there are two schools, a hotel, a local history museum, a weather station, shops. The young generation is engaged in catching fish and extraction of mammoth bone and tusks.
Yakutsk - the coldest large city on Earth
Absolute minimum: -65, maximum: + 38С.
The capital of the Republic of Sakha is located at the foot of the Lena River. Yakutsk is the only major city in the ranking of the coldest cities in the world where you can pay with a bank card, go to a SPA, a restaurant with Japanese, Chinese, European, any cuisine. The population is 300 thousand people. It employs about fifty schools, several higher educational institutions, theaters, opera, circus, an unlimited number of museums, a well-developed small and medium industry.
Also this is the only settlement in the rating, to which asphalt is laid. In the summer and in the spring, when the ice melts, the roads flood, solid channels like Venetian are formed. In these parts, up to 30% of the world's diamond reserves are concentrated, almost half of the RF gold is mined. In winter it is very difficult to bring a car in Yakutsk, it is necessary to heat the fuel line with a flame or a soldering iron. Every local person at least once in his life confused the morning with the evening and vice versa.
Norilsk is the most northern city on the planet with a population of more than 150 thousand people.
Absolute minimum: -53С, maximum: + 32С.
City-industrialist, part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Recognized as the most northern city of the planet, in which the permanent population exceeds 150 thousand people. Norilsk is included in the rating of the most polluted settlements of the Earth, which is connected with the developed metallurgical industry. In Norilsk, a state higher educational institution is open, an art gallery is open.
Guests and locals constantly face a number of problems: due to low temperatures in winter, cars are stored in heated garages or not to be jammed for long, the height of snow drifts can reach up to the 3rd floor, wind power can move cars and carry people away.
Longyearbyen - the tourist capital of the island of Barentsburg
Absolute minimum: -43C, maximum: + 21C.
This place is distant from the equator as much as the station "Vostok".Here is the most northern airport in the world with regular flights - Svalbard. Longyearbyen is the administrative unit of Norway, but visa restrictions are not valid here - the airport is marked "Eliminated from Norway".You can get by air or by sea. Longyearbyen is the northernmost settlement with a population of more than a thousand people. The city can be safely called one of the coldest in the world, but it is more than suitable for a comfortable existence, in comparison with Verkhoyansk, for example.
What is remarkable: it is forbidden to be born and die - there are no maternity homes and cemeteries. The corpses, which are most often the result of a meeting of a person with a bear, are transported to the mainland. In the city, as on the whole island of Spitsbergen, two types of transport prevail: a helicopter, a snowmobile. The main occupation of local people is coal mining in mines, sledding, skinning, research. The island is the largest on the planet storehouse of the male seed, which should save humanity in the event of a global catastrophe.
Barrow - the most northern city of the USA
Absolute minimum: -47C, maximum: + 26C.
Oilmen live here. The population of the city is 4,500 people. In the summer it is impossible to accurately foresee what will have to get to work tomorrow - on a snowmobile or car. Snow and frost can come to the region at any time and replace the warmer rare days.
Barrow is an atypical American town, everywhere there are crocheted skins on houses, large bones of sea animals on the roads. There is no asphalt. But, there is also a piece of civilization: a football field, an airfield, clothing and food stores. The city is buried in a polar melancholy and occupies the fourth place among the coldest cities on the planet.
Murmansk is the largest city built behind the North Pole.
Absolute minimum: -39C, maximum: + 33C.
Murmansk is the only hero city, located beyond the Arctic Circle. The only place in the Arctic, where more than 300 thousand people live. The whole infrastructure and economy is built around the port, one of the largest in Russia. The city is warmed by the warm current of the Gulf Stream, which comes from the Atlantic Ocean.
Local residents do not deny themselves anything, here and McDonalds, and Zara, and Bershka, and many other stores, including the largest Russian network supermarkets. The hotel chain is developed. The roads are mostly asphalted.
Nuuk - the administrative center of Greenland
Absolute minimum: -32С, maximum: + 26С.
From Nuuk to the Arctic Circle - 240 kilometers, but the warm ocean current warms up the local air and soil. Here live about 17 thousand people who are engaged in fishing, construction, consulting, science. Several higher educational institutions operate in the city. In order not to become depressed due to the climate, the houses are painted in different colors, gilding is often seen on the streets, municipal transport is full of bright signs. Something similar can be found in Copenhagen, which is not included in the rating of the coldest cities on Earth due to warm currents.
Ulaanbaatar - the coldest state capital on the planet
Absolute minimum: -42C, maximum: + 39C.
Ulaanbaatar is the first place in Central Asia from the list of the coldest cities in the world. The local climate is sharply continental, which is explained by the very great distance from the ocean currents. The capital of Mongolia is located much to the south of all rating representatives, except for the station "Vostok".More than 1.3 million people live here. The level of infrastructure is far ahead of the rest of Mongolia. Ulaanbaatar closes the rating of the coldest cities on the planet.